News: Gregory Suspended for a year

Here is the problem I have, Le'Veon Bell missed THREE drug tests. Two because he "couldn't get to the team facility to take the test because he had surgery" and one because it was "5:37 in the morning and he was sleeping". Bell gets a three game suspension and stays at the same level in the substance abuse program. Meaning his next offense is a 10 game suspension.

Gregory misses two tests, one of which was because he was in rehab and he gets a 10 game suspension for the first test and a year banishment for the second missed test. By all accounts Bell should be Banished indefinitely if we apply the same standards that were used on Gregory as Bell has more missed tests and failed tests than Gregory.
Would the fact that Gregory tested positive at the combine matter?
I have never seen any issues with pot, I work with a bunch of people who smoke and you'd never know.
Are they high at work?

I know a guy that has some type of ADHD issue. It is very obvious that he can't focus for more than a few minutes. When he smokes weed, he is almost like a normal person.
Both Gregory's 10 game suspension and now banishment were for missed tests, not failed tests.
Why even let him play in the first place:angry:. Meanwhile nothing will happen to Michael Floyd because Goodell and Kraft are bffs.
That's your choice. Good luck ever finding a really good job.

I hope you young-uns pay close attention to this. I have fired dozens of people in my career over substance issues. Their work suffered greatly from it, and it was no surprise when they didn't pass their test. I'm not running a daycare, and I need your full ability at work. Or you're gone. Capiche? Please get out of your own way in life.

This is why I think the NFL should leave it up to the team. If a team thinks their player's performance is being hampered and it's hurting the team, then they discipline him. The league shouldn't really care.
I have never seen any issues with pot, I work with a bunch of people who smoke and you'd never know.

I'm sure I've had some that did that I never knew. But those that tested positive were obvious. They were listless, and several couldn't even keep from smoking on their lunch breaks. That's what convinced me that it can be addictive.
Ughh. That 2nd rounder appears to be a massive waste.
Oh well. I probably would've taken David Johnson with that pick--which would've meant no Zeke this year. I'm
Goodell and Mara were on speed dial on t5his one......they'll have a real cozy evening together to celebrate. is it a firm suspension when they are say he's suspended for "atleast" a year? Dont that rank right up there with being "a little" pregnant?
This is why I think the NFL should leave it up to the team. If a team thinks their player's performance is being hampered and it's hurting the team, then they discipline him. The league shouldn't really care.

Baseball doesn't test because the Latin guys from the Caribbean and South America would be constantly suspended. The NBA doesn't really test because nobody would have five guys to play.

But the NFL isn't hurting for ratings like the NBA and MLB. The shield is a big deal. Perhaps the next CBA will be different.
Are they high at work?

I know a guy that has some type of ADHD issue. It is very obvious that he can't focus for more than a few minutes. When he smokes weed, he is almost like a normal person.

I don't know I have no idea, if there work is sloppy I would know, but so far I have no issues with this team they work hard and that is fine. Now if we were talking heroin and stuff yea there would be a problem. Listen if these guys can go and have 2 drinks at lunch they can smoke pot.
I pray your kids nor your family ever battle addiction. Id love for you to visit a rehab facility to see how difficult having an addiction is. Would you have told KC to drop Eric Berry when he had cancer? Probably not. Addiction is a disease. You are uneducated and really need a reality check.

You are correct in what you said. I don't think Gregory has an addiction, however. He has bipolar disorder and many people with bipolar disorder self-medicate with marijuana. I'm not referring to you when I say this, but people are just plain wrong to call him a drug addict.
Let us all remember, he ain't that good anyway, and he's way out of shape. Dallas will be fine.
So the guy misses a drug test because he's in rehab and gets suspended for a year. And he does it because he has a mental illness. Meanwhile you can use another drug (alcohol) and drink all you want during the week and still play on game day, and wife-beaters and DUIs get you suspended for a game and cheaters get suspended for four games. The NFL policy is stupid.
I have watched someone detox from heroine and I will still tell you it's not a diesease. I will never get sick and my doctor tell me I got a bad case of heroine addiction. Where exactly is that virus?
You can have whatever opinion you want. When psychologists around the globe all agree with what I am saying. You sir sound like the idiot. Its a mental illness. Please, remind me what that is characterized as again.
So the guy misses a drug test because he's in rehab and gets suspended for a year. And he does it because he has a mental illness. Meanwhile wife-beaters and DUIs get you suspended for a game and cheaters get suspended for four games. The NFL policy is stupid.

And you can blatantly violate the "no walkie-talkie" rule, and just get a fine.
You are correct in what you said. I don't think Gregory has an addiction, however. He has bipolar disorder and many people with bipolar disorder self-medicate with marijuana. I'm not referring to you when I say this, but people are just plain wrong to call him a drug addict.
I think most on this board are just uneducated when it comes down to addiction in general. Seeing some of the comments here are beyond infuriating and mind boggling. I am actually ashamed to share the same team as some of these people.
Baseball doesn't test because the Latin guys from the Caribbean and South America would be constantly suspended. The NBA doesn't really test because nobody would have five guys to play.

But the NFL isn't hurting for ratings like the NBA and MLB. The shield is a big deal. Perhaps the next CBA will be different.

Yeah, but all it does really is hurt the shield. If they didn't test/suspend, nobody would ever know.

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