How do the Cowboys compare with your other favorite teams?

Chuck 54

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Chuck 54;5073321 said:
All of my teams were selected in my childhood watching black and white that captured my imagination and love for sports, games that are burned into my memory.

1. 1967-1968 World Louis cardinals vs Boston and Detroit....bob Gibson, Lou Brock, Tim mc carver, etc. Cardinals fan ever since.

I wish the Cowboys were more like the Cardinals, a team that knows how to grind out wins even with lesser talent, refusing to lose.

2. Basketball...Knicks with Walt Frazure, Jerry Lucas, Bill Bradley, Dave DeBussure, and 6'9" center Willis Reed taking on Wilt Chamberlain and the historic Lakers. Willis Reed inspiring his team by hobbling out onto the court unexpectedly with a blown knee...hits a shot...goes to the bench soon after, but his team took it over.

Knicks have been the Cowboys...great history, but then a long stretch of poor ball....until now....please follow their example, Cowboys.

3. Watched the Cowboys come up short versus Browns...really started to understand the game watching GB in the ICE BOWL and the late Meredyth interception game...I was hooked by the pain and anguish by the underdogs...then the Colts Super Bowl heartbreak, followed by the first glorious title against Miami.

Up----for 17 years of playoffs----down for what felt just as long----back to the top----down again-----now hanging in the middle, hopefully ready to make a move.

I should have included NCAA Football...USC Trojans--watching OJ Simpson's college career made me a lifetime fan of student-body right.

Red Dragon

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muck4doo;5073316 said:
Basketball: Los Angeles Lakers. I loved them during the 80's, and would watch every game i could, They were the show. Haven't paid much attention to them since. I got tired of basketball, and all the show boating.I'll watch them now if nothing else is on. They are my Basketball team, but what happens to them doesn't matter much to me anymore. Became a fan of theirs because Warriors fans were so annoying in the late 70's and early 80's.

Baseball: Oakland A's. I love this club. I expect heart break from them every year, but also now they are among the smallest of the small market teams. I always refer to them as our Yankees farm team, and just be happy with what we get every year. A first class organization in every way. I've been to much more San Francisco Giants games, they were always drunk filled, and fight riddled. The A's always provided for a nice family atmosphere. You wouldn't think that when you hear "Oakland" and "San Francisco", but it's true. Of course, that was when the Giants were playing at Candlestick. Haven't been to a game at the new stadium, and don't care if I do or don't. A's are my team. Ex-fiance was a big Giants fan though, so would always go with her(Raiders fan too she is. Talk like Yoda I do.). Would never miss a game of theirs during the 80's and early 90's on the radio, but don't get to pay as much attention to them now. I heart them so much, and will always proudly wear their ugly colors. Became a fan of theirs in the 70's about the same time i became a Cowboys fan. The "Swinging A's", and the mustache gang are classic. If you ever meet me at the grocery store chances are i am wearing an A's baseball cap. Let them move to San Jose! That's A's territory!

Hockey: San Jose Sharks. I can't think of any other team in professional sports to break your heart as much as this one does. They are consistently good, consistently picked as contenders to win the Cup, and consistently break their fans hearts. So frustrating. Classy organization that loves to meet with their fans. Drew Remenda and Randy who announce the games I've met multiple times, and Drew even started recognizing me later when i would see him at Sharks events. Great bunch of guys, and the team is that way too. But they can never get to the Finals! Aaaargh! I've got team signed jerseys that I can just stare at and wonder what could have been. Became a Pittsburgh Penguin fan in the 80's, and ditched them for the Sharks when I heard San Jose was going to get a team. Father who raised me a Cowboys fans now doesn't watch any professional sports except for Sharks Hockey.

Football: Dallas Cowboys. I was born in the Bay Area from parents both born in TX. Father grew up in Sinton TX, mother born in McAllen, but later grew up in San Jose. Father was a huge football fan and Cowboys were his team. He also liked UT, but Cowboys were all that mattered. So that's how i was raised. Would watch games with him but didn't become a true fan till Dorsett. That was my true first sports hero. Mother liked the Raiders because she grew up with Jim Plunkett, and I have ties to the guy. If it wasn't for my dad I would have ended up a Raiders fan. Egad! My all time favorite team, and my first true love. Makes me sad my dad doesn't watch the NFL anymore. Says college and high school football are much better now. Still trying to get him to have that enthusiasm that got me to love the Cowboys so much. Says Sharks are his top team now for professional sports, and hates Jerry Jones. He didn't even watch hockey till I introduced him to it.

College: Baylor University. Used to be a Stanford fan, then became a UT fan when I moved out here in 2001. My son graduates from Baylor this year, and became a Baylor fan once he started attending. They're getting enough money from me, might as well cheer them to win some games.

/Sic em Bears!

:starspin Great post!


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Fan since= 1974(Dad hated the BOYS he was a big Jim Brown fan because he played in our home town and he went to the Cleveland Browns)

Fan since=1973 (Dad hated the Yanks one of last teams to intergrate black ball players) Triple A club played at the old Macarthur Stadium in Syracuse my home town. Loved the old ballpark.

SYRACUSE= Only all of my life. Archibold Stadium at S.U.

76ers= Dr.J, Bobby Jones, Moe Cheeks, (Moses Malone with the immortal words FO,FO,FO) Coach Cunningham


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Dallas is number one to me and has been since the mid 70's. They are in danger of sinking on my list however. Getting real tired of the Jerry amateur hour.


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JIMMYBUFFETT;5073619 said:
Cowboys = Tough year to be a fan.

Celtics = I think it's a matter of hours before they're done, but hoping for a miracle finish.

Blackhawks = So far so good. We'll see what happens Friday.

