Hate Cliches' used to Thwart Opponent Perspectives ...Whether True or False!


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thor_01 said:
Phoenix-Talon said:
...and at this point all credibillity was lost, couldnt even admit to a typo, and wants someone to take his analysis seriously..........

I could care less if you take me serious or not thor_101. BTW, " :rolleyes: " means don't take what was said serious!:rolleyes:

oh i actually did mispell and abbreviate on purpose, wont need to make excuses about it later

I believe you, since you didn't use any sarcasm in your post ...but that doesn't allow for your punctuations or the use of an apostrophe every now and then.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ...author unknown)


The Cult of Jib
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Phoenix-Talon said:
PT should say ...you got me!?:rolleyes:

Vintage wants us to believe that midiocre OL play is what he Hopes for. But does he realize that ...mdeiocre OL play = mediocre protection for Bledsoe?

Your brilliant stupidity is no longer amusing. To me, at least.

We had mediocre OL play until Flozell went down.

How did Bledsoe fare? You tell me.

@San Diego: 18/24 226 Yards 3 TD's 0 INTs 143.4 Rating
Washington: 21/36 261 Yards 1 TD's 0 INT's 90.2 Rating
@San Francisco: 24/38 363 Yards 2 TD's 2 INT's 90.1 Rating
@Oakland: 11/26 212 Yards 1 TD 1 INT 68.1 Rating
Philadelphia 24/35 289 Yards 3 TD's 0 INT's 122.2 Rating
NY Giants 26/37 312 Yards 1 TD 1 INT 93.5 Rating

4-2 record

....With medicore OL play.

Oops. Wrong again. Keep trying. Bring out a bigger shovel.


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Xy_Oldone said:
Phoenix-Talon said:
Cliches can be true. Once again like almost all your post I read. When you reply you totally ignore the points the other person made. And just post any old thing.

No need to try again. I think I will stick with the cliche, it being true and all.

..."To each, there own!"


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coco2 said:
Yet if that were true I think they'd have weathered McNabb's injury in 05 like they did in previous seasons when Detmer & Feeley had to take the reigns for brief stints and the Eagles still won. Something looked different last year.

Brilliant observation, one that has been brought up all too infrequently.

The main difference?

The NFC no longer sucks-azz. The Eagles can't get away with choking their way to the top every year. Teams can actually block those "brilliant" blitz packages now. Yikes.


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Vintage said:
PT, what was the point of this thread? Seriously?

Your post was trash. People brought up fallacies within the arguement.

You ignore them.

You really can't see that you're making my point!?


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Phoenix-Talon said:
You really can't see that you're making my point!?

Was your point that you're a troll?

Or was it that the weak-minded little Cowboy fans would have no other recourse but to call you a troll, because your reasoning and brainpower is so far superior to theirs?

Nice job. You made a post filled with errors, got called on it, ignored it, ignored any legit point brought up - opting instead to write more meaningless tripe, having nothing to do with the counterpoints - until people get fed up and call a spade a spade.

Mission accomplished.:rolleyes:


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sonnyboy said:
1) Agree. McNabb was not the same player it seemed from the start of the season and obviously got worse as the injury worsened.

2) This offensive line did very well against the NFC East teams the first time it went up against them with Flozell Adams. It did poorly the second go round without him. I think it's that simple.

It is my opinion, my speculation, my prognostication...that the 2006 Cowboy OL will be better than the 2005 OL.

1)Koiser is an upgrade over the 2005 version of Allen.
2)The 2006 Pettiti or Fabini will be better than the 2005 Pettiti.
3)The 2006 Rivera will be better than the injured 2005 Rivera.
4)The 2006 OL has better depth than the 2005 OL and will weather a major
loss much better.

Although I still believe our OL is the weakest unit on the team, I'm convinced that it should be better than the 2005 OL. Perhaps even better than the 2005 OL with Adams.

