Houston police reaction to a burglar

CowboyWay;3833416 said:
Sure is alot of political correctness in this thread. Call me old fashioned, but if you burglarize and run from the cops, you have an arse kicking coming as far as I'm concerned. I hope they brought him to the station and beat him some more.

What happens to someone like this in other countries? They can be beat to death, put to death, or have their hands cut off for stealing. I"m guessing if you gave him a choice of getting caught stealing in any country in the world, he'd pick America. Gee, I wonder why that is.

When people realize there are REAL consequences for their crimes, maybe they will think twice about committing the crime.

I'm just flat sick of people like that, and they deserve anything thats coming thier way.
It's not PC if that's the way you actually feel. The idiot burglar doesn't get a pass from anyone here for trying to rob a home.

However, in this country, the consequences for running should've been the same as if he'd given up immediately after getting caught. Handcuffed, transported to jail, and prosecuted accordingly. Not a mass butt kicking by the arresting officers for their trouble and then prosecution.
Lets not pretend he "gave up". He tripped over a car while he was running. He knew he couldn't get up in time and make a getaway so he laid down and assumed the position.

I'm just tired of crime. Sick and tired of it. As we all are. I just believe if you make the wrong choices like burglary, don't expect others to always make the right choices either (meaning the cops giving you a beating).
CowboyWay;3833428 said:
Lets not pretend he "gave up". He tripped over a car while he was running. He knew he couldn't get up in time and make a getaway so he laid down and assumed the position.

I'm just tired of crime. Sick and tired of it. As we all are. I just believe if you make the wrong choices like burglary, don't expect others to always make the right choices either (meaning the cops giving you a beating).
I agree with you about being tired of crime. Growing up, almost every house/apartment that we lived in got broken into. Trust me, I have no sympathy for this kid.

Point is, he had surrendered. At that point, there was only the need for one officer to cuff him and put him in the back of a cruiser. Anything beyond that by the officers just can't be condoned, IMO.
Teren_Kanan;3832598 said:
Sure they should be punished.

But saying they are entrusted with being an upstanding citizen?

I don't see how we can expect more from police officers than any other person at a job.

At what point are they expected to be upstanding? These are people who are overworked, crappy paid, and generally lacking any higher form of education. It's not exactly hard to become a cop.

I really don't care how crappy the job may or may not be. That isn't the problem. The problem is, they are supposed to protect the public and act in a manner that reflects positively on our society.

I see it no different than if a doctor were to act in a manner that intentionally harmed a patient.

They are entrusted with more than the average joe and should be punished when they fail to live up to their oath.
CowboyWay;3833428 said:
Lets not pretend he "gave up". He tripped over a car while he was running. He knew he couldn't get up in time and make a getaway so he laid down and assumed the position.

I'm just tired of crime. Sick and tired of it. As we all are. I just believe if you make the wrong choices like burglary, don't expect others to always make the right choices either (meaning the cops giving you a beating).

He got hit by the car and then laid down on his stomach. That's giving up.

I don't care if they had to tackle him, what happened after he submit was disgusting.

This whole situation reminds me of a Carlin piece where he talks about how the police departments initiation sensitivity training only after they have jammed a floor lamp up someone's butt.

Hey, if you need special training to be told not to jam a large, cumbersome object up someone else's *******, maybe you're too ****ed up to be on the police force in the first place.
CowboyWay;3833416 said:
Sure is alot of political correctness in this thread. Call me old fashioned, but if you burglarize and run from the cops, you have an arse kicking coming as far as I'm concerned. I hope they brought him to the station and beat him some more.

What happens to someone like this in other countries? They can be beat to death, put to death, or have their hands cut off for stealing. I"m guessing if you gave him a choice of getting caught stealing in any country in the world, he'd pick America. Gee, I wonder why that is.

When people realize there are REAL consequences for their crimes, maybe they will think twice about committing the crime.

I'm just flat sick of people like that, and they deserve anything thats coming thier way.

Now you are speaking my language.
The kid got off easy..
With the Texas laws you'd have to be beyond dumb to burglarize a home.
I love the stories where burglars get shot by homeowners,love'em.
He's lucky he just got his behind handed to him by the police.
CowboyWay;3833416 said:
Sure is alot of political correctness in this thread. Call me old fashioned, but if you burglarize and run from the cops, you have an arse kicking coming as far as I'm concerned. I hope they brought him to the station and beat him some more.

What happens to someone like this in other countries? They can be beat to death, put to death, or have their hands cut off for stealing. I"m guessing if you gave him a choice of getting caught stealing in any country in the world, he'd pick America. Gee, I wonder why that is.

