Guys, it is just a game.


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Good post, aquavita. The people that want to disagree are welcome to, but your point is still made by the replies and their variety. Apparently some are even threatened by the notion that the Cowboys aren't the be-all-end-all.

I lost my passion when the labor issues became part of it. I can still watch and enjoy their play when their level of commitment warrants it. These days, I just watch to see what happens. The hype is something some people just seem to be attracted to for whatever reason. For me, the media aspect lost its calling long ago.

I've lived most of my 50 years in the Dallas area, unlike some that lived here for awhile and went elsewhere, or never lived here at all. The entitlement that some fans feel for another championship is amusing. This city has its strengths and weaknesses like all cities, they just differ by location and culture.


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aquavita;2403765 said:
Some of the comments I read here just make me sad. Words like 'disgusted, knucklehead, hate' etc.

I've been a Cowboys fan for 26 years, but I never let myself get hateful of these young men out there playing to entertain us. That's the key word, entertainment. It is not war, it is not life and death. When the Cowboys lose, you would think that world war 3 has launched, based on what is seen around here.

I'm just trying to remind you that when you're making fun of, or feeling hatred for these guys, they are still people too. You mess up at your own job and have bad days just like they do, yet you are not under intense international scrutiny for all of your mistakes. Keep that in mind.

I just wanted to change the pace a bit, and suggest that people relax a little. Even if it is not our season this year, the Cowboys will return again one day. Just try to not have a massive coronary before then. :) :starspin :starspin :starspin
If you're from Texas no football game is "just a game" it's a religion.


This is a house of learned doctors
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Eskimo;2404278 said:
That is the lack of perspective that OP is referring to.

For people who deal with life and death (doctors, nurses, firemen, policemen, family members etc.), there is a world of difference between it and professional football.

I don't believe there are any immortals posting on the forum, so it's safe to assume that we all deal with Life and Death. My response was sarcasm (hence the bolding of the words that the OP used), but it does not hide that very real fact that perspective varies with each person. The OP's opinion carries weight with the OP and those that find value in it. Nothing more, nothing less. My perspective is that there are people out there that view football with much greater importance than I do. It is their right to do so regardless of if I agree with it.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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aquavita;2404347 said:
Ok bro, chill out and grab a natty ice
What's a "natty ice"? :confused:

Try taking your own advice and relax. You posted something which was damn funny and it got a laugh. Congratulations. It worked :)


Junior College Transfer
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zeromaster;2404779 said:
Good post, aquavita. The people that want to disagree are welcome to, but your point is still made by the replies and their variety. Apparently some are even threatened by the notion that the Cowboys aren't the be-all-end-all.

I lost my passion when the labor issues became part of it. I can still watch and enjoy their play when their level of commitment warrants it. These days, I just watch to see what happens. The hype is something some people just seem to be attracted to for whatever reason. For me, the media aspect lost its calling long ago.

I've lived most of my 50 years in the Dallas area, unlike some that lived here for awhile and went elsewhere, or never lived here at all. The entitlement that some fans feel for another championship is amusing. This city has its strengths and weaknesses like all cities, they just differ by location and culture.

So, in a nutshell, you are a fair-weather fan?
Hmmmm. That explains a lot, your seeming coolness/detachment to the game. And the Cowboys.

Also, I don't think anybody here believes the cowboys are as you say, "the be-all-end-all."
But make no mistake about it, there is an emotional investment. We work hard all week and on Sundays the Cowboys are a big part of our lives. Not bigger than family, friends or profession, but certainly above your bridge parties or your mallard duck carving.

Most of us watch even when the players level of commitment are low. Why? Because we do recognize it as a game and we like the athleticism, the strategy and the spectacle.
So don't go all Joe Cool on us.

We ain't having no coronaries, because if we did, we wouldn't be able to see the Cowboys play again.

Oh, and one last point. I think the entitlement to a championship you describe is, in reality, a hope that we and all NFL fans harbor, and that is for our team to be crowned as the best there is. Nothing wrong with that, Mr. Joe Cool.


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aquavita;2403765 said:
Some of the comments I read here just make me sad. Words like 'disgusted, knucklehead, hate' etc.

I've been a Cowboys fan for 26 years, but I never let myself get hateful of these young men out there playing to entertain us. That's the key word, entertainment. It is not war, it is not life and death. When the Cowboys lose, you would think that world war 3 has launched, based on what is seen around here.

I'm just trying to remind you that when you're making fun of, or feeling hatred for these guys, they are still people too. You mess up at your own job and have bad days just like they do, yet you are not under intense international scrutiny for all of your mistakes. Keep that in mind.

I just wanted to change the pace a bit, and suggest that people relax a little. Even if it is not our season this year, the Cowboys will return again one day. Just try to not have a massive coronary before then. :) :starspin :starspin :starspin

Great post!! I learned not to lose sleep over sports a long time ago.The players dont so why should i.I love my teams and root but u must accept loss too.Although what i have dealt with between the cowboys and the mavs in the last few years has wore on me a bit,lol.


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GimmeTheBall!;2405305 said:
So, in a nutshell, you are a fair-weather fan?
Hmmmm. That explains a lot, your seeming coolness/detachment to the game. And the Cowboys.

Oh come on. Fair weather fan? Really?

Look, I'm happy watching the Boys when they win, and of course I'm dissapointed when they lose. But man, reading some comments around here when things are going bad, it's ridiculous. Some of you guys are going to die of a heart attack pretty soon. Might just want to let off the gas a bit!


Junior College Transfer
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aquavita;2405438 said:
Oh come on. Fair weather fan? Really?

Look, I'm happy watching the Boys when they win, and of course I'm dissapointed when they lose. But man, reading some comments around here when things are going bad, it's ridiculous. Some of you guys are going to die of a heart attack pretty soon. Might just want to let off the gas a bit!

Nein. Not you. I was referring to zero or whatever he goes by.

And I am just disagreeing, bro.
I always like free-speech and defend any premise, no matter what I feel about opposing opinion.
You have a different perspective and that is all good.


Junior College Transfer
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aquavita;2405438 said:
Oh come on. Fair weather fan? Really?

Look, I'm happy watching the Boys when they win, and of course I'm dissapointed when they lose. But man, reading some comments around here when things are going bad, it's ridiculous. Some of you guys are going to die of a heart attack pretty soon. Might just want to let off the gas a bit!

And I plan to life forever, so i don't worry nothint about heart attacks. As a mater of fact we in Farmers Branch, being REAL AMERICANS, plan to support our livestock producers and grainyards with our 2009 campaign called "Eat Pork and Beef and Be Happy You're An American" and "We Can't Even Spelt Cholestroil" and "If You're Happy and You're Large Clap Your Hands!"

Be good and be safe min guter Freund.


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aquavita;2403765 said:
Some of the comments I read here just make me sad. Words like 'disgusted, knucklehead, hate' etc.

I've been a Cowboys fan for 26 years, but I never let myself get hateful of these young men out there playing to entertain us. That's the key word, entertainment. It is not war, it is not life and death. When the Cowboys lose, you would think that world war 3 has launched, based on what is seen around here.

I'm just trying to remind you that when you're making fun of, or feeling hatred for these guys, they are still people too. You mess up at your own job and have bad days just like they do, yet you are not under intense international scrutiny for all of your mistakes. Keep that in mind.

I just wanted to change the pace a bit, and suggest that people relax a little. Even if it is not our season this year, the Cowboys will return again one day. Just try to not have a massive coronary before then. :) :starspin :starspin :starspin

LOL -- yeah, let's just hug the other team until they concede victory...