Hard Knocks episode 2


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Sorry if I was not clear. When I say "speed up the process" I am referring to the physical maturing. For instance if you are a skinny teenager you can lift 9 hours a day and not put on much muscle until your body chemistry allows it. Obviously every person is different but most us guys go through a few transformations with our bodies.. As teenagers we go through the growth spurt phase.. Then in the late teens and early 20s once the growth phase slows down we start to fill out.. and then in the mid to late 20's we become "a grown *** man." That's when we are at our physical peak.. We are the strongest and fastest we're ever going to be. If we are active and athletic, we can stay at or close to that level for a decade or better. If we are a couch potato we pass from that phase to "dad bod" fairly quickly. Generally speaking, there is not much a person can do to accelerate his own growth and filling out .. Yes you can waste it by not being active and doing the work.. but doing the work doesn't speed things up per se. It just enables us to capitalize and walk through the door that Mother Nature opened for us.
Wow, there was a lot there that didn't need to be said but I appreciate the rehashing of the biology lesson I had 35 years ago. The important thing to be understood here is that he is at that age where his body will respond faster to diet and exercise more than it ever has or ever will without the help of PEDs/steroids.


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Wow, there was a lot there that didn't need to be said but I appreciate the rehashing of the biology lesson I had 35 years ago. The important thing to be understood here is that he is at that age where his body will respond faster to diet and exercise more than it ever has or ever will without the help of PEDs/steroids.

Lol.. sometimes my fingers have a mind of their own. But yes we agree.. Kamara is at that perfect spot to capitalize on what he has.. If he does, we're going to have a pretty good player on our hands.


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Plenty of places in Africa where you don’t have to risk dying anymore than going to a big city in the US brotha. If you want to save up and take a trip I definitely suggest Ghana, one of the most stable and successful countries in Africa with a rich history and culture.

Thanks.. I will definitely keep Ghana in mind if can ever get the missus to take a trip to The Motherland. She's not much on history unfortunately.. We once spent a week in Paris and all she did there was shop. I bought us those all inclusive museum passes which gave us access to Versailles, the Louvre, De'orsee, and a bunch of others. I planned to spend 4-5 hours touring each of them... I think we spent a total of maybe 8 hours in all the museums combined. Meanwhile she hit every store downtown! Especially the ones down by the river and near the Champs Eyleses or however you spell it. But I digress! I may eventually have to make the trip to Africa alone.


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Thanks.. I will definitely keep Ghana in mind if can ever get the missus to take a trip to The Motherland. She's not much on history unfortunately.. We once spent a week in Paris and all she did there was shop. I bought us those all inclusive museum passes which gave us access to Versailles, the Louvre, De'orsee, and a bunch of others. I planned to spend 4-5 hours touring each of them... I think we spent a total of maybe 8 hours in all the museums combined. Meanwhile she hit every store downtown! Especially the ones down by the river and near the Champs Eyleses or however you spell it. But I digress! I may eventually have to make the trip to Africa alone.
Haha I hear that! She’ll find shopping out there too.


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Ok just watched the episode some thoughts...

- Big Mac cursing is painful to watch.

- Glad to see yoga incorporated - is that new?

- Watching that D-line coach with that English accent was freakin weird.

- Pullin for Kamara, loved the look of pride from his mama, that woman was about to burst. : )

- Armstrong looks bigger.

- Still diggin Parsons

- Liked seeing the foreign players get together and appreciating the moment.


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Come on man....its been 25 years, and the same idiot is still charge. Why wouldn't the negativity be overwhelming?
move onto another team problem solved

i mean all the so called fans who have been upset for 25-30 years and still watching , i'm going to say they are the idiots..

jerrys not asking for your loyalty nor are we , yet in DC fan forum id except some actual fans to pop up not some that sound like rivals fans who hate this cowboys team and ownership'..

what keeping you fans knowing the Jones family will most likely own the team FOREVER...

yup their children and their grandchildren lOL

go asway now save your self the trouble..


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One word for this episode......BORING........I thought the first one was good.
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I agree with your points. I would've thought in this day and age that making fun of the way someone talks would be inappropriate. Not to me though. I thought it was funny but people have to be careful of the PC Police now.

And in the last 24 hours I've heard a poster here say that "Dak would be warming the bench if they brought in Johnny Manziel.":lmao:
Another said "Half the starters on our team suck." :facepalm:

Someone said the gap between Jalen Ramsey (5th pick) and Zeke (4th pick) is "INCREDIBLY wide." Jalen is good no doubt but he has yet to win any awards while Zeke has two rushing titles and should have 3 if it wasn't for the suspension. Jalen went to 4 pro-bowls to Zeke's 3. Again, if it wasn't for that suspension he would have 4 as well. So IMO the gap is not that INCREDIBLY wide.

I took a screen shot of a well known poster wishing Dak would get hurt again. I posted it on another thread but my comment was deleted, but his comment stayed. :huh:
haters be hatin and blind to boot..we call those hypocrites..


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Nothing says alpha males like yoga with a pregnant yoga instructor !!!!

so a misogynists', hate pregnant woman by demeaning them in some way that even when they are pregnant they can still do yoga and teach grown man athletes to relax and get limber..

who cares again dont watch it all all you have the power of your remote yet you watch then whine..


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Ok just watched the episode some thoughts...

- Big Mac cursing is painful to watch.

- Glad to see yoga incorporated - is that new?

- Watching that D-line coach with that English accent was freakin weird.

- Pullin for Kamara, loved the look of pride from his mama, that woman was about to burst. : )

- Armstrong looks bigger.

- Still diggin Parsons

- Liked seeing the foreign players get together and appreciating the moment.
I had the same thoughts. Well done sir!! :thumbup:


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I think it’s great that they’re doing yoga! Love to see that. Mind, body, spirit.. Namaste!
Yup, and for the guys who aren't secure in their manhood, they can call it "Power Stretching" ; )


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Ok just watched the episode some thoughts...

- Big Mac cursing is painful to watch.

- Glad to see yoga incorporated - is that new?

- Watching that D-line coach with that English accent was freakin weird.

- Pullin for Kamara, loved the look of pride from his mama, that woman was about to burst. : )

- Armstrong looks bigger.

- Still diggin Parsons

- Liked seeing the foreign players get together and appreciating the moment.

The only one I haven’t seen swear yet is Moore! He needs to catch up. Drunken sailors we got here! It was equally as painful when Garrett swore. Probably even more so since he’s Ivy League. Don’t know how this goes for the other 31, but I would imagine it’s not much different. Being from Jersey I don’t really give a flying #!$#. lol swear all you want.


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The only one I haven’t seen swear yet is Moore! He needs to catch up. Drunken sailors we got here! It was equally as painful when Garrett swore. Probably even more so since he’s Ivy League. Don’t know how this goes for the other 31, but I would imagine it’s not much different. Being from Jersey I don’t really give a flying #!$#. lol swear all you want.
Yup, being from NY/NJ to swear is to breath, we can tell from a mile away when its forced.