Has Big Mike converted you


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I was happy they hired him. I did not think he did a good job last year though. Too many weird calls. I didn’t lose all hope because of all the injuries but I started to wonder if the GB run was all AR. The first game was sloppy but the Bucs are solid plus Brady is THE Goat. Since then this team has been on a roll. Last 2 games were against well coached solid teams on the road. Dallas didn’t play great but they got the job done. Lots of guys chipping in. Defense is about to get a shot in the arm too.

I am back to believing in Big Mike. I think he has done a very good job here. This team needs to learn how to win and they are. I am officially sold on McCarthy.

Where are you right now?
No .


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I was happy they hired him. I did not think he did a good job last year though. Too many weird calls. I didn’t lose all hope because of all the injuries but I started to wonder if the GB run was all AR. The first game was sloppy but the Bucs are solid plus Brady is THE Goat. Since then this team has been on a roll. Last 2 games were against well coached solid teams on the road. Dallas didn’t play great but they got the job done. Lots of guys chipping in. Defense is about to get a shot in the arm too.

I am back to believing in Big Mike. I think he has done a very good job here. This team needs to learn how to win and they are. I am officially sold on McCarthy.

Where are you right now?
It's Superbowl or bust to me every year. So I'm waiting on that ring.


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when we win a superbowl, I'll be converted. This team has been playing great, but we've had great teams in the 2014 and 2016 years. In fact, let's just get past the 2nd round of the playoffs first before I drink the koolaid.


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mans he could be Sean Payton…
I still think MM is an idiot who has only won with elite level QB play.

Lol what. You realize Sean Payton is just a discount version of McCarthy right?

Look at McCarthy's tenure with Rodgers and Payton's parallel tenure with Brees. McCarthy has more playoff wins, playoff appearances, division titles etc.


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I’d say Aaron Rodgers knows more than me and he thinks Mike is a moron…

No he doesnt lol.

Aaron Rodgers has routinely praised McCarthy as one of the biggest reasons for his success. Citing how McCarthy completely rebuilt Rodgers mechanics and throwing motion.


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All around the league you hear of fans complaining about their coaches clock management, I know since I visit a lot of ****** forums of other teams and these fans complain about their coach.

If you get a chance, look at his résumé. He's coached HOF QBs, he's coached defenses early in his career and was groomed by some of the best coaches this league has had. He knows how to win. He's been coaching since 1987, that's over 30 years of coaching experience. Obviously he's human and makes mistakes, what coach doesn't?

But his players play hard for him, they are close, they are prepared, and his adjustments are second to none. Trust me, Dak isn't a diva like AR is.


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He has the team ready to go every week.
Which is something we haven't seen for a long time. It didn't come from Kellen Moore and it didn't come from Quinn. This whole team has something that wasn't here before, and it came from Mike McCarthy.
They're ready to play every week, they play hard, and they find ways to win instead of finding ways to lose, and they do it with attitude.


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The culture is the difference between night and day from the Garrett era. Like I said earlier, he does his best work during the week and it shows on game day. They are playing as a team, not just each unit doing their own thing.

Hard-nosed football is back while the country club atmosphere is being pushed out.

I totally agree Tabascocat, your post is right on target.


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No he doesnt lol.

Aaron Rodgers has routinely praised McCarthy as one of the biggest reasons for his success. Citing how McCarthy completely rebuilt Rodgers mechanics and throwing motion.

“Mike has a low football IQ, and that used to always bother Aaron,” a source told Dunne. “He’d say Mike has one of the lowest IQs, if not the lowest IQ, of any coach he’s ever had.”