1) McNabb is good until somebody puts the clamps down. It's when he feels the pressure (big game, game on the line, etc) he starts to make bad decisions IMO. See 2004 SB, and last years' 1st Skins game (who exactly was he throwing at when he throw it into Ryan Clark's numbers?) and the Cowboys game (again, what was the point of that throw, i didn't see anyone near RW). So, with the improved NFC East, I think you'll be seeing a lot more close games and until McNabb can prove that he can win them, I don't really see them being THAT much better.

2)I don't know about the Giants or Eagles, but after watching the 2nd Skins game again I have this to say. Yes, Daniels did beat Tucker for 4 sacks, but if you look at the whole game, it was like a jailbreak just about every play. I think the whole Washington DL out-played just about every position on the OL. So I don't see just adding one LT position would have helped all that much.

As far as your prediction...
1) Kosier is going to be a very slight upgrade on run blocking. He won't be able to consistently block his man in front of him, and is hardly good at the second level. But it's better then asking Larry Allen to pull. But he's a definite downgrade in pass-blocking. He just lacks the strength. In pass blocking mobility doesn't matter all that much.
2) 2006 Petteti or Fabini is an upgrade, but it remains to be seen how much.
3) 2006 Rivera doesn't necessarily have to be better then the still injured (supposedly) 2005 Rivera. He's 34 years old, he just might have gotten worse. It happens, ask Larry Allen (35 years old last season, and he was way over the hump according to you, so why is it different for Rivera?)
4) I agree on the depth issue, and you won't see the same drop-off in talent. But I still think that the 2006 O-line is mediocre at best, with the loss of a starter could turn to horrible.

One more issue to throw a kink in your greatly improved 2006 O-line idea. So Rivera took over a year to recover from an injury, yet you expect 31 year old Adams to be 100% at the start of next season. Knee injuries take a while to heal and sometimes it doesn't all the way. Especially a concern for somebody his age.
Now, before you can issue the argument "But Bill Parcells says Adams is 100% and Parcells knows what he's talking about!" Well of course he said that! IF (and I admit it's a big if) Adams has lingering effects of his injury, do you really expect Parcells to say "Man, Adams still isn't doing well, I sure hope nobody blitzes to that side". It's called deception and the point is so opponents think your weakness is actually your strength.


The Cult of Jib
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Phoenix-Talon said:
You really can't see that you're making my point!?

You have no point.

Myth #1- McNabbs injury had no impact.

Reality: This is a myth. It did.

Myth #2- Cowboys OL good enough to block NFC East DL

Reality: Its not a myth. It was good enough, until Flozell went down.


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1fisher said:
Phoenix-Talon said:
I can name most of you starting line up on both sides of the ball.... but I'll not give you the satisfaction!

I doubt that! Alright, just name our 3rd string QB (not Detmer)... I surely know all of your QBs ...and have posts to prove it (remember ...we are On the honor system about researching).

By the way.... I'm planning on working on the tan again this weekend and I don't believe you left the "H" out intentionally....:cool:

Don't work too hard on that tan. BTW, I did make a typo ...if that's what you'd like to believe.


The Cult of Jib
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Firehawk, while you did bring up some good points... I want to point out one small thing.

An 80% Flozell is better than a 100% Torrin Tucker.

I don't think the OL will be great. I think at best, it will be mediocre again. But Drew proved he can do well behind a mediocre OL.

That's all I have been saying throughout this thread.

Well, that....and PT is mentally ********.


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Firehawk. How do you know Kosier is weak? You don't.
31 is not old to recover from a simple ACL, its done all the time in one year.
Different people react at different ages differently. LA at 34 or Rivera at 34- trying to compare them is ignorant. LA totally concentrated on upper body strength and ignored conditioning and flexibility. RIvera works on all of it. BP is not the only one that has said LA and Rivera are looking good. We are getting that from MANY DIFFERENT sources.


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PT: you are ignorant. You claim to know more then show your ignorance by not even knowing Tucker has been gone for months. So how is ANYONE with a brain going to take seriously anything you post? You are a eagles troll and always act like one.


