Houston police reaction to a burglar

What gets me is that people think they can get away with things like this. You just can't today. There are cameras on all the cars, security cameras, and just about everyone carries a cell phone that can take video. You have to be a complete moron to think that you're going to beat the crap out of someone in broad daylight, next to a public street, and no trace of it will turn up.
I'm sorry that no one took advantage of the Texas castle law.

And I would rather pin a medal on the cops' chests than have them spend a day in jail.
StanleySpadowski;3834380 said:
I'm sorry that no one took advantage of the Texas castle law.

And I would rather pin a medal on the cops' chests than have them spend a day in jail.

Why's that?
ChldsPlay;3834155 said:
Did your mother/father teach you? You don't appear to have much respect for law, so why do you think the kid should?

What does this have to do with my mother and father? I have a tremendous amount of respect for the law which is one of the many reasons why ive never commited a crime.
hairic;3834242 said:
Wasn't going to post this because
1) I won't be free enough to defend it like I have been because the weather has cleared.
2) Needs citations to motivations for legal history and psychology.
3) see sig. I usually just smh and facepalm and continue on my way.

Just world fallacy. This does happen.

Get in touch with your congresspersons and convince them to introduce an amendment to the Constitution that removes or alters the text "and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." from the 1st Amendment. That would knock out lawsuits and IIRC, lobbying for everybody.

I like how you worded that. It's only the burglar that's been convicted by the cops and the cops have the power to ignore the law.

It is not a video of cops beating a criminal, it's a video of 4 suspected criminals beating another suspected criminal.

Anyway, yeah, that is really old-fashioned thinking, roughly from around ~1215 AD. It's also one of the officially stated reasons the American Colonies revolted against the British Crown.

Also, based off studies of human psychology, you don't want to be giving the state (humans) that much power. You just end up attracting more sociopaths and sadists to the job and increased chances of corrupting the good to the dark side.

Relative privation. The gist is that your [noun x] does not gain merit because you can identify a [noun y] that is worse.

Put directly, your idea of a justice system does not gain merit because you can point to worse justice systems.

There are real consequences for crime, it just is not and should not be up to the police/the state to decide guilt and administer punishment. The state gains an ability to be tyrannical under those conditions, and Americans have already fought to ensure that's prevented.

Also, it's recognized by society and cognitive psychologists that teenagers are not all there in the head and they are prone to not thinking twice before doing... anything. That's why they get their own juvenile justice system accordingly, which probably explains why this kid got probation.

Agree. People in power abuse their power. Has always happened and will continue to happen. It's just better understood these days and more prevalent with the raw increase in population and improved means to communicate when it happens.

Disagree. In the past, there were less possible crimes to commit, period. Today, there are so many laws and regulations that literally nobody knows what's illegal or how many total laws there are. You or I could have committed a felony today and not realized it. Though, any past racist, prostitution, or gambling crimes were false bumps that I wouldn't count in the crime rate, just like I wouldn't count certain drug crimes as criminal today.

In the past, police powers were more limited by the courts too, so their ability to do their job of gathering evidence for the prosecution was more limited, plausibly resulting in less convictions. Today, they've been expanded to aid the war on drugs and terror. Much easier to get a conviction when law enforcement has the power to write their own warrants, enter anywhere claiming exigent circumstances, or just call a dog over to manufacture probable cause for a search.

tl;dr: More laws and more powerful police = more people convicted of crimes. Doesn't mean there wasn't less crime in the past.

You are making way too much sense my friend. We don't take kindly to your types around here.

Take your logic, common sense, and well reasoned argument to a place where political correctness is tolerated.
Achilleslastand;3834558 said:
What does this have to do with my mother and father? I have a tremendous amount of respect for the law which is one of the many reasons why ive never commited a crime.

Yeah, so much respect that you condone the senseless beating of a guy just because he committed a crime.

How can you say you have respect for the law and then support a violation of the law simply because of a previous violation of the law?
CowboyWay;3833416 said:
Sure is alot of political correctness in this thread. Call me old fashioned, but if you burglarize and run from the cops, you have an arse kicking coming as far as I'm concerned. I hope they brought him to the station and beat him some more.