When people realize there are REAL consequences for their crimes, maybe they will think twice about committing the crime.

I'm just flat sick of people like that, and they deserve anything thats coming thier way.

Post of the day :bow:
This kid im sure will be made out to be the "poor victim" with no doubt a huge payday in the future.
Im sorry but sometimes if ya wanna play with fire you run the chance of getting burnt.
Its just too bad he didnt come across a armed homeowner who would taken one less thug off the streets.
Achilleslastand;3833566 said:
Post of the day :bow:
This kid im sure will be made out to be the "poor victim" with no doubt a huge payday in the future.
Im sorry but sometimes if ya wanna play with fire you run the chance of getting burnt.
Its just too bad he didnt come across a armed homeowner who would taken one less thug off the streets.
Sanity at last.
I'm not being politically correct in the least.

I side with the police 100% when it comes to keeping the peace and enforcing the law. I actually raise money for a legal defense fund that helps out cops who have been unjustly targeted for in-the-line-of-duty actions by the politically correct crowd.

Whatever the cops need to do to keep us safe is fine by me.

This is not one of those cases though. The guy had given himself up. The cops had done their job and were in the position to bring him before the justice system for punishment. Everything they did after that point had nothing to do with their job and actually undermines what they are supposed to be doing.

And it weakens the case for cops who are actually being railroaded for using "unnecessary force."
Danny White;3833595 said:
I'm not being politically correct in the least.

I side with the police 100% when it comes to keeping the peace and enforcing the law. I actually raise money for a legal defense fund that helps out cops who have been unjustly targeted for in-the-line-of-duty actions by the politically correct crowd.

Whatever the cops need to do to keep us safe is fine by me.

This is not one of those cases though. The guy had given himself up. The cops had done their job and were in the position to bring him before the justice system for punishment. Everything they did after that point had nothing to do with their job and actually undermines what they are supposed to be doing.

And it weakens the case for cops who are actually being railroaded for using "unnecessary force."

They just did in that video.
They roughed up a criminal,fine by me.
The narrative of the video is clear,cops are bad and the criminal is the "victim"...once you see Quanell X in the video the agenda becomes even more evident.
It's not about political correctness. It's about the law. Officers of the law enforce the law, they don't get to beat on people because they're a suspect in a crime.

A man is not guilty of the crime until he's been given a trial, then he gets his punishment, not from some redneck cops beating on somebody who doesn't even have a chance to fight back. If the guy was resisting arrest, sure, he's going to get roughed up, but cops don't get to beat on somebody who has surrendered. Thankfully those dirtbags will get what is coming to them.

Would you like it if a cop decided to beat you senseless for speeding down the highway after he pulled you over? Hurf durf, you had it coming to you for endangering other drivers.
Back in the day it was not uncommon to get a good head thumping from either the police or even your drill instructor if they thought you were deserving.
And guess what?
Crime rates were much lower and people usually wised up after being set on the straight and narrow.
But in the politically correct world we live in now this thug will be deemed a victim and a hero and probably be rewarded with a huge lawsuit.
Isnt America wonderful?
Not to worry. If the cops get off easy, the DOJ will bring Federal charges for violating his civil rights.
CowboyWay;3833416 said:
Sure is alot of political correctness in this thread. Call me old fashioned, but if you burglarize and run from the cops, you have an arse kicking coming as far as I'm concerned. I hope they brought him to the station and beat him some more.

What happens to someone like this in other countries? They can be beat to death, put to death, or have their hands cut off for stealing. I"m guessing if you gave him a choice of getting caught stealing in any country in the world, he'd pick America. Gee, I wonder why that is.

When people realize there are REAL consequences for their crimes, maybe they will think twice about committing the crime.

I'm just flat sick of people like that, and they deserve anything thats coming thier way.

Sorry CW, but I just flat out disagree. Your point of view is mixing in what other countries do with what these officers did and they are mutually exclusive. Until such time as the laws become tougher on criminals, the people who enforce them must do so within the confines of the system.

I feel no sympathy for the burglar, I flat out loathe people who take what isn't theirs, but these idiot police officers have now given him an avenue to steal again, this time legally and on a ridiculous scale. The fact that this dude will now get to pillage the Houston tax payers via lawsuit and live the good life means that being a scumbag has paid off for him. Instead of stealing from one, he now gets to steal from millions using the legal system. Those officers, through their actions, became his accomplices in his theft. Throw in the fact that they were obviously given a pass by the courts and that the release of this tape will make things harder on the good law enforcement officials in Houston, the actions of the officers are inexcusible.
This would not have happened if he wasnt commiting a felony. Think of it as a lesson administered by the cops.....one that that his mother/father did not teach him.
Achilleslastand;3834085 said:
This would not have happened if he wasnt commiting a felony. Think of it as a lesson administered by the cops.....one that that his mother/father did not teach him.

