Heath Ledger found dead

Some are speculating he may have starved in Olsens Apartment - bada bing

on a serious note - what is he doing there?
HTownCowboysFan;1924110 said:

Also, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN was a hell of a film. Most people who diss it have never seen it and/or can't get past the homosexual element. Which, by the way, really has NOTHING to do with overall tone/message of the film.

Heath's performance in that film was fantastic. Anyway...

agree 100% - what really hits you is just how universal the basic story is - I think that is what made many people uncomfortable. but that is also the real triumph of the movie.

hell of a movie, hell of a role for Heath.
he had all sorts of scrip pills

witch would be ok, unless he mixed it with Alcohol. This will be an OD - jmo
Nors;1924237 said:
Some are speculating he may have starved in Olsens Apartment - bada bing

on a serious note - what is he doing there?

He was subletting the apartment from her. Her people said that she never actually lived there.
This is really going to hurt BrainPaint. He was waiting for the Brokeback sequel, "Back into the Brokebacks."

He will have to satisfy himself with the High Def, Director's Cut of the first movie. It is the one with all the deleted scenes to hot for theaters.

j/k BP!
fortdick;1925010 said:
This is really going to hurt BrainPaint. He was waiting for the Brokeback sequel, "Back into the Brokebacks."

He will have to satisfy himself with the High Def, Director's Cut of the first movie. It is the one with all the deleted scenes to hot for theaters.

j/k BP!

So did you receive a special screening? Sounds like you have the details down pretty goo.
There is a new story here on timelines that may be an issue

May be that after all called Olsen and she called her security. May be up to an hour later that EMT's first arrived.
HTownCowboysFan;1924110 said:

Also, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN was a hell of a film. Most people who diss it have never seen it and/or can't get past the homosexual element. Which, by the way, really has NOTHING to do with overall tone/message of the film.

Heath's performance in that film was fantastic. Anyway...

I talked to Chris Nolan's camp today and they are just in a state of "***?!" and hurt. Post will go on, but yeah, it's got to be tough as hell.

Also, all the marketing has been around The Joker and it's been rather ghoulish. I don't know what's going to happen with that now.

Man, this reeks of James Dean/GIANT doesn't it?

BTW, I've seen more of Heath in TDK that's been released, and he is UNBELIVEABLE as The Joker. Oscar worth they are saying.

Sad, sad, sad....

Great post! It was a brilliant film and performance.
PosterChild;1925030 said:
So did you receive a special screening? Sounds like you have the details down pretty goo.

"Pretty goo"??

Is that what they call a Freudian slip?? LOL...
mr.jameswoods;1925911 said:
Great post! It was a brilliant film and performance.
I also agree. It's amazing how people are too uncomfortable to watch a movie with a homosexual theme or element, yet they feel no such discomfort watching movies about serial-killers, war or other such distasteful elements.

I enjoy all those kinds of movies, because I don't watch movies to feel comfortable; I watch them to be challenged.
jem88;1925991 said:
I also agree. It's amazing how people are too uncomfortable to watch a movie with a homosexual theme or element, yet they feel no such discomfort watching movies about serial-killers, war or other such distasteful elements.

I enjoy all those kinds of movies, because I don't watch movies to feel comfortable; I watch them to be challenged.

Given that some guys are so homophobic that if they go to a movie with another guy they need an empty seat between them, it doesn't surprise me. What, do folks think they are going to "catch gay" because they see this movie?
fortdick;1925010 said:
This is really going to hurt BrainPaint. He was waiting for the Brokeback sequel, "Back into the Brokebacks."

He will have to satisfy himself with the High Def, Director's Cut of the first movie. It is the one with all the deleted scenes to hot for theaters.

j/k BP!

I only watched the movie because I was interested in the sheep.:p:

On a serious note...I never did watch the movie.

Just did not seem interesting to me. By accounts I have read it was basically a love story and a slow movie.

AKA chick flick.
I never saw it because I, too, heard it was slow...

I read a compilation of reviews on a site (I think it was Yahoo Movies) and one particular one caught my eye. It was a review done by a gay publication and the reviewer said that if it didn't have the controversial theme it wouldn't even get mentioned as it was terribly boring and slow. I decided not to be bored...

That aside, it doesn't mean there weren't good performances...
jem88;1925991 said:
I also agree. It's amazing how people are too uncomfortable to watch a movie with a homosexual theme or element, yet they feel no such discomfort watching movies about serial-killers, war or other such distasteful elements.

I enjoy all those kinds of movies, because I don't watch movies to feel comfortable; I watch them to be challenged.

For me, it's about the writing. The writing is the most important element of any movie or television show regardless of it's actors or themes. This was just a brilliantly written film so I had to watch it.
abersonc;1926090 said:
Given that some guys are so homophobic that if they go to a movie with another guy they need an empty seat between them, it doesn't surprise me. What, do folks think they are going to "catch gay" because they see this movie?
What I find weird is that soem guys really care what other guys do in their own private lives. If being gay (or straight for that matter) makes someone happy, than why should I care? The way I see it, the more happy people in this world, the better.
I can't wait to see "TDK".

From the trailer, HL looks brilliant as "The Joker", and if he carries this psychopathic, disturbed representation of character whose laugh is just awesome throughout the movie like in the preview, this movie will be something special.

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