News: Gregory Suspended for a year

Cool, so he will be back just in time for the 2017 Playoffs

Only if the league approves it. Ask Aldon Smith.

He also has to comply with the drug program for a full year leading up to potential reinstatement. With him left to his own devices, I don't think that is very promising.
He deserved to be suspended. Not another year. This kid came into he league with these issues. If you care about the person, you should be sensitive to the fact that isolating him another year from craft and team is not going to help. The idle time will only exacerbate is problem. Goodell is a POS.

It's not just Goodell, although it's easier to blame everything on Dr. Evil. The players' union agreed to this process and all of its ridiculousness.
what if the rule is stupid?
It's not just stupid, it is outright unconstitutional. It took a constitutional amendment to make alcohol illegal, another to reverse the previous amendment. But pot? The government does not have the constitutional power to prevent an individual from deciding what to put in his own body.

Rules are rules, but when it is against the rules to make that rule?

Now you have NFL owners deciding principles of morality because we all know pot has nothing to do with enhancing a player's ability to play football.
Sometimes, the hypocrites running the NFL want to make me puke. Its just sickening to how low they will allow themsrlves to crawl.
It's not just stupid, it is outright unconstitutional. It took a constitutional amendment to make alcohol illegal, another to reverse the previous amendment. But pot? The government does not have the constitutional power to prevent an individual from deciding what to put in his own body.

Rules are rules, but when it is against the rules to make that rule?

Now you have NFL owners deciding principles of morality because we all know pot has nothing to do with enhancing a player's ability to play football.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution.

If an employer wants to enact a rule saying that you can't use a particular substance, they have that right. They implement a dress code for players on the field - that isn't in the Constitution either.

Gregory knew the rules, he didn't follow them. It's just that simple.
Did anyone force you to do drugs? If not, neither you nor Gregory have anyone to blame but yourselves. Not doing drugs isn't that difficult.
Oh its not? Awesome. Perhaps you can tell the over 30 million people in north america its not hard and they can all just stop. I dont think ive ever ignored someone this fast on this site ever. have a nice life. Go read a book on addiction.
Only if the league approves it. Ask Aldon Smith.

He also has to comply with the drug program for a full year leading up to potential reinstatement. With him left to his own devices, I don't think that is very promising.

Promising, no.

But for any of us who've dealt with a relative so under the control of weed that they've let their careers go up in smoke, as pissed off we may be, there's always hope that this will be that moment when things turn around.

I get the judgment, I really do. But I don't get the lack of compassion. Surely there's something deeper in most of us that wishes him the best.
It's not just Goodell, although it's easier to blame everything on Dr. Evil. The players' union agreed to this process and all of its ridiculousness.
That's true too, they are a weak entity. Embarrassing. But at the end of the day Goodell has put himself in the position to be subjective in these matters.
It's not just stupid, it is outright unconstitutional. It took a constitutional amendment to make alcohol illegal, another to reverse the previous amendment. But pot? The government does not have the constitutional power to prevent an individual from deciding what to put in his own body.

Rules are rules, but when it is against the rules to make that rule?

Now you have NFL owners deciding principles of morality because we all know pot has nothing to do with enhancing a player's ability to play football.

