Have we supplied Dak with enough to be successful?


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The o-line doesn't run block well enough to lean on the run game, no matter who's at RB

And the OC (McCarthy) is not good at Big Game game plans. The playcalling is conservative and suspect early in Big Games.

So Dak has to overcome a lack of a consistent running game and bad play calls or play designs.

Plus penalties.

Is Dak the answer? Maybe not. But I think Burrow and Mahomes would struggle with this roster and OC as well, let alone any other supposedly top-tier QBs (Josh Allen, Lamar, Purdy, Herbert, Stroud, Lawrence, etc.)

Throughout the playoffs, you see a lot of defensive and offensive plays that are a huge success simply based on the scheme. People are wide open, or it's the perfect call against the opponent's offense or defense, so then the play is a huge success (unblocked rushers, or a well-timed screen against a blitz). These RARELY happen for the Cowboys, especially in a Big Game. We don't have those kinds of OCs, they don't win the chess match, not great at the Xs and Os. Hard to win when you can't find simple ways to gain yards, and when the defense can't confuse the QB and the offense.


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No team is perfect and great teams overcome their weaknesses. Great leaders lift their teams over adversity. That has not been the case with the QB or HC in Dallas for a very long time

To overcome McCorkey's deficiencies you'd need an elite-tier caliber QB, which Dak isn't.

Aaron Rodgers did it despite McCorkey.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It's not about supporting Dak. If it were more about the team, one could see that this team as constructed, will not succeed.


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3 all pros on the o line and one of the top wr in the league

Two of his first 3 seasons he had the leading rusher in the NFL

Not sure if this is a serious question but yes he's had a full cupboard to work with almost his entire career. The only position we've been seriously deficient at offense wise, is QB
......if that's the response......eyes been covered on a lot of other things or preferable dismissive about. You can't be serious. You named 5 advantages and missed the other 48. (defense completely disregarded).


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do you think other teams would have went further than we've went with what we've had??
if you are asking what would a guy like Mahomes, or Allen, or Lamar, etc do with this roster? Yes, I think we'd be gearing up for *another* NFCCG this weekend.

but, it's hard to say because 4 of the past 5 playoff games, our QB hasn't broken 90 yards in the 1st half.
that's not even marginal QB play. That's bottom of the barrel, wallowing in the gutter type QB play.

so it's possible with even a marginal bus driver who just doesn't totally poop the bed that we'd have some deep playoff runs.


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answer? NO. Not even close to enough. Its arrogance. Thats why. They really like their guys. It doomed the team.


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I'm no MM apologist, but Jerry has put the HC in a very bad dysfunctional situation by the way they have handled the team.


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naw I think we need to change teams, make SF, and KC give us their players and they take ours. That should be enough good guys to carry dak.

Once that is done, maybe we can give him 200mil per year, because he's dak good.
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......if that's the response......eyes been covered on a lot of other things or preferable dismissive about. You can't be serious. You named 5 advantages and missed the other 48. (defense completely disregarded).
I'm quite serious.
Dak's had rosters that most QB's would kill to be under center for, for most of his career.

We've recycled countless coordinators, coaches, etc all to make Dak "more comfortable".
and the guy that's come the closest (so far) was the latest desired fall guy.

People are angry that McCarthy is still around. He dumbed down and simplified the offense to such a basic level that even Dak could prosper in it, against bottom feeding NFC East type teams. That is, until they got to the postseason and big boy ball, then he crumpled like a Walmart deer blind in a stiff breeze.

But, hey, let's pay him $60 million a year because "we have no choice" and then keep finding other scapegoats all over the roster to sacrifice every off season.


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what do you call " successful " ?

Statistically he's had a MVP caliber year.
Regular season he shines out - playoffs a different animal .

But he cannot carry this team on his shoulders- not that kind of elite caliber to do that in playoffs.

Add to the poor run game, no use of RBs in pass game, and a faulty defense that is just not
physical vs run, ..and that's added pressure to press .and he cannot respond/deliver come playoff time.

He's failed 3 times in playoffs - he has to be supported more than what is given to him right now - and that includes coaching - and a vast support group (run game, WRs)


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The team is okay we just need some magician to fix dak the choker. Maybe he needs to go full Bruce Jenner, if that helps the team that would be okay. He'd be the first woman in the NFL. He already has the lady's purse and luggage.


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Think long and hard at the players that have come in here to this offense, was there at one point where he had enough, or was he never adequately supplied to be successful.

On the other hand, I know the defense being better surely could have helped. Please give your thoughts
8 years in going on 9 it appears there isn’t enough talent to carry Dak where fans want the Cowboys to go. Dak is the problem not the answer he has had all he should of needed more than once and failed miserably again and again but let’s run it back again who knows maybe he’ll get lucky.


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8 years in going on 9 it appears there isn’t enough talent to carry Dak where fans want the Cowboys to go. Dak is the problem not the answer he has had all he should of needed more than once and failed miserably again and again but let’s run it back again who knows maybe he’ll get lucky.
you must have never seen the stats. I hope one of his followers will post his stats That will show you.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Should have given him a better running game. He can elevate us against bad teams but not against good. A good running game takes the pressure off. On the other hand. I think it's too late now. With the look on his face in these big games I think a lot of it is mental.​