Guy who used Facebook to reprimand his daughter Q & A

RoyTheHammer;4415598 said:
Imagine that? You sat down, and had a nice, civil, reasonable discussion with your child.. and look how it turned out?

Who woulda thunk it?

Suprised your daughter said nothing about the gun being used though.. she thinks that woulda been a completely normal, rational response to her complaining about her parents?

I watched a couple other videos he has posted and he's a gun enthusiast or whatever it is they refer to people who love guns.

He's got some videos of young girls shooting and stuff. I dunno if the daughter is in any of them. Other videos where he compares guns and what not.

One thing I noticed as I just looked at his channel again. It looks as though he opted not to advertise on that laptop video.

He has ads on some other videos so I am assuming he is a YT partner.

That video now has almost 20M views which based on something I read a while back would have pulled him about 60K in ad revenue.
RoyTheHammer;4415629 said:
You do realize she's the child, right? She's not supposed to be the reasonable one. You say how would her rant on fb help anything like she's the parent. lol

Parent-child relationships aren't a war.

You'll be surprised at that statement if or when you have kids. And from your post, I can surmise that you had good relationships with your parents, and I hope I'm right about that.

However, that is not the case now days when kids think they can get away with anything and everything without reprisals.
Hoofbite;4415636 said:
I watched a couple other videos he has posted and he's a gun enthusiast or whatever it is they refer to people who love guns.

He's got some videos of young girls shooting and stuff. I dunno if the daughter is in any of them. Other videos where he compares guns and what not.

One thing I noticed as I just looked at his channel again. It looks as though he opted not to advertise on that laptop video.

He has ads on some other videos so I am assuming he is a YT partner.

That video now has almost 20M views which based on something I read a while back would have pulled him about 60K in ad revenue.

Interesting. I just read up on that because i had no idea what the YPP was. Pretty neat way to make some money on the side. Props to Google for allowing that.
RoyTheHammer;4415643 said:
Interesting. I just read up on that because i had no idea what the YPP was. Pretty neat way to make some money on the side. Props to Google for allowing that.

Yeah, I heard about it a while back. Couple years back and the best answer I could find was:

3,000 dollars for 1 million views. I don't know if that's set in stone.

Works out to like 0.3 cents per view. Back when I saw it there were a few guys on YouTube who were making over 100K per year.

A couple of the heavy hitters were close to 200K but the top dog was at like 376K for the year the article was posted.

Just saw last week that YouTube now has it's first ever 1M dollar earner.

Some guy who does news reporting a couple of times per week with each video getting between 1 - 5 million views.

I'm sure almost everyone who has used YouTube has seen him. He's literally glued to the front page in one of their sections for popular videos.

He has like 5 million subscribers and has a total video view count of like 1.5 BILLION.

Personally, I don't care for him. He's similar to a lot of other acts on YouTube. Although his is very well produced, news reporting stuff just doesn't interest me that much.
5Stars;4415639 said:
You'll be surprised at that statement if or when you have kids. And from your post, I can surmise that you had good relationships with your parents, and I hope I'm right about that.

However, that is not the case now days when kids think they can get away with anything and everything without reprisals.

I'm interested to find out when this idea came about and what brought it about.

When did kids start thinking this, and why?
5Stars;4415639 said:
You'll be surprised at that statement if or when you have kids. And from your post, I can surmise that you had good relationships with your parents, and I hope I'm right about that.

However, that is not the case now days when kids think they can get away with anything and everything without reprisals.

Sadly, you are not correct.. but it has no bearing on my thoughts on the matter.
RoyTheHammer;4415631 said:
You obviously think you are the authority on parenting.. your posts in this thread have been more hypocritical then discussion based.

I have a perspective on what i think of the dad based on what we know. Im not defending the girls actions.. just stating that the dad seems highly irrational and stupid with how he handled this.

Neither of us have the full story, so either of us thinking we know it all is dumb. We don't know how the dad has handled issues in the past, or how the girl has responded to different types of correction either.

