I will always wonder why the team quit on Wade Phillips after they went 11-5 in 2009. .. And opened 1-7 in 2010, then quit.
Why? Any player would have had to respect Wade better (in theory) and want to play for him. Redball had never done anything. OK a QB coach at Miami. And a fairly good year statswise with Sparano probably running things the year before.
Surely Wade had the RKG thing not a bunch of convicts.
It could be in 2009 that the team totally outperformed their talent level, then pooped out. They were more veterans, not kids desperate for a week-to-week contract, like it has been since then.
The team Parcells built absolutely peaked with high effort in 2009, beat Eagles, got whipped by Vikings up there.
The scouts on the team now are the same guys that Parcells hired 8-9-10 years ago. Younger guys, not the old Lacewell crowd, who Parcells fired, with only a few exceptions.
The history of the Cowboys success can be roughly expressed thus:
1960-1983: Gil Brandt, but Tex and perhaps Gil hired the best scouting staff in the NFL.
1983-1988: Gil was great, but as he has said, teams caught up to him. Perhaps he knew (Tex knew it!) that behind him was a young scouting staff that was the best in the NFL, and perhaps in NFL history. Gil though, still ran the draft and ran it not by empirical methods, but by recommendations of coaches in the NCAA, Div. II III NAIA etc. Gil had the most amazing contacts of any scout in NFL history. And he put his board together that way. Unfortunately Gil could not, did not grade tape. It was by way of recommendations, 40 times, height-weight-speed etc.
1989 draft-1992 draft: The greatest scouting staff in NFL history who Tex Schramm hired behind Gil Brandt as assistants in the decades before - who bought the Cowboys 3 Super Bowls once Jerry let Gil go (And this my friends, might have been the greatest move of Jerry toward those Super Bowls). Without mentioning names, Jerry fired that staff summer 1992 I think, because they were the last the Tex Schramm guys around Valley Ranch. Jerry couldn't be content unless he killed the last of the "old daddy" Tex Schramm.
Many newspaper articles in 1992, guys in the know back then, said the same, and warned Jerry about firing this super staff of scouts then, guys who were only barely into their 50s agewise, and might have bought more championships through the 90s. (I will send them to you, if you desire, don't want to link them here)
Instead, Jerry hired ... (wait please) .. Larry Lacewell etc. 1993 draft until 2004 I think. ...
Jerry never fired any of these 1992-hired scouts until Parcells came in and did it. .. Redball's dad was one of these scouts.
It's good, very good that Parcells/Ireland fired about all these scouts (Redball's dad, Lacewell, Stretch Smith, Bryan Broaddus sorry Bryan love you but ...)
These new scouts Parcells/Ireland hired, young guys that we don't know their names, bought us 8-8 record, instead of a 5-11 Campo record.
But since then, Jerry has never fired a scout from the Parcells/Ireland days. ... Well they were better scouts than the 1992-2004 days when Jerry didn't fire any of them either. The only scouts sticking around from them old Jimmy/Lacewell days now are: Chris Hall (who I don't think has ever been an area scout, but just a grader now, working his way up to the top), Tom Ciskowski, maybe one other oldster like Walter Julieff is still with us ...
I want to say this again, best that I know:
Jerry Jones has never fired a scout that his administration hired.
Jerry is a good man, sentimental about all his hires. Tex Schramm hires, not so much.
Before the Jimmy envy, Jerry was envious of Tex. (Boys, this may be the Jerry biography in 9 words.)
We need a GM to investigate, fire the scouts that are average to below average to bad.
Do you think Jerry our GM burns the night oil, doing this?