C'mon..... the NFL is a private company and their rules are even Collectively Bargained by the players with management..... the Constitutution has nothing to do with it... they can tell you how to wear your socks and how many pelvic thrusts are allowed...... not smoking weed is an easy one
@nickeatman The NFL has officially suspended Randy Gregory for one year. He will not be able to participate in this upcoming postseason.
Another uneducated person on this board. Amazing. If it was as much of a disease as stubbing your toe, the amount of people in treatment centers wouldnt be as high as it is. In your country or mine. Id love to see you watch a person detox from heroin and tell me its not a disease.
You just don't get it. Yes, people get addicted to drugs. Some mentally, some physically, some both. That does not make it a disease. You don't catch it, nor does it develop on its own. You have to start taking drugs BY CHOICE to become an addict, with the one exception of babies born addicted due to moronic mothers. If you can't cope with whatever issues you have, you need to seek medical help, counseling, or whatever. If you turn to drugs, it's YOUR fault. Period. It's all about personal choices and personal responsibility. Everyone that has some some type of issue be it drugs, alcohol, criminal activity, etc., wants to blame someone or something else. You make your own bed, sleep in it.
You just don't get it. Yes, people get addicted to drugs. Some mentally, some physically, some both. That does not make it a disease. You don't catch it, nor does it develop on its own. You have to start taking drugs BY CHOICE to become an addict, with the one exception of babies born addicted due to moronic mothers. If you can't cope with whatever issues you have, you need to seek medical help, counseling, or whatever. If you turn to drugs, it's YOUR fault. Period. It's all about personal choices and personal responsibility. Everyone that has some some type of issue be it drugs, alcohol, criminal activity, etc., wants to blame someone or something else. You make your own bed, sleep in it.
There are some predisposed to addiction. But its ok, they are just idiots for making bad choices. Have a nice life man.
SIAP somewhere in this thread, and/or if this is the root of the constitutionality discussion...

Noticed that Archer's ESPN story includes this:

"It is possible Gregory could appeal the suspension to federal court, like New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady did in response to Deflategate, which could allow him to continue to play, but it is not known whether he will take that course of action."
I agree. The root of Randy's problem is not that he is an addict, but the fact that he is Bipolar and only feels "right" when he smokes dope. This is a very sad situation and is likely going to cost this very talented football player his career.
I guess you stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night?
I am not a Gregory fan and I could care less if he ever plays another down for the Cowboys. I could care less if he plays for another team and wins a super bowl.

Having said that it is funny how Tom Brady managed to have his suspension be delayed until the first four games of this year, while Gregory was on the fast track to suspension so that he could not assist the Cowboys in the playoffs.

Moreover you would think that actions that occurred during the suspension period when he was receiving treatment would be considered part of his recovery process and receive some sort of break from the league.

I'm really sick of this ******** from the NFL and this preferential treatment has got to go. If this were the Giants you know this would be delayed until after the playoffs.

I wonder if Goodell gave Mara a complimentary hand job when he handed down this one year suspension?
SIAP somewhere in this thread, and/or if this is the root of the constitutionality discussion...

Noticed that Archer's ESPN story includes this:

"It is possible Gregory could appeal the suspension to federal court, like New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady did in response to Deflategate, which could allow him to continue to play, but it is not known whether he will take that course of action."

And, he will lose.

Why? Because it was Collectively Bargained, and not subject to anything Consitutional.
Are you serious? Of course the league is paying them.

Where do the players get all this money? Television contracts signed by the LEAGUE. Not an individual team.

The ticket sales pale in comparison to the television contracts.

Lol wat?

The team pays them not the league. Roger Goodell is not endorsing any paychecks. Where the team/owners get their money is besides the point.
No, personal responsibility is what's missing.
Personal responsibility isnt missing. It's what's used whenever someone wants to look down on others for any weaknesses someone else has. Being an addict isn't a choice....unless your a personal responsibility nut who prefers to look down on others because it's easier for you than trying to understand something that requires real thought. We are not all born equal. If we can celebrate someone for the gifts they were born with then we should also be able to show empathy for the weakness they were born with also.
No not a shock.

And again we get the flood of "The Cowboys should release him."

They don't have to pay him so why bother releasing him?

Either he's going to get it through his head or the Cowboys will retain his rights and never have to pay him.

There's no downside in retaining his rights.

Exactly, he doesnt count as a roster spot either. Now if he was suspended again for 2018 I may change my opinion but for now keep him and see if he can sort it out. He has flashed enough talent to keep him on at low risk. Its not like he committed violent crimes or has been a constant distraction..

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