News: Gregory Suspended for a year

Alright now who takes his spot? Do the Cowboys just activate Collins and just roll with the DL they have now. Or do they make another cut and sign a DL
Who is to say that Gregory made a simple mistake and missed a test or two? Maybe he missed them because he was still smoking?

The guy has a problem and should never be counted on. I would bet a lot that he hasn't seen his last joint. I just don't see him staying clean up to his reinstatement :(

He needs help and I hope he gets it but he deserved everything he had is no one's fault but his own.
Most addicts CHOOSE to start their "disease". Nobody says, "Hey let me try cancer out."
They choose it? Let me give you an example. You tell me. Child is born to 2 addicts and is taken away by the state at a young age. Not remembering anything about their parents. Born with a highly addictive personality. Grows up, trys alcohol for the first time, not realizing that one taste will send them down a long winding road into addiction. Did they choose? Im not saying cancer was the best analogy, I was trying to emphasize the point. That idiot has no business talking down or degrading anyone for having a problem.
A poster earlier mentioned that he checked into rehab in an attempt to avoid being tested. If that is the case, then I don't see where the NFL is in the wrong.

Someone is on dope. The NFL required him to seek treatment. It's a part of the CBA.
no surprise, his career is over, Dallas should just release him and move on, he won't go six month's without failing another test, he's an addict!
He is not getting paid.

Addicts do recover, but it usually takes more than 1 try.

Many players are irritated about the rule against weed and the NFLPA could make it an issue.

Weed is not banned in the NHL. Many people think the NFL will either quit testing for it or loosen the rules at some point.
Sheep. I wouldn't and wont work for an employer that tries to tell me what to do outside of work.

That's your choice. Good luck ever finding a really good job.

I hope you young-uns pay close attention to this. I have fired dozens of people in my career over substance issues. Their work suffered greatly from it, and it was no surprise when they didn't pass their test. I'm not running a daycare, and I need your full ability at work. Or you're gone. Capiche? Please get out of your own way in life.
Empathy should never run out, especially when someone has a particular struggle. I swear sometimes I'm like this fanbase doesn't deserve another championship with how yall turn on players. Addiction...mental illness is overlooked way to much. Isn't he supposedly bipolar too?

Empathy comes from his family, not his employer.....if you had the same problems as Gregory at your job, they'd move on from you too...the cowboys gave him enough chances..he's not bi-polar, he just likes Weed..
Ridiculous action by the league imo. 1 Year for Pot where it is legal in many states is just so ***** up on many levels. How is this supposed to help the person by taking away his livelihood. Really has to be a better solution going forward for pot and yes I do know that Randy knew the rules before hand but still way too harsh imo.
Again, none of us know when his last failed test happened. A missed test is inexcusable, even in rehab, but if he's been clean, then I'm rooting for him, and I don't see the Cowboys giving up on him. He basically missed this year, yet came back strong, so he could be done forever, but he could also be back next November.

This suspension isn't tied to a number of games. It's one year from today, but he can start the process to make his case for reinstatement 60 days sooner. If he can't stay off all substances, then we all must say goodbye, but I'm not giving up on him yet. I think the Cowboys will stick with him and support him up to another failure. Jerry Jones may be there for him even if he never plays again, ala Brent.
That's your choice. Good luck ever finding a really good job.

I hope you young-uns pay close attention to this. I have fired dozens of people in my career over substance issues. Their work suffered greatly from it, and it was no surprise when they didn't pass their test. I'm not running a daycare, and I need your full ability at work. Or you're gone. Capiche? Please get out of your own way in life.
Excuse me? I'm a Software Engineer. At my level, they do not test. Do you think they test the CEO of Apple?
I can tell you from experience. Some dont choose to be addicted. Some people cant control it. Its goes much deeper than being able to say NO. You are right, cancer patients dont choose it. Addicts who deal with a lifetime of abuse and find a way to deal with it, good or bad make the choice yes, but are heavily pushed into that choice. Some are born addicts. Ive seen people that were born addicted because mommy couldnt put down the crack pipe or needle, then lived their entire lives watching it and being surrounded by it, you really think that person has a choice? They may, but the odds are not in their favour.

Having said that, I wish you the best on your sobriety.
@nickeatman The NFL has officially suspended Randy Gregory for one year. He will not be able to participate in this upcoming postseason.

Who cares. He wasn't dominating anything or anyone. Irving, Mayowa, and McClain are gonna wreak havok.
I pray your kids nor your family ever battle addiction. Id love for you to visit a rehab facility to see how difficult having an addiction is. Would you have told KC to drop Eric Berry when he had cancer? Probably not. Addiction is a disease. You are uneducated and really need a reality check.
You can't have an addiction without at some point doing drugs. Spare me the addiction is a diesease. Addiction is about as much a diesease as stubbing your toe on the corner of the coffee table.
If he was really in rehab and getting regularly tested then I think he needs to fight it in court. Those test should be sufficient for the NFL

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