But again, like i said.. you sat down with your daughter and had a nice, civil discussion with her and let her pose her own thoughts and opinions and you listened to her and gave your thoughts as well.. and look how that turned out?

Its not suprising.. the simple fact is most parents either are concerned more with being the big bad authority figure, or they don't want to take the time to have discussions and really listen to their children. Its sad and pathetic.

No brainiac. I am the authority on parenting MY KID.
Not his. Not yours (if you have them) or anyone else's. That is the whole dang point of you judgmental know it alls. You say "Oh that was wrong!" You don't know what else he has tried. Maybe this was the last straw and he decided to make a point by doing this.

And hypocritical? Really? You are the hypocrite. In one post you said he shouldn't have done this but then you say we don't have all the facts. Yes, either you don't understand the meaning of the word hypocrite or you are simply full of BS.
RoyTheHammer;4415653 said:
Sadly, you are not correct.. but it has no bearing on my thoughts on the matter.

Well, then I was right all along about your stance. Sorry that it did not work out for you with your parents.

Now, I understand what you are saying...


Carry on, you just revealed with this post why you think the way you do. But, you are young, and eventually you will see what happens to you in the future if/when you have kids.

Good luck with that!
Cajuncowboy;4415654 said:
No brainiac. I am the authority on parenting MY KID. Not his. Not yours (if you have them) or anyone else's. That is the whole dang point of you judgmental know it alls. You say "Oh that was wrong!" You don't know what else he has tried. Maybe this was the last straw and he decided to make a point by doing this.

And hypocritical? Really? You are the hypocrite. In one post you said he shouldn't have done this but then you say we don't have all the facts. Yes, either you don't understand the meaning of the word hypocrite or you are simply full of BS.

I said the video was pointless and senseless.. and it was. Shooting a laptop, also senseless and serves to solve nothing.

So you be the authority on parenting your child.. and i'll continue to say the guy acted foolishly if i think so.

Sound good, bud? If you think he acted rationally, cool. Say so, and be done with it. I think he acted like a doofus.
5Stars;4415660 said:
Well, then I was right all along about your stance. Sorry that it did not work out for you with your parents.

Now, I understand what you are saying...


Carry on, you just revealed with this post why you think the way you do. But, you are young, and eventually you will see what happens to you in the future if/when you have kids.

Good luck with that!

You understand that shooting a laptop and using a gun for such a stupid endeavor is foolish, now?

Good then. In the meantime, cajun showed how rational discussion with your children and open lines of communication can work wonders for a parent-child relationship.

Or you can be a cowboy and shoot off a gun to try and show authority and be the big, bad tough parent. Either way..

There's definitely a reason kids are getting progressively worse in general as the years go on.. and its not because too many parents are having alot of civil, rational sit downs with their kids and talking out issues.
RoyTheHammer;4415666 said:
You understand that shooting a laptop and using a gun for such a stupid endeavor is foolish, now?

Good then. In the meantime, cajun showed how rational discussion with your children and open lines of communication can work wonders for a parent-child relationship.

Or you can be a cowboy and shoot off a gun to try and show authority and be the big, bad tough parent. Either way..

There's definitely a reason kids are getting progressively worse in general as the years go on.. and its not because too many parents are having alot of civil, rational sit downs with their kids and talking out issues.

Ummm, Cajun didn't have a problem with his kid. This guy did. Can you not see the difference?
I have to say that the video was entertaining, but if it was my kid that YouTube video would have shown me selling that Laptop instead of shooting it.
Cajuncowboy;4415673 said:
Ummm, Cajun didn't have a problem with his kid. This guy did. Can you not see the difference?

I can see how when there is an issue, its rational and valuable to try and sit down with your child and discuss things openly.. and how keeping an open line of communication with your children can have a very positive effect on the relationship you have with them.

Who's more likely to act up? The child who has parents who when he/she does something wrong, they try and talk to them and explain why what they did was wrong and if there is a punishment, what it is and why they have to punish them?

Or the child who does something wrong and the parent just beats them or flips out and punishes them with no discussion about what happened ever occuring or makes a social media video to publicly humiliate the girl in front of all her friends and their parents so that every time she steps foot out of her house, she'll be berated and harassed about it?

