Oh, that's what it is? Exactly...
I have no idea. But I would argue that we have/had several successful offensive and defensive coordinators. Don't they deserve a chance at becoming head coaches?
Exactly, you cannot give an answer?
How many minority coaches are being overlooked?
The rule was created for politically correctness reasons, not to really help anyone.
Why support a rule, when the stated purpose is not founded (ie: numerous qualified minority coaches missing oppurtunities)?
Please show me where the Rooney Rule puts a limit on the number of coaching candidates who can be interviewed for a position?
The pressure to interview one minority allows the processs to seat an unknown qualified candidate, this is the point.
With all due respect, your question is B.S. An owner is not restricted to the amount of candidates he can interview. He just has to make sure one of them is minority. And the minority doesn't even have to be African American.
was not referring to the number of total coaches interviewed. Rather, the media pressure everytime a non-minority, qualified candidate is hired.
Questions are raised as too his tenure,abilities, etc. and comparisons are made to the other minority candidates.
Is it fair to question these men and their abilities based on skin color?
Sounds like reverse racism to me.
First, affirmative action is another argument. I merely gave it as an example.
Not really? This is the samething, since minorities gain an advantage over non-minorities, based on skin color.
Second, affirmative action didn't allow for the possibility of an unqualified person to be hired. Rather, it allowed a person to be hired based on potential.
This is speculation, since you have no way to prove this statement. What we do know is many minorities are given interview oppurtunities based on skin.
This in turn allows the chance for them to get the job.
Don't think for a moment that whites simply got hired because they were more qualified. As is the case with many jobs, people are hired based on their potential and their ability to be trained on-the-job.
Another assumption!
Since we are assuming here, I wonder how many white, position coaches, with 4 years coaching, could make good HC?
Yet, Mike Singletary gets the chance to sit down with Jerry and apply for the HC position.
I think Mike might be a good choice for us, however it puts him in the front based on skin color.
We're not talking about jobs where a precise technical expertise is required like commercial airline pilot, brain surgeon or dentist. No one, not even blacks, would argue that an unskilled, unqualified person be hired as a pilot.
Expertise is not required to coach an NFL team? Wow! Sign me up!
I believe you are not informed. I have heard Sharpton, Jackson and Jim Brown state Racism prevents skilled and educated jobs from Blacks.
The funny thing is these men, rarely mention hispanics?
We're talking about jobs where qualifications are subjective and can be acquired on the job, a process that many whites have benefited from throughout the history of America.

Exactly, the owners should be subjective in their own process and not bound too meanlingless hiring rules.

I was referring to the stupid MINORITY HIRING process.
You had a nation that benefited from black slavery yet a black man was not allowed to occupy elected office at one time.
You do understand the incongruity of your statement don't you?
Well, I was not a owner of any slaves, therefore do not owe anyone anything!
If you are to bring up the burden of slavery, maybe the plight of the Jews should also be discussed?
They were enslaved by Africans for thousands of years, yet no black leaders ever mention any apologies?
No, count myself well-informed and a student of history.