the suns? please, well beat them in five. as for you and your "defending" wc champion mavs, you didnt exactly beat the spurs by yourselfs last year. go back to game three and four of that series. in one game duncan fouled out because dirk completely ran into him and then the call where bruce didnt even touch dirk and got a fouled called on him. oh and lets not forget how in the overtime game finley got called for a bs technical that the league THE NEXT DAY renounced and said it shouldnt have been called.
Just because you skeaked past a banged up spurs team last year(duncan was playing through plantar phacitis, parker had a severely bruised him from game six with the kings, and ginobili is never 100% to begin with) dont think that the mavs have "our number" you know how i know that? your head coach played your stars for most of the fourth quarter in a meaningless game!! thats right, even though you might not be scared of the spurs, it looks like your team is, because they obviously want a psycological edge going into the playoffs where its imminent that we will meet.
despite what all you mavs homers think, your not gonna blow the spurs out in the playoffs. and as a smart spurs fan i know its gonna be a tough series but i believe my team will come out on top.