Eagles Fan Liaison
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Vintage said:
We had mediocre OL play until Flozell went down.

How did Bledsoe fare? You tell me.

@San Diego: 18/24 226 Yards 3 TD's 0 INTs 143.4 Rating
Washington: 21/36 261 Yards 1 TD's 0 INT's 90.2 Rating
@San Francisco: 24/38 363 Yards 2 TD's 2 INT's 90.1 Rating
@Oakland: 11/26 212 Yards 1 TD 1 INT 68.1 Rating
Philadelphia 24/35 289 Yards 3 TD's 0 INT's 122.2 Rating
NY Giants 26/37 312 Yards 1 TD 1 INT 93.5 Rating

4-2 record

....With medicore OL play.

Oops. Wrong again. Keep trying. Bring out a bigger shovel.

Acceptable stats and argument ...if you've got the 2005 defensive squads playing against you this year. Defenses are improved ...has your OL improved to meet the challenges?


The Cult of Jib
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Phoenix-Talon said:
Acceptable stats and argument ...if you've got the 2005 defensive squads playing against you this year. Defenses are improved ...has your OL improved to meet the challenges?

Let me apply some of your logic against you.

Has your offense improved to meet the improved defenses? You lost Owens....and replaced him with Gaffney. Furthermore, your offense really struggled last year.

And you have basically the same offense coming back.

Defenses have improved.

And you lost your best WR.


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So every team has improved their defense? No one we play is going to have a bad D?

Theese FA's people sign have to come from somewhere


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Vintage said:
Firehawk, while you did bring up some good points... I want to point out one small thing.

An 80% Flozell is better than a 100% Torrin Tucker.

I don't think the OL will be great. I think at best, it will be mediocre again. But Drew proved he can do well behind a mediocre OL.

That's all I have been saying throughout this thread.

Well, that....and PT is mentally ********.

Haha, that is true. Putting a Do Not Enter sign in the way would be better then Tucker. At least somebody would at least pause to consider it first.
burmafd... I don't know that Kosier is WEAK per se, but he's definitely not Larry Allen strong. Even over-the-hill, Larry Allen was still strong as a bull. Just as long as he didn't have to move (and you don't too much in pass protection). You obviously haven't had an ACL tear, it can be easily reaggravated or have lingering effects, especially after 25. 31 isn't too old, I grant that, but it's definitely not the height of youth either.
As far as comparing LA vs. Rivera, I think it's a legit comparison. Yes, LA didn't concentrate on flexibility and the like, but he also didn't suffer a back injury. If anything LA should have the leg up in that case. Who else said that Rivera and Adams looked good???


Eagles Fan Liaison
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Vintage said:
Let me apply some of your logic against you.

Has your offense improved to meet the improved defenses? You lost Owens....and replaced him with Gaffney. Furthermore, your offense really struggled last year.

And you have basically the same offense coming back.

Defenses have improved.

And you lost your best WR.

Games are won and Lost at the line of scrimmage. Yes is my answer! The Eagles OL and DL are both different from 2005. You will see much strong performance on both sides of the ball in 2006.


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There have been plenty of comments- Pittdawg for one.
By the way, you don't need to be LA strong to get the job done, just to let you know.


The Cult of Jib
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Phoenix-Talon said:
Games are won and Lost at the line of scrimmage. Yes is my answer! The Eagles OL and DL are both different from 2005. You will see much strong performance on both sides of the ball in 2006.

Time for more PT logic.

So you are relying upon a rookie DT, a declining Kearse, and a DE who got benched in New Orleans for your much improved DL.

And how is your OL improved? Same starters as last year, except Hicks is gone at LG.


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Phoenix-Talon said:
Games are won and Lost at the line of scrimmage. Yes is my answer! The Eagles OL and DL are both different from 2005. You will see much strong performance on both sides of the ball in 2006.

You hope just as we do.