Guy who used Facebook to reprimand his daughter Q & A

ragman;4418387 said:
Wonder if Dad has realized that it'll be his daughter who will decide what nursing home he goes into?

nice, lol

Hey dad, remember that video you did to embarrass me, well enjoy your cat food while living in a lean to.

Maybe she will do to him what Jimmy's mom did to the Commodore on Boardwalk Empire minus the sexual connotation of course.
ragman;4418387 said:
Wonder if Dad has realized that it'll be his daughter who will decide what nursing home he goes into?

Spoken like a member of the "take care of me" generation.
Are we still talking about this guy? I heard the police have already visited him for being a moron shooting the laptop in his front yard.
zrinkill;4418534 said:
Spoken like a member of the "take care of me" generation.

Thing is, he's right. What you do now you might have to pay for down the line. She might decide not to change the guy's diaper.

What shocks me most about this thread though is how many of the posters here got beaten with stuff. It never happened to me nor to any of my friends.
CanadianCowboysFan;4418539 said:
Thing is, he's right. What you do now you might have to pay for down the line. She might decide not to change the guy's diaper.

What shocks me most about this thread though is how many of the posters here got beaten with stuff. It never happened to me nor to any of my friends.

And most are well adjusted and have good relationships with their parents to this day!
ScipioCowboy;4418542 said:
And most are well adjusted and have good relationships with their parents to this day!

perhaps but do you mean children should be subjected to that kind of discipline just because there might not be long term effects.

I am well adjusted and have a great relationship with my mom and she didn't beat me.
CanadianCowboysFan;4418544 said:
perhaps but do you mean children should be subjected to that kind of discipline just because there might not be long term effects.

Are you asking me if spanking should play a role in child rearing?
ScipioCowboy;4418545 said:
Are you asking me if spanking should play a role in child rearing?

I am not referring to spankings, I am referring to beating something with spoons, cords etc
CanadianCowboysFan;4418550 said:
I am not referring to spankings, I am referring to beating something with spoons, cords etc

It depends on how you do it.

My dad used to spank me with a wooden stirring spoon. It hurt far less than his hand would have, but it created more noise.
CanadianCowboysFan;4418544 said:
perhaps but do you mean children should be subjected to that kind of discipline just because there might not be long term effects.

I am well adjusted and have a great relationship with my mom and she didn't beat me.

No one should think there's a one-size-fits-all answer to this.
I'm 1 child of 3 and I can see the very unique ways a parent has to handle their children as my mother had to deal with us in 3 different ways. Because what worked for one, did not work for all. She needed to be rough where she needed to be rough and gentle where she needed to be gentle.

Regardless of what it took to teach us a lesson as immature humans, in the end we all took care of our mother and made sure she didn't end up in a nursing home but died surrounded by us, who loved her strongly.
RoyTheHammer;4418636 said:
Beating children is the "easy way out" style of parenting.
Hard to argue with that, if what you mean is they only beat them and nothing else and it's the first thing they go to.
RoyTheHammer;4418636 said:
Beating children is the "easy way out" style of parenting.

I hope you make a distinction between spanking and "abuse." It'd be unfair to spanking advocates to conflate the two.
bbgun;4418651 said:
I hope you make a distinction between spanking and "abuse." It'd be unfair to spanking advocates to conflate the two.

Some light spanking is different. Still not the thing to do right away.. but i would say its use should be more for the message rather than making it hurt a ton. Certainly i don't think its right when done with any kind of object.
tupperware;4418649 said:
Hard to argue with that, if what you mean is they only beat them and nothing else and it's the first thing they go to.

Yes, sir.
RoyTheHammer;4418668 said:
Some light spanking is different. Still not the thing to do right away.. but i would say its use should be more for the message rather than making it hurt a ton.

Agreed, it should be used as a last resort and not do any serious physical damage.

Certainly i don't think its right when done with any kind of object.

You know what they say: "Spare the rod, spoil the Sacamano."
bbgun;4418684 said:
Agreed, it should be used as a last resort and not do any serious physical damage.

You know what they say: "Spare the rod, spoil the Sacamano."


By the same token, i also think threatening your child is another weak way of trying to show control or dominance. Sends a bad message and really isn't effective in a positive way at all.
Is it considered abuse if you make your kid use one of these if they are bad?


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