*One of my favorite parts was when Pac said that he couldn't even call his Mom after the San Diego game. She'd be like, "Boy, what the **** you thinkin'? That's not how you play ball!" :laugh2:
Pac really is pretty funny and likeable.
*I loved watching Ray Sherman get on to his WR's. "If you don't want to be here, don't get on the bus. You hear me?" Then they all say, "Yes sir."
When I saw that, I thought, "Now there's a football coach.
*As always, watching the Pacman clips are one of my favorite parts of the show. He's just such a pure athlete and so sudden with everything he does. He's like a Ferrari on a highway full of Corvette's. If he keeps his head on straight, he's going to help win us a lot of football games.
*Roy talking to our WR's asking them if Denver guys were hitting them, and then getting upset that his guys were getting hit.
*Wade Phillips asking where TO got his shorts so he wouldn't go there... and then saying "You love me" when TO pointed to his shirt that said, "I (heart) Haters"
*Stewart getting pissed with the defense and telling it like it is.
*Roy sneaking in TO's room and TO saying, "Uh-uh! You get outta there!"
*Finally, every week it seems like we have a long Felix Jones run during the game highlights to look forward to. Each week, I get excited watching him get loose for about 30 yards or so on a run or a pass.
He truly looks legit and that is going to cause some real troubles for defenses around the NFL. He just gets such huge chunks of yardage so quickly.
I can't wait to see him play with the 1's. Romo hitting him in stride on a swing pass will be the kiss of death for opposing defenses.