What happens to someone like this in other countries? They can be beat to death, put to death, or have their hands cut off for stealing. I"m guessing if you gave him a choice of getting caught stealing in any country in the world, he'd pick America. Gee, I wonder why that is.

When people realize there are REAL consequences for their crimes, maybe they will think twice about committing the crime.

I'm just flat sick of people like that, and they deserve anything thats coming thier way.

I see. So if that was a family member, a close friend, you wouldn't have a problem? He deserved it, right?

Stop comparing the United States to North Korea and Arabia. It's a democratic country FFS.

You're innocent until proven guilty. The cops are at fault just as much as the kid. Like someone else said, their assisting him. This guys going to make millions now. The cops deserve to be locked up aswell. Their essentially "robbers" now to. Not to mentioned they literally beat the **** out of him.

Not to mention, like the guy in the video said, other "thugs" or whatever term he used are going to see this. What do you think their going to do? Gang members, especially other black kids will just revolt against the cops more after watching this, thus a higher crime rate.

It's sickening that people are condoning this. What has society come to?
CanuckCowboysFan;3834701 said:
I see. So if that was a family member, a close friend, you wouldn't have a problem? He deserved it, right?

Stop comparing the United States to North Korea and Arabia. It's a democratic country FFS.

You're innocent until proven guilty. The cops are at fault just as much as the kid. Like someone else said, their assisting him. This guys going to make millions now. The cops deserve to be locked up aswell. Their essentially "robbers" now to. Not to mentioned they literally beat the **** out of him.

Not to mention, like the guy in the video said, other "thugs" or whatever term he used are going to see this. What do you think their going to do? Gang members, especially other black kids will just revolt against the cops more after watching this, thus a higher crime rate.

It's sickening that people are condoning this. What has society come to?

This thug will be portrayed as a victim and probably a hero and im sure he will be given the hes a good kid label right along with a million $$ payday. Also look for Jackson and his ilk to step in and start throwing the race card around. This is what society has come to.

Im sorry but the kid was committing a felony and sometimes this is the result.
You dont want things like this to happen dont commit a felony....problem solved.
The cops were way of line. Maybe if the kid had shot one of them or something I could at least slightly understand that beating--more out reaction and emotion. But no excuses in this case. I'm not even a cop hater like some on this forum.

On the other hand, if the kid did break into a house (which I don't know for sure that he did) than someone needed to kick his tail very very badly. But seeing that I don't know what he did, then it's left up to the legal system.
The cops ruined that process already, sadly.

I actually don't think their terrible behavior should allow this kid not to be processed as a burgler if he in fact was one.
I would rather someone steal my stereo than stomp my skull.

The criminal acted poorly

The police officers acted horrificly

The fact that some are cool w/ this is pathetic
theogt;3832532 said:
Notice how they managed to make sure that they were BEHIND the police cars, so there wouldn't be any police car cameras viewing the beating.

Without that security camera, no one would know.

How exactly did the police manage to make sure that they were BEHIND the police cars? The suspect tried to run and that's where he went down after being hit by the cruiser. His position relative to the police cars was solely as a result of his actions, not the cops.

Ozzu;3834322 said:
What gets me is that people think they can get away with things like this. You just can't today. There are cameras on all the cars, security cameras, and just about everyone carries a cell phone that can take video. You have to be a complete moron to think that you're going to beat the crap out of someone in broad daylight, next to a public street, and no trace of it will turn up.

Ozzu, people don't think they can get away with it, they unfortunately let their emotions and adrenelin get the best of them after a car chase. Even worse is that at least one of the officers should have come to their senses and tried to control the situation before it got out of hand.

My family was recently the victim of a crime and I'd like to see the perpetrators (who are still ont he loose) get an *** whopping by someone. That's human nature when you've been victimized. In a perfect world, the police officers in the video will get fired, the suspect will go to jail and sue the city for millions and the victims of his crime will turn around and sue the suspect and get his millions he just "won". That would be the best justice in this case.

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