Herm wouldn't have Pacman

BraveHeartFan;2020817 said:

There is being a fan of a team and then there is just extreme, idiotic, homerism. Far too many on this board fall into the latter catagory.

BraveHeartFan;2020854 said:
Wow. Way to be a complete and utter idiot. I do not feel superior to anyone, for any reason. Just because I think they're extreme homers doesn't mean I think I'm a better person, or fan, or anything. I'm not looking down on anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That everyone includes me.

And I don't play cricket or drink wine, as I'm guessing that was a failed, and pathetic, attempt at calling me old. Geez. 28 and old. Gosh.

Thanks for giving me a reason to avoid you though.

You're holding out, and it disappoints me. Don't play coy - you've got to feel superior to the "extreme idiotic homers", otherwise you would just think of yourself as one of apparently many "extreme idiotic homer's" "on this board".

If you know who they are, let the rest of us in on it. Don't keep this valued information to yourself. I've seen alot of degradation of "posters on this board" in this thread, about these silly freaking homers who are just basically ********, but I've seen no names. These people bug you enough to call them out, so who the hell are they?

Cricket and wine at 2. Then we'll have cheese and get the homers to scrape the mollusks off our yacht.

Vintage;2020863 said:
So what you are saying is that you are a Pac_Thug supporter....?

I've been known to make it rain.

When I pee on the homers from my high horse.
JPM;2020866 said:
Its called sarcasm, SP is famous for it.

It's cool. I'll avoid him and then I won't have to bother with it. No sweat off either of our backs. :)
superpunk;2020868 said:
You're holding out, and it disappoints me. Don't play coy - you've got to feel superior to the "extreme idiotic homers", otherwise you would just think of yourself as one of apparently many "extreme idiotic homer's" "on this board".

If you know who they are, let the rest of us in on it. Don't keep this valued information to yourself. I've seen alot of degradation of "posters on this board" in this thread, about these silly freaking homers who are just basically ********, but I've seen no names. These people bug you enough to call them out, so who the hell are they?

Cricket and wine at 2. Then we'll have cheese and get the homers to scrape the mollusks off our yacht.
We all need to get together w/ the "idiotic extreme homers" and have a :grouphug:
I believe I'll be changing my title to "Extreme Idiotic Homer".
I'm instituting prima nocte. (or something, you know what I'm getting at)

Effective immediately, for all the extreme idiotic homers who live on my manor.
theogt;2020873 said:
I believe I'll be changing my title to "Extreme Idiotic Homer".

Don't kid yourself....you're still Jenny from the block.
superpunk;2020875 said:
I'm instituting prima nocte. (or something, you know what I'm getting at)

Effective immediately, for all the extreme idiotic homers who live on my manor.

I had to look that up...

superpunk;2020875 said:
I'm instituting prima nocte. (or something, you know what I'm getting at)

Effective immediately, for all the extreme idiotic homers who live on my manor.
Here I come to Make It Rain! :scram:
Hey people are not allowed to get snippy in threads unless i am involved. its in the CZ bylaws and i demand restitution.
Vintage;2020879 said:
I had to look that up...

It's the ancient Celtic practice of sleeping with the first born goat each new year.
theogt;2020884 said:
It's the ancient Celtic practice of sleeping with the first born goat each new year.

Somewhere, burm just got jealous.
What an interesting thread I've been avoiding. Should drop in more often.
He may not have a team to put Pac Man on if he doesn't improve his own team!

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