Greg Zuerlein lost this game


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Sad to see on espn, there is no tickler at the bottom of the screen, saying Greg the Leg has been released yet.


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he's why mccarthy goes for it on 4th down so much...particularly early.
zeuerlein usually misses the first xtra pt attempt or fg attempt.
can't trust him.
bring back the hallelujah chorus.


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That's one angle looking at the big picture. They had lots of time, lots, to make up that 1 point.
That possession in OT was pathetic, that's where it was lost; had the real opportunity to do so
and failed miserably. IMO.


Cowboys Diehard
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I don't remember that, but that says a lot that Jerry didn't let him take full roles.

Seems to me like Jerry's content with being rich, having all his toys to play with and doesn't bother to tend to his GM duties.
It doesn't seem overly shocking that the players would recognize that going on and get their collective morale broken. :angry:

Jerruh should have replaced Zuerlein last year and this year and neglected to do so both times. There's no excuse for that.
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Why didn't they keep the other kicker? I don't get it.

because little Greg is Fassell pet and cuddle buddy. The other kicker outperformed Greg. Greg and Fassell lost us 2 games this year; this one and Tampa. I wish we had a head coach.
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When playing a 5-5 team, it's never the kicker's fault you lose. It should never come to that. You should be outscoring them 6 pts at a time and never needing the pts by the kicker. If you think the kicker lost that game then you are an ignorant fan.


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I dont agree you dont chase that point all game..he made the rst plus whaty 2 fgs..get over it..shouldnt need 34 points to win a game its on the defense and refs period end of story..

how about the points MM didn't kick the XP and went for 2 and missed ?

blaming the kicker for this one is utterly ridiculous..
He went for 2 because someone missed a extra point. Our kicker is maybe average at best. We could do better..


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When will people learn you can't just take one play from one point in the game, change it, and just assume that everything else will play out exactly the same (except where *you* want them to change)?

You can't just take that point and plug it back in somewhere and say that was the entire difference.

It's pure foolishness.


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I needed a break halfway through just to digest all that. Their defense paired with the officials were pretty hard to overcome. Then injuries to your 1 and 2 wr can't be overlooked.

It's hard for me to place all the blame on 1 guy, even if his only job is to kick fg's. I find it hard to believe that IF we had those 4 points he left on the field, that LV and the officials wouldn't have been able to over come. Heck they prob would have just targeted A Brown again for another PI and score.


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I realize it’s a team loss and our Defense gave up way to many yards and the refs helped them. But in close games your kicker has to do his job completely. Especially the easy kicks.


Cowboys Diehard
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When playing a 5-5 team, it's never the kicker's fault you lose. It should never come to that. You should be outscoring them 6 pts at a time and never needing the pts by the kicker. If you think the kicker lost that game then you are an ignorant fan.

Perhaps you're just too insensitive and overly arrogant to think it's OK to call people ignorant . . . has that crossed your mind?
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We all knew he was going to cost a game somewhere. We win by 1 point and not OT, if he can just kick all his XPs and not force us to go for 2 twice.

But I will say this about Z, powerful leg and always seems to nail his FGs in the 4th. Can't say that about any of his replacements this last second.

I'm sure McCarthy won't hesitate to pull the trigger if he feels there is a better option. Never too late to replace a kicker.


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I have read many of the tear stained threads about this loss. I have perused the cursing, blaming, giving up, fatalistic comments by so many who want to blame everyone.

But not one whiff about the guy who actually lost the game.

Penalties? I hate them, and I think Dallas got jobbed a couple of times. The fact a defender can have his back to the QB as the ball comes in and the receiver just stops running, causing the defender to bump him, and this is a penalty, reminds me of basketball where the man with the ball leaps into the defender, pretending to take a shot, and the defender is at fault.

This rule is the same steaming pile of bull nuggets that falls from a tall bull's butt. The person initiating the contact should be the aggressor. This is the league thinking high scoring games are all the fans want, ignoring the fans want a game called fairly, and the rule not favor one side more than the other.

But that did not lose this game.

The replacements for two pro bowl receivers showed why these guys are not ready for prime time. No team respects them, because they need the real playmakers on the field so these guys can somewhat shine and get open.

But they did not lose the game.

Regardless of what you think about Dak, he has to have a somewhat clean pocket, and not those beasts crashing through the line like it was tissue paper. One play in the fourth quarter, Martin pulled out and headed to the second level as the line moved left. Collins was left on a island with two defenders. He took the one on his right. The tackle for the Raiders rans right at Dak who had to throw before he was ready. He couldn't get enough on it from huis back foot. Being rushed and throwing before he was ready happened all day. And even then he brought the team back to force an overtime.

But Dak did not lose this game.

Taking the point off the scoreboard and going for two was a great play by the linebacker. When they do something like this and it works, I don't see many here complaining about that. And even Romo said the play was one they felt would work. But sometimes the other team just makes a play.

Yet that decision did not lose this game.

This was not poor time management by McCarthy. Fact is, he played the last two minutes or so of regulation exactly the way they should have. The defense made a play and the offense drove to tie. That seems to be ignored by most here.

But McCarthy did not lose this game.

This comes down to Greg Offline and the points he missed. He has shown he cannot be trusted. This was not a windy field where the ball sails. This was bad kicks.

But even then, if you know your dog has fleas, you can't blame your dog. You blame the person who didn't take care of the dog. The one who didn't get rid of the problem.

So in a way, Greg Offline did not lose this game.

This comes down to Jerry Jones, Stephen Jones, and the front office.

I can't imagine there is one fan on this board, or one MOD, or one Admin, or even the trolls that come here - some swearing they are Cowboy fans but rejoice when the team loses because they think that makes their vitriol correct - not one of those guys doesn't understand Greg Offline cannot be trusted.

The front office saw in the Tampa Bay game that Greg Offline would lose for them by missing kicks. Give him an opportunity in a close game and he will lose. The Special Teams coach cannot just go out and hire a better kicker on his own. This comes down to the front office ignoring that Greg Offline will spit the bit. Shate the bed.

Every game this team faces in the NFL has a potential of the opponent winning. The Raiders have a really decent QB and evidently an offensive line that can give him time to hit his receivers. The defense played poorly, primarily because Dallas could not get a pass rush going other than The Parsonator.

I have said this for a very long time. NO pass rush, no pass defense. Nothing was more evident yesterday. And since you have a starting DT, and both starting DE's sitting in street clothes watching this game, there was nothing going, other than The Parsonator, which was going to crash through the offensive line of the Raiders.

But even that was not why the team lost.

This team lost in spite of the special teams run back. This team lost because the kicker cannot do his job.

This team lost because Jerry Jones, who thinks he is part of the coaching staff the way he gives press conferences like he wears a whistle to practice, decided to trust Greg Offline. Evidently Skeletor looked out at the team from his box, and seemed to think he knew better than what even fans on this board knew for a fact.

Get a new kicker before you close games to a guy that cannot be trusted. But he knew better, didn't he?

Jerry Jones lost this game. Jerry Jones, The Impersonator, is the reason this team lost this game.
this isnt in your title lol ??
This was a team loss, not just on the kicker or dak etc.
It starts with Jerry and his boys, and then the coaches, then the players.
Pollard played great and so did parsons,and well shultz too, but aside from them the team played poorly, and coaching was bad game mgmt was bad.

and about GZ, the ST coach wanted him over the guy we had, so he is to blame also.


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He went for 2 because someone missed a extra point. Our kicker is maybe average at best. We could do better..
that kicker who kicked nothing but xps in atl, never even kicked fg yet and hes the answer??you think street guys available now are better and really id say hes above average just not great...