Head Coach Rant


White and Nerdy
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DBoys;1344395 said:
That proves nothing. He could be real successful too. That is why you do research and interview.

Garrett is the son of a coach....he grew up with Xs and Os. Garrett was a QB.....he grew up reading various defenses and learning how to counter and beat them.......he has an IVY League education.

He was a 2nd & 3rd string QB in the NFL for many years. He was the guy who would have to learn the other team's plays and execute them against his defense in practice. He played under Norv Turner, Ernie Zampeze, and Chan Gailey while here in Dallas and then Kevin Gilbride while with the Giants.

So he has learned from several offensive minds. I am also pretty sure that while in Miami, he had some time to talk football with Don Shula.

I am not saying he will be successful, but he sure has had a lot of positive influences as he has grown in his football career.

I would feel very confident with him as our OC if that were to be the case.


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DBoys;1344352 said:
Since the HC position should be announced in the next few days I figured I would put in my 2 cents.

We hired a good OC coordinator who should be able to fix any problems with our O. Bear in mind we scored 30 points a game last year so there is not much to fix.

Now we are interviewing the following HC's:

Wade Phillips
Gary Gibbs
Norv Turner

What was the single thing that crippled us last year? DEFENSE.

Gibbs is a 4-3 guy
Why do we need Norv when we have Jason and our O is good already? We need to fix some OL problems but that is about it.

Only guy that makes sense is Wade Phillips.

Here is the biggest concern for me personally. It has been reported since BP left that the players lost respect in him and the play on the field backs that up.

After Norv left Oakland and Washington the same thing was reported about him.

Wade on the other hand has been respected in all his stops and the players play hard for him because he is aggressive.

Gibbs and Norv are passive and that is the last thing we need.

If Jerry passes on Wade it will be a big mistake.
Jerry needs someone who he can confide in or who can advise him that's not close to the situation.Why have aikman helping in the coaching search,he is biased,he wants his buddy norv in here.Parcells is going to push the coaches that are left from his staff on jerry.Jerry needs someone that knows the league,and it's coaches,and is away from the situation,that can give him advise on what to do.The way it looks,he's going to try and recreate the 90's,because it's all he really knows.Let's hope this isn't a disaster in the making.


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Biggems;1344457 said:
Garrett is the son of a coach....he grew up with Xs and Os. Garrett was a QB.....he grew up reading various defenses and learning how to counter and beat them.......he has an IVY League education.

He was a 2nd & 3rd string QB in the NFL for many years. He was the guy who would have to learn the other team's plays and execute them against his defense in practice. He played under Norv Turner, Ernie Zampeze, and Chan Gailey while here in Dallas and then Kevin Gilbride while with the Giants.

So he has learned from several offensive minds. I am also pretty sure that while in Miami, he had some time to talk football with Don Shula.

I am not saying he will be successful, but he sure has had a lot of positive influences as he has grown in his football career.

I would feel very confident with him as our OC if that were to be the case.

I couldn't agree more. Well said!!!:thumbup:


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DBoys;1344352 said:
If Jerry passes on Wade it will be a big mistake.

What I don't understand is all the hype over a rumor about possibly hiring Norv before he has even interviewed for the job.

I think out best chance of success is a young new defensive coordinator: a Rex Ryan or Ron Rivera.

Next is probably Wade Phillips.

My third tier would be Norv and/or Gary Gibbs. Norv has the Xs and Os but can you trust him to evaluate talent and motivate?



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Dave_in-NC;1344442 said:
You never give an opinion on any other team? Skinsand Terps brings some knowledge here. They had Norv there more recently than we did. What was your opinion on Norv as a head coach there?

I never thought he was a good leader.