Hail To The RedTails?

muck4doo;5076155 said:
You would have also defended that most people weren't against segregation in sports. You Commanders fans make me sick.

You can tell you're losing an argument when feel the need to start telling people what their opinions would have been 50+ years ago.

Those strawmen sure do go down easy.
SkinsFan82;5076218 said:
You can tell you're losing an argument when feel the need to start telling people what their opinions would have been 50+ years ago.

Those strawmen sure do go down easy.

Name a team the blackskins and make the mascot and symbol be a Zulu warrior.

Its the same thing. The exact same thing.
RedTails...lol, bet Danny and Co. like it fine...RGhey Binks the thurd.

Really though Red Tails? I don't think so.

But in todays world they are taking away free speech and you can't say certain words without people being very over the top.

Truth is everything that comes of the tongue is of the debil....and crocodiles are mad because they have all those teeth and no toothbrush!
zrinkill;5075988 said:
Try naming a team "the Whiteboys" or the "Blackskins" in the NFL and see how far that flys.
One million percent irrelevant...that's apples to oranges for a LOT of significant reasons, and is just a weaksauce argument to make.
zrinkill;5076224 said:
Name a team the blackskins and make the mascot and symbol be a Zulu warrior.

Its the same thing. The exact same thing.
Have African Americans in the U.S. ever proudly referred to themselves as "blackskins"? Ever?

Get back to me on that.

And do you know how the Skins' symbol on their helmets came into being?

Get back to me on that, too.
muck4doo;5076071 said:
These are the same people that defended segregation in sports till the end. Good luck arguing with them. Leave it to Commanders fans.
Yeah, as a black man I definitely defended segregation in sports till the end. You nailed it. Good luck arguing with me.
Califan007;5076503 said:
Yeah, as a black man I definitely defended segregation in sports till the end. You nailed it. Good luck arguing with me.

You're doing a good job now.
Califan007;5076499 said:
Have African Americans in the U.S. ever proudly referred to themselves as "blackskins"? Ever?

Get back to me on that.

And do you know how the Skins' symbol on their helmets came into being?

Get back to me on that, too.

Bull and Bull ....... Its the same thing and you know it.

You just do not want to admit it.
muck4doo;5076155 said:
You would have also defended that most people weren't against segregation in sports. You Commanders fans make me sick.

FYI saying "Most people weren't against segregation" means "most people were for it."

Comparing segregation, which was a NATIONAL practice at the time, to this is idiotic and sensationalist. Segregation was far more reaching and impacted far more people. By Preston Marshall's time -- far more people than 18% of people were against integration. If I were black, I'd be highly offended by your idiotic comparison.

What's next, going to bring up something about the *****?

This is going to be my last post to you. You clearly are just spouting rhetoric without any more thought behind it than "Commanders BAD!!" I am glad I made you sick.
Sonny#9;5076529 said:
FYI saying "Most people weren't against segregation" means "most people were for it."

Comparing segregation, which was a NATIONAL practice at the time, to this is idiotic and sensationalist. Segregation was far more reaching and impacted far more people. By Preston Marshall's time -- far more people than 18% of people were against integration. If I were black, I'd be highly offended by your idiotic comparison.

What's next, going to bring up something about the *****?

This is going to be my last post to you. You clearly are just spouting rhetoric without any more thought behind it than "Commanders BAD!!" I am glad I made you sick.

Respond or not, you are still on the wrong side. The name will change, and you will see it in your lifetime. You know the racist history of your team. It's time to let go, and stop clinging in the name of tradition. Not calling you a racist, but it's time you realize the truth about your team. As long as you cling to racist traditions things will never improve.
Sonny#9;5076118 said:
When was the last time anyone heard the term "Commander" as an insult?

Today actually. There's a Native American in my unit and he almost got into a fight with an E-6 today for jokingly calling him a "Commander".
Rack Bauer;5076641 said:
Today actually. There's a Native American in my unit and he almost got into a fight with an E-6 today for jokingly calling him a "Commander".

He attacked a Pale Face just for that?
Idgit;5076705 said:
He attacked a Pale Face just for that?

Damn pale face deserved it!

He didn't "Attack" him. Just a heated "conversation" took place, but others got in between them and "broke it up" before any fists were thrown.
It is popular in todays culture to be offended. Damn, when are people gonna grow up. You can't say or do anything these days without offending somebody. With all the problems in this world, people are upset with this BS? I don't care if it hurts their feelings. Danny Boy owns the team and he can do as he wishes. If people don't like it, don't watch, buy tickets or jerseys.
Here is a quote I found in an article about the origins of the name, Commanders:

"Most people assume that the word described the natural skin color of the North American Indians. However, there exists documentation that the name "Commander" was conferred upon the native inhabitants by the English Colonists because of the red body paint they wore in battle. Because the 1699 quotation would certainly be referring to Indian warriors, this seems to be the most likely explanation of the origin of "Commander".."
Seriously, they should change the name to Pigskins. Makes sense for football, and they can keep calling themselves Skins and hogs.
Eric_Boyer;5075559 said:
labeling people by the color of their skin is no more or less offensive then labeling them by the size of their chest.

Do you really need someone to sit you down and explain to you why a percentage of the population will be annoyed if you were called the Washington C Cups?

It isn't just c cups that would be annoyed by the immature and moronic vernacular.

But this where ignorance rears it's ugly head, but not in the way you expected. The term "Commanders" was not coined as a racial slur against Native American skin tones, but was instead, a label given to a Native American tribe who wore Red paint when they went to battle.

Now if more people knew the truth behind the name, they would think that was quite fitting for a team that inteads to "go to battle" against their opponents on Sundays. When people call a term offensive and do ZERO research of what said term originated from is the height of ignorance. It's no surprise the Native Americans nations are split on the issue and the loudest complainers are politicians, looking to make a name for themselves.
Hail to the Commanders!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old Dixie!

Run or pass and score -- we want a lot more!
Scalp 'em, swamp 'em -- We will take 'em big score
Read 'em, weep 'em, touchdown - we want heap more
Fight on, Fight on -- 'Till you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!

Gotta say, no demeaning racial stereotypes or racial implications there.

Go, Ol' Dixie.
NIBGoldenchild;5076959 said:
But this where ignorance rears it's ugly head, but not in the way you expected. The term "Commanders" was not coined as a racial slur against Native American skin tones, but was instead, a label given to a Native American tribe who wore Red paint when they went to battle.

Bull ....... that is just the latest excuse to hide your racist name.
Idgit;5076974 said:
Gotta say, no demeaning racial stereotypes or racial implications there.

Go, Ol' Dixie.


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