Wow, I had forgotten all about Blind Melon's version. Thanks for the reminder. I just found it on youtube and listened again. It really was a good version (although I still like SHR and DLS #1 more). They were such a good band. It is ironic that you mentioned them, as lead singer Shannon Hoon died of a drug overdose in their tour bus, as well, back in '95, almost exactly 20 years ago. I was really disappointed because I really thought this band was going places. They were unique for the time and had a special kind of talent. I loved their 60s throwback style.
Honestly, Ron, I can't even make sense of what I said last night relating to version recognition. I am seriously scratching my head on what I meant. lol. It was very late, I was very sleepy, and heartbroken over Scott. I couldn't think straight. I know that I watched SHR when I was a kid, and loved it, and can't understand why I would think that I needed another's version to sound familiar. I don't even know what that means reading it today. lol. I recognize all of the versions. I'm sure it meant something last night and maybe I just didn't type it right? I don't know. lol. Maybe it was all the beer I drank. I've been known to be sometimes nonsensical when I partake too much in the "holy water". (as I'm sure you all have seen on here,

I think it is incredible that you shoot film! What an awesome thing to do! I bet it is so much fun. I dabbled in photography, thanks to my grandpa, when I was a teen and loved it. He even taught me how to develop film, wayyy before digital times. lol. I know it's not quite the same as video, but he was a professional photographer (and freelance journalist) back in the 60s and 70s. He even had his own part-time business for a while. Took all kinds of photos for individuals and businesses. All of the pictures at both my sisters' weddings. I have many of his professional shots, and they are really good. All in black and white, as he was colorblind, which was fine until the advent of color film became the norm and he was forced out. He was hired by American National Insurance Co. in Galveston (who he also worked for in the engineering/maintenance department as his day job--top floor, full of huge pipes and noisy machines, lol), to shoot the entire construction of their new building back in the 70s. I haven't been there in many years, but I have heard that some of his original photographs still line the halls. Pretty cool.