Has Big Mike converted you


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I think what I thought when he was hired. MM is a good coach capable of getting a championship with a Super Bowl roster and an MVP caliber QB. But he’s limited in terms of play calling and game management.

Kellen Moore takes the play calling limitation off the table. Game management differential is important, but not as important as fans like to think because it’s so visible and the only view most fans have into what a coach actually does. But like I said about Garrett, these days game management is a shared effort between the entire staff and the players with mics in their helmets anyway.

As for your Jason Garret comment, I could easily go back to archived 2016 posts and demonstrate just how fickle most of the board is when it comes to coaching. You like McCarthy now, because the team is winning. Whether they’re winning because of him or not is almost completely irrelevant. The minute they lose a game that really counts, the converts will magically convert back, and they’ll have “known it all along.” It’s just so dumb.

Regarding your second paragraph, completely false. I gave Garrett his props all the way until 2013 when he had Kyle Orton throw the ball 41 times despite not having a start since 2011. More importantly, Garrett threw Romo under the bus two weeks prior to that “win and In” Eagles game after the Cowboys lost to Matt Flynn and GB. Romo threw an int that was allegedly a run and Garrett told the media that Romo checked out the run to pass which led to an INT. It was at this point I wanted him gone. Nevermind the fact that after this game (Eagles win and in) Jerry alluded/flat out stated Garrett was a “head coach in training.”

Folks knew we were winning in spite of Garrett after 5 years. McCarthy will get similar treatment from myself and fans if he’s still here after 3-4 years of coaching blunders as Garrett had.

You on the other hand continued to defend Garrett despite everything that transpired after 2013. Even in 2019 you remained his attorney.


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I was happy they hired him. I did not think he did a good job last year though. Too many weird calls. I didn’t lose all hope because of all the injuries but I started to wonder if the GB run was all AR. The first game was sloppy but the Bucs are solid plus Brady is THE Goat. Since then this team has been on a roll. Last 2 games were against well coached solid teams on the road. Dallas didn’t play great but they got the job done. Lots of guys chipping in. Defense is about to get a shot in the arm too.

I am back to believing in Big Mike. I think he has done a very good job here. This team needs to learn how to win and they are. I am officially sold on McCarthy.

Where are you right now?
why are you back to believing in him? Lets say we actually get Home Field, which is quite possible. Lets say the rams come in and beat us after we come off of a bye week, which is also possible. Will everyone be all in on Mike then? hell no, hed get crucified. How soon people forget we have been here before. 2007, 2014 and 2016.


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I was happy they hired him. I did not think he did a good job last year though. Too many weird calls. I didn’t lose all hope because of all the injuries but I started to wonder if the GB run was all AR. The first game was sloppy but the Bucs are solid plus Brady is THE Goat. Since then this team has been on a roll. Last 2 games were against well coached solid teams on the road. Dallas didn’t play great but they got the job done. Lots of guys chipping in. Defense is about to get a shot in the arm too.

I am back to believing in Big Mike. I think he has done a very good job here. This team needs to learn how to win and they are. I am officially sold on McCarthy.

Where are you right now?
Still don't like him, he's just a screw up in waiting.


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I was happy they hired him. I did not think he did a good job last year though. Too many weird calls. I didn’t lose all hope because of all the injuries but I started to wonder if the GB run was all AR. The first game was sloppy but the Bucs are solid plus Brady is THE Goat. Since then this team has been on a roll. Last 2 games were against well coached solid teams on the road. Dallas didn’t play great but they got the job done. Lots of guys chipping in. Defense is about to get a shot in the arm too.

I am back to believing in Big Mike. I think he has done a very good job here. This team needs to learn how to win and they are. I am officially sold on McCarthy.

Where are you right now?

Personally, the same place I have been for a while....................

He has done everything great other than in game and clock management.

Last night was the first game I didnt see him botch something during the game.


Outta bounds
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McCarthy converted me toward the end of last season. When the team had a nightmare injury season, with no offseason or camp, things should have deteriorated and fallen apart. Instead, with second, third and fourth string guys playing all over the team, they showed steady improvement as the year went on. They played much, much better at the end of the season and improved on important aspects like turnovers while showing definite signs of team building.

That showed me everything I needed to know about this staff.

I knew that given an offseason, a good draft and fewer injuries, they were going to be a good team. Did I know they’d be this good? No, I didn’t… but I knew they would be much better.


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Yeah but the question is he the guy to win a SB? I feel the same way about Garrett but it’s more than that. Do you think McCarthy can lead us to a SB?
what we "feel," makes no difference at all.


