How close are you from walking away as a fan?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I already said it. If Jerry tries to sell this same old crap in 2020 with a brand new contract. That's the time. Now with Garrett's deal expiring, it's a golden opportunity for the team to move forward. We'll see what Jerry does with that. It runs much deeper than being tired and frustrated. More like POed that the front office shows no sense of urgency at all. You seen all 5 Super Bowls you seen quality coaching. You really have to wonder what this experiment did to a team that could've actually won something? That should bother every single fan out there. Jerry sticking with this situation as long as he has absolutely killed this team. And the mess just continues to repeat itself.

It may be time for you to leave but not for the diehards that have been following this team for decades. You’re just preaching to the choir. Most are frustrated with the team for the same reasons you are but they’ll never give up hope no matter who’s coaching this team. When you read some of the posts you would think the Cowboys season is over and they’re just playing out the schedule. But the fact is they currently have a half game lead in their division and are in control of their own destiny. You’ve only been a member of this board for less than a year. Be honest, how long have you been following the Cowboys?


Well-Known Member
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Looking at this thread I'd think everything was great in Dallas until Garrett was hired. This team stopped competing for championships years before him.

I want him gone but I'll believe that fixes everything when I see it.

I still watch but losses don't bother me much anymore. This team isn't going anywhere. That's been true for almost a quarter of a century.

While I sit here watching my University be utterly destroyed after hiring a hot shot coach 2 years ago, it does give me thought. However unlike Jerry Jones they had the balls to fire the coach that stayed too long and wasn't getting them anywhere near a championship. The fan base demanded it. They still aren't anywhere near a championship but at least there is hope with another guy walking along the sidelines. The Cowboys fan base demands a new coach too but apparently Jerry answers to nobody. Especially while he is still making mega profit off the team.


Well-Known Member
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Unfortunately, I could never give up on the Cowboys and the only other pro sports team that I follow as intently, the Charlotte Hornets, are managed even worse. Thank God for UNC basketball.

What I really dislike about the present state of the Cowboys is how none of these guys value winning, and I really can't blame them because of the environment that Jerry himself has created. This organization values entrepreneurship, real estate, business deals, and savvy investing. How many other teams have 5-12 athletes with their own personal merchandise websites? I'm beyond fed up with this corporate America culture that exists in the locker room.


The Chairman
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What's really hard for true Dallas Cowboys fans like myself and many of us old timers on this forum is we miss the days when we had a true head coach. Watching football no matter what team you followed back in the 70's , 80's ,90's even early 2000 were exciting to watch.All these rule changes,themes and corrupt officiating has ruined the game.

I started watching the cowboys in 1975 at age 8 and they will still be the only sports franchise i give 100 percent of my support.

Having said that...We are caught in an interesting situation...How do we know what Stephen will do when Jerry is no longer in the picture.

Is he not speaking his mind because he does not want to be cut out of the will?

Or will he finally be the one to hire a gm like John Lynch or someone of that ilk?

Or will he be just like Jerry?


Well-Known Member
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I wish I could switch teams because I despise Jerry, but I’m not a bandwagon jumper and it’s not possible for me to just change my loyalty.


The Cook
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I'm like several others. Been a fan since 74 but, after a while the care meter and expectation level is low. Heck, I've been a member on this forum for almost 12 years. Its time for change.


Well-Known Member
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Or are you a fan for life, no matter what?
Fan is short for fanatic. I have through about dropping Dallas for better than 15 years now. Longer than Garrett has been head coach.
The problem is the owner and it is not going to change. But have been a Dallas fan since 1977 though it is nothing like marriage, you marry til death due you part.


Well-Known Member
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I used to fist pump the wins and suffer through the losses.

Now I enjoy the wins and laugh at the losses.


Well-Known Member
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I’ll always be a fan but my approach to games is really fewer expectations and more I hope they at least make a going showing and not embarrass themselves.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If you were close to walking away ....... you were not a fan to begin with.


Well-Known Member
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Yep. No one will remember him for the Super Bowls. He bought the team, cleaned house and got his coach and we won 3 in 4 years, still the only team to ever do that. But it has been so bad since then and so much inept decisions and creating this toxic culture, that this is now his legacy. He has ran this team into the ground. We are now the Lions and Commanders. Spare me our history because that means nothing right now. Present day, we are the Lions and Commanders. Inept franchises who have no idea how to win.
You are unfortunately correct.


Active Member
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Die hard,Americas Team, I'll be very disappointed if we give the East up to the Eagles this year


Well-Known Member
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I gotta say if they extend Garrett I’ll prob not spend a dime on anything from team again.


Well-Known Member
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I do wonder if it is age or just the beat down of the last 20+ years. I'm 51 been a cowboy fan since first time I watched tv with my dad. Musta been 4-6 years old or something like that. Have lost interest lately for sure. Find myself rooting for a loss so changes can be made. Pretty sad.


Well-Known Member
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If you were close to walking away ....... you were not a fan to begin with.

C'mon man, most of us were born into being Cowboys fans. Most of us are old farts that have been Cowboys fans since the 70s. You can't claim that people who have been Cowboys fans for 30-40+ years were never fans. However there is a point that is reached, where blind loyalty is tested and a decision has to be made as to whether that loyalty is still deserved, and that is what this thread is about. IMHO Jerry Jones is being completely disloyal to the Dallas fanbase by continually ignoring their plea for a coaching change. This has gone on year after year. He is treating the fanbase like a bunch of morons that keep coming back to buy his defective product. He is no better then a crooked politician. The Dallas Cowboys have been deemed "Americas Team", and yet the owner rules the team as a Despot. Doesn't sound very American at all.