Well,while I can understand yer'
reservations concercerning our upcoming engagement of fierce homeland blood feud battle ,fear not& cheer bravely,
oh, "flaming orb who travels swiftly" , my fellow tribal warrior of forum fandom,,,
ya Man! I know their Q.B got no problem what so ever in attacking 30-40 yard deep
straight down the middle of the field,,,But, why the Hell
NOT get
double amped jacked up & ready to jam for this game, eh? For the wounds to the faith,fandom & mental anguish suffered being lauded upon the lodge thresholds of the majority of our fellow forum tribesmen,,,
will it not be equally imparted,Hummm? granting one & all an undue length of suns&moons sky travel in depressed,dishearted &dejected spirits,,,there will be no more speaking of the holding of timid fears of battles lost before being fought,,,,the Council Elder Has SPOKEN
* and I'd take 17-14 DALLAS score in any game,you know that,Bro!