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I wasn't a fan of the hire but it's hard to argue with the results we've seen this season. This team looks different and has shown they can win games on days when they don't score 30 points - they have more than one way to win a game. That's what championship teams do.

Not saying this is a championship team (yet), but they're more of a contender than they've been in years.
This team is more of a contender than 2014 was? or 2016?

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I was happy they hired him. I did not think he did a good job last year though. Too many weird calls. I didn’t lose all hope because of all the injuries but I started to wonder if the GB run was all AR. The first game was sloppy but the Bucs are solid plus Brady is THE Goat. Since then this team has been on a roll. Last 2 games were against well coached solid teams on the road. Dallas didn’t play great but they got the job done. Lots of guys chipping in. Defense is about to get a shot in the arm too.

I am back to believing in Big Mike. I think he has done a very good job here. This team needs to learn how to win and they are. I am officially sold on McCarthy.

Where are you right now?
As long as he stops with those crazy 4th down calls I am on board!


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Josh McDaniels looked like the next great thing in coaching as New England's offensive coordinator. After two failures, he's back with New England.

Moore's attempt may turn out much better than that, but I'd rather go with a Super Bowl-winning coach than the next wunderkind who might turn out to be a washout. It's possible that his ceiling might be offensive coordinator.

mans he could be Sean Payton…
I still think MM is an idiot who has only won with elite level QB play.


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Never was a fan and never will be, even if he wins that title here. But still, I can respect his work at the same time, and nothing shuts you up like wins. In a row.

Go Cowboys!


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Big Mike has converted me.

Results matter and 6-1 is a great start.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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mans he could be Sean Payton…
I still think MM is an idiot who has only won with elite level QB play.

Could be, but more turn out to be McDaniels than Payton. Most Super Bowl coaches win with elite-level QB play. Payton had Brees. Belichek had Brady. We had two Hall-of-Famers Staubach and Aikman.

The number of active coaches who have won Super Bowls is pretty small and we have one of them. I don't know why there's a need to discredit McCarthy's. His coaching resume and record show he is far from being an idiot. Doesn't mean he doesn't do some stupid or unexplainable things. But if you're paying attention to other teams, their coaches do some stupid or unexplainable things, too.


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Could be, but more turn out to be McDaniels than Payton. Most Super Bowl coaches win with elite-level QB play. Payton had Brees. Belichek had Brady. We had two Hall-of-Famers Staubach and Aikman.

The number of active coaches who have won Super Bowls is pretty small and we have one of them. I don't know why there's a need to discredit McCarthy's. His coaching resume and record show he is far from being an idiot. Doesn't mean he doesn't do some stupid or unexplainable things. But if you're paying attention to other teams, their coaches do some stupid or unexplainable things, too.

I’d say Aaron Rodgers knows more than me and he thinks Mike is a moron…


The Boognish
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You can hear McCarthy this year constantly talking to the team about how his Super Bowl team played 75 players that year. One if his goals this season was clearly to improve the depth and make it functional.

We have seen injuries overcome week after week and that is by design.

Another thing I look at is player development.

As for the vets, many are playing their best ball. Gregory, Brown, Prescott, Zeke, Cooper, Pollard, and Schultz all fit the bill. I am excited to see what DLaw, Gallimore, and Wilson are going to give moving forward.

A lot of second year players are making a jump. Diggs is in the DPOY convo. Lamb is in the conversation with Jefferson for best young receiver. Biadasz has performed remarkably relative to his draft status and even Anae is starting to contribute.

Then you have the rookies. Parsons and Odighizuwa have been revelations. Gholston was splitting reps with Basham on the strongside. To hit on three guys this early is remarkable.

Then you factor that no one on the team has taken a step back.

Then I look to how organized things look. I know everyone likes to whinge about how time outs are used or not in close and late situations but I look at the whole game.

Are substitutions ready to be deployed as soon as the play is over? There has been only one situation where a DL was caught running off the field. People seem to forget that seemed to happen once a half in recent year.

Are in game adjustments made ingame and are they effective. Absolutely with how the defensive front was changed on the fly in the second quarter of the NE game. Moore seems to adjust from play to play sometimes.

And lastly, how is the culture? These guys persevere through adversity. They play hard the whole game. They share the credit and accept blame upon themselves. They are all accountable to each other.

And lastly how are his assistant coaching performing? I would say outstanding personally.

There is a lot to like about what MM has put together.


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Not really….I’m impressed with the team this season tho. More impressed with the players and the front office.


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Ultimately the measurement will be in the playoffs .

Unless we’ll be more content with frustration and disappointment if we come up short with McCarthy!

I said from the beginning I’d thought we’d enjoy losing in the playoffs more under McCarthy. Lol