Hating on each other


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I don't live in Dallas and can't go to the games. And who can afford a ticket at Jerry World anyway? I'm planning to take a picture of all my fan gear and send it to the organization, saying that I'm going to stop buying jerseys, tee shirts etc. until this team fires Mike McCarthy.

McCarthy was the straw that broke the camels back? Not 26 years of Jerry or 10 with Garrett? Or what's next.. maybe Moore? A brand new Jerry puppet to get that winning started up. But after a 12-5 season in year 2, you had enough? Just seems like you should've played that card a long time ago after what we witnessed here the past few decades!! Tell Jerry to fire the GM while you're at it.


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No one has said anything ugly to me, which I appreciate but I'm tired of reading posts where people are calling each other idiots, jock sniffers etc.

We're all upset, sad, depressed, angry and any other negative adjective you can imagine. It's taken me three long swim workouts to get my serotonin back up to a normal level and I'm still dejected as I face a weekend without a Cowboy game.

I'm a 63-year-old woman who can remember crying after the Ice Bowl game in 1967. I have had the privilege of enjoying all 5 Super Bowl rings but I never imagined I would find myself waiting more than a quarter century for another championship. I'm a committed baseball fan but I would surrender seeing one of my teams win the Series in my lifetime in favor of another Cowboy ring.

So let's rip into the coaches, the players, the ownership...By all means. But may I suggest that we be kind to one another?
Agree, I don't hate on any fans. Its some of the players, some of the coaches, and the Jones family I have a problem with. Jmo.


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Every now and then, I'll go on the attack.


Last Man Standing
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How’s the saying go? Winning is the best deodorant? It’s so true.

I don’t participate in sniping against other forum members, but when I see some upset fans on this forum I certainly empathize. None of my kids have ever seen a Cowboys’ Super Bowl and they’ve barely seen any competitive playoff games.

Year after year it’s the same thing. I’m proudly a Cowboys fan and they’ll probably bury me in the team jersey, but it’s as bad as it’s ever been, for two reasons;

1) The drought is intolerably long and it doesn’t look like it’s ending anytime soon.

2) The players that we have aren’t good enough, but we were stuck with them for a long time.

Tom Brady has 35 playoff wins and yeah he’s the gold standard. Looking inward, Troy Aikman had 11 and so did Roger Staubach.

You don’t find quarterbacks that start 1-3 who turn it around in their 7th year and start winning playoff games. Dak is who he is, he beats up on bad teams but he can’t win in the playoffs. Romo, for as much as we loved him, was the same.

Zeke is done, plain and simple. Each year he takes a step down. Running backs don’t turn their careers around - they’re in steady decline from the moment that they’re drafted.

The offensive line has been wasted. Once the Great Wall of Dallas, now Tyron Smith is lucky to play 10 games a season. Connor Williams has been a bust and his holding calls are literally holding back the franchise. La’El Collins was benched earlier in the year. Zack Martin is the saving grace but he isn’t getting any younger.

But these are the horses we will be rolling with for the foreseeable future.

So yeah, part of the frustration is that this once prestigious franchise is now mired in mediocrity. But the real frustration is that there’s no viable path to escape it. We’re doomed to 3 to 5 more years of 10-7 or 11-6 seasons and one-and-done in the playoffs until they finally blow up the roster and start again.

As fans, what can we do? Stop watching? We love this team, we bleed blue and silver.

Maybe there’s a miracle. Maybe Dallas drafts the next Tom Brady in the 6th round, Dak goes out for a few games with an injury and never gets his job back. Maybe Tony Pollard gets a shot as the starting quarterback and we draft a running back who comes into the team as the RB2 and carries the team.

That’s what we’re left with. A hope and a prayer. And don’t even get me started in the head coach.

All I can say to the other fans here is: hold your head up high and keep rooting for your team. No one can call us bandwagon jumpers anymore, that’s for sure. And one day, in 3 years or 30 years, when we win that title, boy is it going to feel good.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I am not mad at any poster on this forum ........ all my anger is reserved for this team (specifically Jerry) and will probably not be any better until right before the draft.

Except Jerry ...... I will hate that piece of trash till he is gone.


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I’m 63….will we see another SB? As sad as it is, I think not but I still keep hoping for a miracle. At this point, that’s all we’ve got to hope for. Just my 2 cents.
My father, who was a huge Cowboys fan, asked that question when he was in his 60s. He died a couple of months ago as a broken hearted Cowboys fan that had watched the classiest team in sports become an embarrassment. He was 84. It could happen to you at the rate the Cowboys are going.


