Ma broke a yardstick on my butt. I laughed. Dad came home, not so much laughing going on. Always with his hand, and always only on my butt, but he could pack a wallop.
My littlest boy got caught sneaking his PSP that he'd previously been grounded from. Snuck out of the house of the neighbor who was watching him, crawled through our doggie door, got the PSP, and brought it across the street. Forgot to put it back when we came to get him. It was brand new, he'd gotten it two weeks earlier for his birthday.
We calmly sat him down that night and had him type of the letter himself: "Dear Craigslist. PSP, barely used, charger included. Looking for a good home." He screamed like a stuck pig the whole time. "No, daddy, please! I promise!" No need to promise son, just need to understand that there are rules in this house and consequences for breaking them. PSPs and laptops come and go. Object lessons for raising your children don't come around that often, and if you don't use them when they present themselves, your kids don't learn and you're not doing your job as a parent. There are worse things than losing a laptop and being embarrassed in front of your friends for your own bad behavior.