Would you agree that the media narrative is that they took Holder's word for it in that they were 'just arguing' and Hardy attacked her out of anger, threw her down in a tub, proceeded to punch her, slap her and strangle her? And that Holder's friend called 911 on Hardy and she was thankfully saved by the police?
If you agree and believe that, you should put the face palm on yourself because you clearly have not read anything on the case other than what the media tells you.
You do realize that in the bench trial, under North Carolina law, the defense attorneys are not allowed evidence, witness or the victim?
Or that Holder admitted to being high on coke and drunk during this incident?
Or that Hardy called 911 on *Holder* where she was heard clearly apologizing and saying she didn't want to be arrested (presumably because she hit him in the face with a high heel shoe)? Or that when the police showed up...Holder, the alleged victim, ran
away from the police until they corralled her?
Or that the DA expunged this from Hardy's record because as he said he wasn't comfortable with the contradictions in her bench trial testimony versus what she told the cops and the evidence? You do realize that there are men convicted of murder and rape that get it overturned by DNA evidence that comes out and they can't get that expunged from their record for years?
The media narrative was completely different. And that's why I used to believe that Hardy was as guilty as the day was knew. But, when Gawker posted the photos of Holder who they had claimed had been punched and slapped in the face and strangled....yet, I saw
0 punch or slap type bruising or strangulation marks and had to question what really went on and why a DA would quickly expunge this conviction from Hardy's record...especially since Hardy does not play for the Panthers anymore.
And I have yet to see these writers in the media have an answer for my questions. I've asked Diana Moskovitz politely and she refused to answer anything other than claiming I was a Cowboys homer and some '
pathetic Men's Right Activist' that will never get her to change her mind.
So your face palm makes you just like the Moskovitz's of the world...terrified to simply answer a question that goes against your preconceived belief system.