The Chairman
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My father, who was a huge Cowboys fan, asked that question when he was in his 60s. He died a couple of months ago as a broken hearted Cowboys fan that had watched the classiest team in sports become an embarrassment. He was 84. It could happen to you at the rate the Cowboys are going.
Sorry to hear about your father..


Well-Known Member
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I believe you to be out of touch with the generation of fans today. They have hate ingrained into them. It's not just about football, it's about every facet of their lives. You're not going to dissuade them from their uncivil discourse. I've tried as well and discovered as long as the admin allows it, it is unstoppable. Nothing you or I say will matter one iota. But I want you to know I appreciate your efforts. Thank you.
The elderlies always want to convince us that everything was better in the good old days. Hah!

“Children; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They no longer rise when elders enter the room, they contradict their parents and tyrannize their teachers. Children are now tyrants.”
Sokrates, 470BC

You guys were just as f**ked up as we were, cursing at each other and what not. In public you just used the words "sir" and "madam" more often.

Every Young Generation is frowned upon by their elderlies. Fans in the 1960s couldn't use the internet, but it wasn't a Picknick in the stands either I bet. :D
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The elderlies always want to convince us that everything was better in the good old days. Hah!

“Children; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They no longer rise when elders enter the room, they contradict their parents and tyrannize their teachers. Children are now tyrants.”
Sokrates, 470BC

You guys were just as f**ked up as we were, cursing at each other and what not. In public you just used the words "sir" and "madam" more often.

Every Young Generation is frowned upon by their elderlies. Fans in the 1960s couldn't use the internet, but it wasn't a Picknick in the stands either I bet. :D
You're wrong but I don't dare dissuade you from what you believe. You are far better off believing as you do and finding out for yourself later on in life that you don't know what you are talking about right now. I wish you well and hold no ill will toward you for trying to tell me the way it is. ;)


Well-Known Member
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You're wrong but I don't dare dissuade you from what you believe. You are far better off believing as you do and finding out for yourself later on in life that you don't know what you are talking about right now. I wish you well and hold no ill will toward you for trying to tell me the way it is. ;)
Uhm lol what? This is the most easily obvious thing on earth. Every older generation is complaining about the youth. When I reach that kind of age I will do too. That's the way things go. Probably ever since the beginning of mankind. Just doesn't mean they're worse than I was at that age, or that I'm worse than the oldies in their youth.

How can anyone debate this? I just started my 40s and I have caught myself thinking "obnoxious teens" recently for the first the time lol. But I'm still a long way from "heavens to Betsy, everyone's so undisciplined and unfriendly, now where are my teeth". So I can see both sides, but all this "everything was better in the old days" crap is just old people's talk glorifying the past.


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Uhm lol what? This is the most easily obvious thing on earth. Every older generation is complaining about the youth. When I reach that kind of age I will do too. That's the way things go. Probably ever since the beginning of mankind. Just doesn't mean they're worse than I was at that age, or that I'm worse than the oldies in their youth.

How can anyone debate this?
That's exactly what I expected you to say at this point in your life. There is no better way to explain it to you than to let it come to you in your own time. Peace be with you. ;)


Well-Known Member
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My father, who was a huge Cowboys fan, asked that question when he was in his 60s. He died a couple of months ago as a broken-hearted Cowboys fan that had watched the classiest team in sports become an embarrassment. He was 84. It could happen to you at the rate the Cowboys are going.
it will happen to all of us.

Sorry for the loss of your father.


Junior College Transfer
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I was a coach.....my wife and daughter had to hear people rip me and call me a piece crap......so, I don't agree...i rip into fans that don't know much, but, they rip on coaches GM, players and owners

Not crap, more like a barnacle with no use.
I am sure your neighbors had reason to be miffed and peeved.


Junior College Transfer
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No one has said anything ugly to me, which I appreciate but I'm tired of reading posts where people are calling each other idiots, jock sniffers etc.

We're all upset, sad, depressed, angry and any other negative adjective you can imagine. It's taken me three long swim workouts to get my serotonin back up to a normal level and I'm still dejected as I face a weekend without a Cowboy game.

I'm a 63-year-old woman who can remember crying after the Ice Bowl game in 1967. I have had the privilege of enjoying all 5 Super Bowl rings but I never imagined I would find myself waiting more than a quarter century for another championship. I'm a committed baseball fan but I would surrender seeing one of my teams win the Series in my lifetime in favor of another Cowboy ring.

So let's rip into the coaches, the players, the ownership...By all means. But may I suggest that we be kind to one another?

OK, let's be kind. But if I get any criticisms I can hire a woman who can put a santería curse on some of you curs.