I don't know why everyone is so high on Gruden. What has he done other than take someone else's team to the SB and then crash and burn in the few years after that?
Becuz he's a least been successful at the highest levels..
something Garrett will never achieve.
And like Troy Aikman..he has been very successful outside of football.
And unlike Garrett..
Gruden has been successful in a hostile ownership environment under Al Davis..
..much like here in Dallas with Jerrah Jones.
Aikman will never step out of his broadcast booth security.
Gruden is a risk taker and would return to the sidelines in the right sitatuationin
It has always been a belief of mine that Romo has to be managed heavily. That goes all the way back to when Parcells finally gave him the starting job.
It is also clear that Jerry Jones has made that impossible now that he has spent years being so focused on him as being who makes the team win or lose. He is just simply not that kind of football player who can take a team on his back and be the full service leader that you see in say Brady or Manning. That does not stop Jones from believing he is.
I also believe this.
Jones in his mind does think Romo is in those players pedigree.
Which he is not.
Neither Brady nor Brees require all the excuses or owner makeovers at HC to make him win.
And neither of them require the amount of special player formulations like with Romo and Dallas.
You can stick any WRs and RBs on their offenses and they can get the job done.
Not us.
We have to spend years of roster changes and it still doesn't change the team.
They are still unable to improve their W/L by even a game in the positive.
That takes a lot of bad decisions and bad play by the QB since he's the one constant among all the change.