Judas, the question regarding team sports wasn't meant as an insult, it was a genuine curiousity, because if Ellis was on my team, and we wanted to be elite as a group, I'd find him quite a whiner and a downer, and just wondered if you would. Sounds like you wouldn't, which is fine. I'm sensitive to that sort of thing, I guess.
I didn't imply earning $6 Million is comparable to anyone typical, I meant that I think it would be wise for someone earning that, and having, as you clearly point out, a small window of opportunity, to not "bite the hands that are feeding them".
I think Ellis was a bit dumb because:
He stated out loud, year after year that he was likely done in Dallas, because other linebackers were drafted, or played more in preseason or given an extra blue lollypop during team meetings.
He whined about his contract over and over, and then was never quoted as saying he appreciated Jones and the Cowboys much when they at least did some renegotiating for him.
He doesn't balance (and this is a media issue too, because how much coverage do the good quotes get, I agree) his pouting and whining with positive statements or ever seem to challenge himself or the players around him to be better. In short he's paranoid, cynical, and negative, or at least comes across that way. That isn't positive leadership (again, this is just my opinion on a forum board).
He has mentioned that perhaps being elsewhere would be better often over the years, would you say this at your employer for everyone to hear? As you said, he does and has wanted out. BUT, it isn't like he says I'd like to leave and go to TEAM X because I want to win a superbowl, no he says he wants to leave because he wants more money or wants to be guaranteed a starting position. I'd rather have a guy that wants the ring after a decade in league, doesn't he have enough money by now?
I have mentioned many of Ellis's positives too.
As for being "nice" and "respectful" to posters, I too, try to do this, and I appreciate it, and my comments and questions are intended for debate not "bait", but you mentioned basically biting your tongue which seemed to indicate a nerve was struck somehow.
As for what have the Cowboys done, well, Ellis has been a Cowboy for almost the entire period they haven't done much. Mind you he complained while they were recently on the upswing and a favourite super bowl pick of many, and he still wasn't happy. 13-3 not happy. That is just his personality I guess.
Me, I prefer the Marion Barber approach, keep it quiet or don't say anything, if you can be sucked into the soap opera.
Newman has said some things, but when I dig a little and see the interviews or get the quotes, I just like his attitude a lot more, because he seems to care about winning and takes care of his own personal business in a manner I find I respect a lot more than Ellis's demeanor. Again that is all opinion.
Age is for sure a factor in this though, and I'd agree that if Ellis was 28, he would be on the team as he would still have upside or at very least would be counted on to remain consistent. He might also get less of the benefit of the doubt or the thought "that's just Ellis being paranoid again" and have his arse hauled in an office, fined, and chewed out nicely.