Hip Hop Music Thread

Even country boys could understand this simple beat o_O Tell me your knee didn't dip a bit bf you caught it:D
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A Tribe Called Quest & Leders Of The New School
Live Scenario On Arsenio Hall

Although De La had their problems with Arsenio, He played a big part in getting Hip Hop to the masses (good or bad).... His last show was great when Hip Hop artist performed to pay homage.

Tribe is the isk. Nice drop Springs
Even country boys could understand this simple beat o_O Tell me your knee didn't dip a bit bf you caught it:D

when I hear tracks like this... It takes me back.... I remember back in the late 80's when I was shorty, Mix tapes used to drop with hip artists riding sade, art of noise, and other various r&b & acid tracks.
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Always love your critique homie,
when I hear tracks like this... It takes me back.... I remember back in the late 80's when I was shorty, Mix tapes used to drop with hip artists riding sade, art of noise, and other various r&b & acid tracks.
You called it homie...these are mostly tracks I copped from a grocery store parking lot in the 90s. Labeled Memphis, NO, Houston, West Coast, etc. That's how I picked up rap. DC has no homegrown hero so we lean to the south w/rap.
Even country boys could understand this simple beat o_O Tell me your knee didn't dip a bit bf you caught it:D

Thank you, Big, again for posting an edited version of our man Koop. Gosh, my hands are shaking as I type this.

I'm just re-posting this video in honor of Koopsta Knicca. Just found out he passed away yesterday. Dang. Robert Cooper Phillips was 40 years old. He had suffered a massive stroke on the 6th that left him on life support. On the 8th, they took him off life support, and on the 9th he died. So sorry to hear this. My son's gonna flip. :(

RIP Koop.:(
Just wanted to share this with yall, it's not really rap, it is techno, but it has awesome bass and a killer beat. One of my favorite DJs. Dude is boss. Thought maybe it could help soothe some sorrows tonight. A nice bass balm to calm the hurt a little.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends. Hope it was, even though, well you know. Enjoy. And we love you, Tony!

Just wanted to share this with yall, it's not really rap, it is techno, but it has awesome bass and a killer beat. One of my favorite DJs. Dude is boss. Thought maybe it could help soothe some sorrows tonight. A nice bass balm to calm the hurt a little.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends. Hope it was, even though, well you know. Enjoy. And we love you, Tony!

Thanx Kim..
Keeping the Thread Alive!
Hope You and The Family is Enjoying the Holidays!
Thanx Kim..
Keeping the Thread Alive!
Hope You and The Family is Enjoying the Holidays!

Just trying to do my part to help my friends out in this terrible Cowboys time. "I get by with a little help from my friends". I hope ya like it. I know it's techno, but it has awesome bass. One of my favorite techno songs. :)

We are doing alright and trying to enjoy what's left of the Holiday. Husband went to bed a while ago. I'm headin' that way myself. Sure hope you and yours are alright, too. :)
Just trying to do my part to help my friends out in this terrible Cowboys time. "I get by with a little help from my friends". I hope ya like it. I know it's techno, but it has awesome bass. One of my favorite techno songs. :)

We are doing alright and trying to enjoy what's left of the Holiday. Husband went to bed a while ago. I'm headin' that way myself. Sure hope you and yours are alright, too. :)
tough time to be a cowboys fan...
romo's mortality is at our door step.

the drums/lows are cool on this track..
appreciated :)
tough time to be a cowboys fan...
romo's mortality is at our door step.

the drums/lows are cool on this track..
appreciated :)

Yeah, I know it's got some treble, lol, but the bass is good. It goes through my head all the time, and just wanted to throw it out there last night. It sounds really good when you can adjust it with an equalizer and bring up the bass and turn down the treble just a bit. Music eases the pain.

I slept for eleven hours. The very first thought that popped in my head, even before I opened my eyes, was Tony's shoulder is broke again. 60 seconds later, I was making coffee and smoking a cigarette. Poor Tony. :(

Beautiful girl right here. This is from the 90s, but it is still a groovy tune. They were a great band.
Yeah, I know it's got some treble, lol, but the bass is good. It goes through my head all the time, and just wanted to throw it out there last night. It sounds really good when you can adjust it with an equalizer and bring up the bass and turn down the treble just a bit. Music eases the pain.

I slept for eleven hours. The very first thought that popped in my head, even before I opened my eyes, was Tony's shoulder is broke again. 60 seconds later, I was making coffee and smoking a cigarette. Poor Tony. :(

Beautiful girl right here. This is from the 90s, but it is still a groovy tune. They were a great band.