Now, sure, talking to you child and trying to reasonably discuss things with them isn't always going to work.. no kidding. However, at least making the effort and having your child know that they can always come to you and discuss things with you or that you will always be level headed about the things they do wrong can only have a positive effect on a child.

In this particular case, the route this guy chose to go by making a video to put on social media and using a gun to put 8 bullets in her laptop computer is just senseless and idiotic. What is to be learned?

If you don't like that your kid has a temper tantrum publicly, you're going to go in public and embarass her right back?

Doesn't make much sense, imo.. that teaches the child nothing.
Joe Rod;4415683 said:
I have to say that the video was entertaining, but if it was my kid that YouTube video would have shown me selling that Laptop instead of shooting it.

No...! You can't sell a used laptop, it has to much important info on it! Shoot it up so that no one else can use it and the new software. Don't give your information away!

Joe Rod;4415683 said:
I have to say that the video was entertaining, but if it was my kid that YouTube video would have shown me selling that Laptop instead of shooting it.

Much more reasonable solution. The dad just seems like an idiot. Not only for shooting 8 bullets into a laptop, but also for the fact that there are many less fortunate people out there who would love to be able to afford a computer.

Not only that, but i still find the part about his cleaning lady pretty funny as well.

"Yea, i hired a cleaning lady.. but don't you dare call her that."

RoyTheHammer;4415695 said:
I can see how when there is an issue, its rational and valuable to try and sit down with your child and discuss things openly.. and how keeping an open line of communication with your children can have a very positive effect on the relationship you have with them.

Who's more likely to act up? The child who has parents who when he/she does something wrong, they try and talk to them and explain why what they did was wrong and if there is a punishment, what it is and why they have to punish them?

Or the child who does something wrong and the parent just beats them or flips out and punishes them with no discussion about what happened ever occuring or makes a social media video to publicly humiliate the girl in front of all her friends and their parents so that every time she steps foot out of her house, she'll be berated and harassed about it?

Now, sure, talking to you child and trying to reasonably discuss things with them isn't always going to work.. no kidding. However, at least making the effort and having your child know that they can always come to you and discuss things with you or that you will always be level headed about the things they do wrong can only have a positive effect on a child.

In this particular case, the route this guy chose to go by making a video to put on social media and using a gun to put 8 bullets in her laptop computer is just senseless and idiotic. What is to be learned?

If you don't like that your kid has a temper tantrum publicly, you're going to go in public and embarass her right back?

Doesn't make much sense, imo.. that teaches the child nothing

You always learn something. We all do in one way or the other.

Joe Rod;4415683 said:
I have to say that the video was entertaining, but if it was my kid that YouTube video would have shown me selling that Laptop instead of shooting it.

Why not just put it away until she's not punished? Oh wait, I forgot. She's grounded until "probably college" and by that time Windows 10 will be out and all that hard work he put into upgrading it would have to be repeated.
5Stars;4415599 said:
I guess you mean what the girl did first, right?

She is the one that put her family issues out to the public first. And, even though she is a child, per say, she shot the first bullet.


Back when men were men and sheep were scared, the times that I disrespect my dad or mom, I got my *** beat! She got off lucky.


It doesn't matter who was first, the parent should act like an adult and discipline the child instead of using retaliatory methods to get back at her. Instead of teaching her proper respect for family privacy he if telling her "if you embarrass me in public I'll just embarrass you worse."
5Stars;4415639 said:
You'll be surprised at that statement if or when you have kids. And from your post, I can surmise that you had good relationships with your parents, and I hope I'm right about that.

However, that is not the case now days when kids think they can get away with anything and everything without reprisals.

I have a 16 year old who knows he can't get away with anything. He has never been spanked and rarely gets grounded, he does his chores without complaint and seems like a happy kid. It is amazing how good a child can turn out with good parenting.
5Stars;4415706 said:
You always learn something. We all do in one way or the other.


You always can learn something, i agree.. if you let yourself.

Good luck with your war, sir.

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