Griffin III - 4.38


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I can only speak as to what I know about Mike Leach's Air Raid offense, but he instructs his QBs to not throw to a particular WR but rather a certain open spot on the field. The WRs are supposed to read the coverage by the defense backs and adjust their routes accordingly to find the open spot in the field and be there when the QB delivers the ball. That's a different mentality for a QB than "This WR is your primary read and he's going to run a 15 yard dig route, and I want you to judge whether he got enough seperation on the route to throw him the ball or whether to move on to your secondary reads." In the spread offense, if you throw to a tightly covered WR and put the ball inbetween defenders you've probably made the wrong read. In the NFL it's almost mandatory that you throw to a tightly covered WR inbetween defenders.


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Staxxxx;4431492 said:
If anyone is interested on have a video with an overlay of RGIII, Cam Newton, and Luck running the 40

Nice find.

I'm actually a little surprised at Luck's ability to keep up with Newton.

When you see them overlaid like that, it kind of puts into perspective just how little bit of a difference there is in a really good 40 time and a good 40 time.

I mean, Newton is one stride behind and Luck is 2 strides behind over the course of 40 yards? Not a grade difference considering the number of times when a player gets a breakaway like that are relatively few.

I said a while back that you have to put up an eye popping time in order to really impress someone and separate yourself or you have to put up a disgustingly slow Vontaze Burfict time in order to really sink yourself.

I wish they would put Chris Johnson's 4.24 in there just for the heck of it.

I know it wouldn't hold true but if RG3 is a stride ahead of Newton at 0.18 faster, I'd think Johnson would be a stride ahead of RG3, which puts him about 4-5 yards ahead of Luck at the end of it.

I think the most impressive part of the video is that all the guys had pretty good starts and times through 10 yards. At about 12 yards, RG3 gains an entire yard on the other two.

That's where his speed will come into play. Not 40 yards down the field but within the first 10-15 yards. He was out of arms reach at 13 yards. You might have a prayer at diving for his feet but likely not.

If Luck were chasing Newton and neither lost speed due to padding, Luck could have tackled him at any time during the 40. 0.1 seconds sounds like a lot when going from one number to the next but in a practical sense, I'm not sure it makes any difference at all.