I love morcheeba. In the early 2000's that was my travel music. I would always play them before I got on a plane.
Thank you Ron, for keeping our thread alive. I thought it was gone for good the other day. I love all three videos you posted. You know I love De La Soul, and who could forget School House Rock?? It is amazing how music morphs and changes over time. The original is always the best, imo, which is SHR, lol, but DLS' first version is really threatening to take that #1 spot. I like the remix, but not near as much their first number. Although, I must say that SHR's version sounds very familiar to me, not sure it is from SHR. Maybe they borrowed it? Or maybe I just remember DLS' version. I'm not sure. I will investigate further tomorrow. All I know is, I love laid back.:starspin:

I really just want to post an oldie but goodie right now. For the beloved singer/songwriter Scott Weiland, the founder and front runner of Stone Temple Pilots. He had one of the most magical and profound voices of modern times, have loved him for over 20 years. I am not surprised by his death, with all of the drug problems he has had, I just hope that his tox is clean and it is just that his tired heart finally gave out. :(

Thank you Ron, for keeping our thread alive. I thought it was gone for good the other day. I love all three videos you posted. You know I love De La Soul, and who could forget School House Rock?? It is amazing how music morphs and changes over time. The original is always the best, imo, which is SHR, lol, but DLS' first version is really threatening to take that #1 spot. I like the remix, but not near as much their first number. Although, I must say that SHR's version sounds very familiar to me, not sure it is from SHR. Maybe they borrowed it? Or maybe I just remember DLS' version. I'm not sure. I will investigate further tomorrow. All I know is, I love laid back.:starspin:

I really just want to post an oldie but goodie right now. For the beloved singer/songwriter Scott Weiland, the founder and front runner of Stone Temple Pilots. He had one of the most magical and profound voices of modern times, have loved him for over 20 years. I am not surprised by his death, with all of the drug problems he has had, I just hope that his tox is clean and it is just that his tired heart finally gave out. :(

It sounds familiar maybe because of Blind Melon's version?

And Yes, De La Soul's album version is much better than the remix.. imo...

So sad about Scott Weiland...
his voice was unique.
I remember the first time i saw the interstate love video... I was so intrigued by the colors..
it was color inferred film... It became one of my favorite film stocks to shoot on.... (RIP to that film stock as well)
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It sounds familiar maybe because of Blind Melon's version?

And Yes, De La Soul's album version is much better than the remix.. imo...

So sad about Scott Weiland...
his voice was unique.
I remember the first time i saw the interstate love video... I was so intrigued by the colors..
it was color inferred film... It became one of my favorite film stocks to shoot on.... (RIP to that film stock as well)

Wow, I had forgotten all about Blind Melon's version. Thanks for the reminder. I just found it on youtube and listened again. It really was a good version (although I still like SHR and DLS #1 more). They were such a good band. It is ironic that you mentioned them, as lead singer Shannon Hoon died of a drug overdose in their tour bus, as well, back in '95, almost exactly 20 years ago. I was really disappointed because I really thought this band was going places. They were unique for the time and had a special kind of talent. I loved their 60s throwback style.

Honestly, Ron, I can't even make sense of what I said last night relating to version recognition. I am seriously scratching my head on what I meant. lol. It was very late, I was very sleepy, and heartbroken over Scott. I couldn't think straight. I know that I watched SHR when I was a kid, and loved it, and can't understand why I would think that I needed another's version to sound familiar. I don't even know what that means reading it today. lol. I recognize all of the versions. I'm sure it meant something last night and maybe I just didn't type it right? I don't know. lol. Maybe it was all the beer I drank. I've been known to be sometimes nonsensical when I partake too much in the "holy water". (as I'm sure you all have seen on here, ;)) LOL

I think it is incredible that you shoot film! What an awesome thing to do! I bet it is so much fun. I dabbled in photography, thanks to my grandpa, when I was a teen and loved it. He even taught me how to develop film, wayyy before digital times. lol. I know it's not quite the same as video, but he was a professional photographer (and freelance journalist) back in the 60s and 70s. He even had his own part-time business for a while. Took all kinds of photos for individuals and businesses. All of the pictures at both my sisters' weddings. I have many of his professional shots, and they are really good. All in black and white, as he was colorblind, which was fine until the advent of color film became the norm and he was forced out. He was hired by American National Insurance Co. in Galveston (who he also worked for in the engineering/maintenance department as his day job--top floor, full of huge pipes and noisy machines, lol), to shoot the entire construction of their new building back in the 70s. I haven't been there in many years, but I have heard that some of his original photographs still line the halls. Pretty cool. :)

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