Has the Rooney rule helped or hurt minorities?


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abersonc;1354501 said:
You are being ignorant to the rule. I study AA law and applications. You are ignoring just about every simple fact about affirmative action imaginable. The goal of the policy is that hiring reflect society. That part is correct. But you appear not to understand that overarching policy goals of equal representation are not equivalent to the application of policy in any one area.

But that has nothing to do with applications of affirmative action at an organizational level. Professions differ in terms of who is part of the viable applicant pool for hiring. For example it would be idiotic to apply that rule to organations hiring Ph.D.s in Computer Science where only 1 or 2 % of the folks who hold Ph.D.s in that area are African American. The Affirmative Action goals for that organization would be to reflect the % of African Americans with Ph.D.s not the 12% that you state. Based on your argument you would suggest that these organizations would have to hire 12% African Americans -- about 6 times the available applicants. Other organizations, such as the NFL have a pool of far greater than 12%, so their targets would be higher. The goal is to have a 12% average for these positions -- not 12% for every position -- to get to a 12% average some jobs will have to have less and some more.

Your top end employment opputunities do not allow for the pool of minority candidates to compete. The minority class simply does not equate the same demographic number as their general population numbers, thus you cannot employ highly skilled and educated individuals at the same 12% rate.

That is an easy fact to understand.

The coaching profession is trying to force people to interview candidates based on color. This I feel is reverse racism and basically a media ploy anyway.

It will fail, like AA has because it is not moral ground and people was work against it.

I will leave it at that and we can agree to disagree, but I appreciate the discussion.

Take care


Regular Joe....
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superpunk;1354706 said:
I think he's saying all hispanics smell like rats.

Sic 'im!


Your cute when your trying to start trouble.



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tunahelper;1354728 said:
It will fail, like AA has because it is not moral ground and people was work against it.

Again, more invalid statements.

Several studies have documented important gains in racial and gender equality as a direct result of affirmative action - U.S. opinion polls routinely show that the majority of U.S. adults FAVOR affirmative action and that most who oppose AA hold incorrect beliefs about the policy (i.e., that AA involves quotas -- which btw are illegal).


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
You guys have not figured this out yet? :confused:

Life goes on....



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ABQCOWBOY;1354701 said:
Augh yeah. OK, well, what exactly is the point here?

Jim Mora Jr. is about as hispanic as David Duke.


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tunahelper;1354687 said:
I now know you are ignorant based on your lack of understanding. People like you will always want the Rooney Rule but it will never achieve its goal! :D

Good day large Font queen...

When you can't defeat one's argument or participate in a civil discussion, toss out nebulous inane comments and then resort to juvenile insults.