Did your mother/father teach you? You don't appear to have much respect for law, so why do you think the kid should?
Achilleslastand;3833789 said:
Back in the day it was not uncommon to get a good head thumping from either the police or even your drill instructor if they thought you were deserving.
And guess what?
Crime rates were much lower and people usually wised up after being set on the straight and narrow.
But in the politically correct world we live in now this thug will be deemed a victim and a hero and probably be rewarded with a huge lawsuit.
Isnt America wonderful?

No they were not.
"Politically correct" has become the new buzzword for "I don't agree with your view".
Wasn't going to post this because
1) I won't be free enough to defend it like I have been because the weather has cleared.
2) Needs citations to motivations for legal history and psychology.
3) see sig. I usually just smh and facepalm and continue on my way.

numnuts23;3832531 said:
Don't commit robbery.....then this doesn't happen.

Just world fallacy. This does happen.

heavyg;3833022 said:
Im sure it can and will happen. But the bigger question is should it?

Get in touch with your congresspersons and convince them to introduce an amendment to the Constitution that removes or alters the text "and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." from the 1st Amendment. That would knock out lawsuits and IIRC, lobbying for everybody.

CowboyWay;3833416 said:
Sure is alot of political correctness in this thread. Call me old fashioned, but if you burglarize and run from the cops, you have an arse kicking coming as far as I'm concerned. I hope they brought him to the station and beat him some more.

I like how you worded that. It's only the burglar that's been convicted by the cops and the cops have the power to ignore the law.

It is not a video of cops beating a criminal, it's a video of 4 suspected criminals beating another suspected criminal.

Anyway, yeah, that is really old-fashioned thinking, roughly from around ~1215 AD. It's also one of the officially stated reasons the American Colonies revolted against the British Crown.

Declaration of Independence said:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:

Also, based off studies of human psychology, you don't want to be giving the state (humans) that much power. You just end up attracting more sociopaths and sadists to the job and increased chances of corrupting the good to the dark side.

CowboyWay;3833416 said:
What happens to someone like this in other countries? They can be beat to death, put to death, or have their hands cut off for stealing. I"m guessing if you gave him a choice of getting caught stealing in any country in the world, he'd pick America. Gee, I wonder why that is.

Relative privation. The gist is that your [noun x] does not gain merit because you can identify a [noun y] that is worse.

Put directly, your idea of a justice system does not gain merit because you can point to worse justice systems.

CowboyWay;3833416 said:
When people realize there are REAL consequences for their crimes, maybe they will think twice about committing the crime.

I'm just flat sick of people like that, and they deserve anything thats coming thier way.

There are real consequences for crime, it just is not and should not be up to the police/the state to decide guilt and administer punishment. The state gains an ability to be tyrannical under those conditions, and Americans have already fought to ensure that's prevented.

Also, it's recognized by society and cognitive psychologists that teenagers are not all there in the head and they are prone to not thinking twice before doing... anything. That's why they get their own juvenile justice system accordingly, which probably explains why this kid got probation.

Achilleslastand;3833789 said:
Back in the day it was not uncommon to get a good head thumping from either the police or even your drill instructor if they thought you were deserving.

Agree. People in power abuse their power. Has always happened and will continue to happen. It's just better understood these days and more prevalent with the raw increase in population and improved means to communicate when it happens.

Achilleslastand;3833789 said:
And guess what?
Crime rates were much lower and people usually wised up after being set on the straight and narrow.

Disagree. In the past, there were less possible crimes to commit, period. Today, there are so many laws and regulations that literally nobody knows what's illegal or how many total laws there are. You or I could have committed a felony today and not realized it. Though, any past racist, prostitution, or gambling crimes were false bumps that I wouldn't count in the crime rate, just like I wouldn't count certain drug crimes as criminal today.

In the past, police powers were more limited by the courts too, so their ability to do their job of gathering evidence for the prosecution was more limited, plausibly resulting in less convictions. Today, they've been expanded to aid the war on drugs and terror. Much easier to get a conviction when law enforcement has the power to write their own warrants, enter anywhere claiming exigent circumstances, or just call a dog over to manufacture probable cause for a search.

tl;dr: More laws and more powerful police = more people convicted of crimes. Doesn't mean there wasn't less crime in the past.

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