NCAA = I watch a ton of college football but don't have a favorite team. I mainly watch Big 12 and SEC. I've been to a couple of Boise State games and follow them as well as Notre Dame where my grandfather attended school.

Baseball = Sucks!

I am also a Blackhawks fan, I think it might somewhat compare. A crazy owner, who refused to spend money(opposite of Jerry Jones), refused to televise home games, because he thought fans would come to the games and spend money rather than watch TV and not spend any. Which worked the opposite of what he thought. The owner dies, the son takes over, puts Hockey people in charge of his organization, doesn't meddle, put the Hawks back on TV, and they have become successful. Successful at drafting, a few hits in FA, but a lot of home grown talent.

I really think, they will win the Cup this year.


Junior College Transfer
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I have no other favorite teams.
Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboysm Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys,Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys,Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys,Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys,Cowboys, Cowboys, Cowboys.

Ever since mah daddy first gave me a sip of beer and sat me down in front of the Philco to watch the Cowboys play.
A true Cowboys fan has no other favorite teams, that is the way the l o r d intended.


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In this order
1.Dallas Cowboys
2.Dallas Mavericks
3.Texas Rangers
4.Dallas Stars
In college sports-Texas Longhorns all the way


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Grew up a Fighter pilots son ... moved around a lot. Dad was from eastern Ohio (about 30 mins south of Canton, OH) and a huge OSU Buckeye, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Cleveland Indians fan.

Therefore I follow the following teams:

1. Dallas Cowboys ... i couldnt root for my dads team so in the mid to late 70s i rooted for the other team on every weekend ... Dallas. Roger Staubach was my hero.

2. OSU Buckeyes ... have followed this team since i could remember football. My dad graduated from there and I eventually attended OSU in the late 80s.

3. Cincinnati Reds ... this was my mom's team. She was from western Ohio about 30 mins north of sidney. So she was a huge Reds fan. And i followed along cause of her and of course Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, Dave Concepcion, Pete Rose ... et all. The Big Red Machine.

4. Chicago Cubs ... In the early 80s we got cable and were living in Arizona. Having no team there to root for at the time I followed the Cubs cause of WGN and the Cubs spring training was in Arizona. This was the Ryan Sandberg era ... probably my favorite baseball player of all time. (i also played 2nd base )

Early 90s and i move the Dallas and get a job. And I actually get to see Jimmy Johnson resurrect my Cowboys from the dead.

Been living here since '92 so i now follow:

5. Dallas Mavericks ... i remember when we drafted Dirk ... who has now reached the status around here of guys like Staubach, Aikman, Randy White, etc. A true legend in teh DFW area.

6. Texas Rangers ... Love the kids. Love the 2 WS appearances. We now have a true Ace in Darvish. This club is gonna be my favorite sports team for the next decade.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Beast_from_East;5073478 said:
The Cowboys are the only professional sports team I follow.



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Cowboys are what they are, UT(ennessee) football isn't any better.

At least the St. Louis Cardinals are good every year.


Gloomy Sunday
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Dallas Cowboys, New York Mets, Brooklyn Nets, SMU Mustangs (College)

Guess you can say the Cowboys are on par with my other teams :lmao2:


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i'm a Spurs fan and holy hell they are complete opposites...Spurs always give me a good season regardless if they win a title or not and the Cowboys just seem to eat away at my soul ;_;


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CashMan;5074895 said:
I am also a Blackhawks fan, I think it might somewhat compare. A crazy owner, who refused to spend money(opposite of Jerry Jones), refused to televise home games, because he thought fans would come to the games and spend money rather than watch TV and not spend any. Which worked the opposite of what he thought. The owner dies, the son takes over, puts Hockey people in charge of his organization, doesn't meddle, put the Hawks back on TV, and they have become successful. Successful at drafting, a few hits in FA, but a lot of home grown talent.

I really think, they will win the Cup this year.

Nah, not if my Penguins have anything to say about it :)

Red Dragon

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BanditHiro;5075862 said:
i'm a Spurs fan and holy hell they are complete opposites...Spurs always give me a good season regardless if they win a title or not and the Cowboys just seem to eat away at my soul ;_;

Same here. I'm a Spurs and Cowboys fan. The Spurs have had 15 consecutive playoff appearances.


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Red Dragon;5073236 said:
In addition to being a Cowboys fan, I am also a San Antonio Spurs, Texas Rangers and Buffalo Sabres fan (the last one being 'sort-of;' I hardly follow hockey at all.)

Compared with those teams, the Cowboys are the only ones who have a very high profile, are glamorous, and get a lot of attention in the media. The San Antonio Spurs, my favorite NBA team, are kind of the opposite of the Cowboys - they are the epitome of a blue-collar, low-key, traditional, quiet, non-controversial type of team.

Neither the Rangers (baseball) nor Sabres have ever won a championship. They are characterized, in a certain sense, by sports futility. Again, that's very different from the Cowboys, who have 5 Super Bowl trophies and 8 Super Bowl appearances.

What are your other favorite sports teams? How is being a fan of them similar to or different from rooting for the Cowboys?

There is no comparison.


Texas Longhorns
New York Yankees


Zone Scribe
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I've been following the Jacksonville Jaguars for the better part of 1.5-2 years because my wife is from the area and there is a better than zero chance they might end up being my "hometown" team in the not to distant future. It's a good contrast with the Cowboys. Kahn is a very different owner than most every other owner in the NFL because he comes from a mathematics and engineering background, while generally every other owner inherited the team or, like Jerry, comes from a sales or marketing background. He's implementing a very analytical and technology based organizational structure and he's brought over his son, who quit a high paying consulting job, to personally oversee their analytic department. It's going to be an interesting experiment. I've enjoyed getting in on an the ground level on an organization that's rebuilding the entire organizational philosophy from the ownership down, not unlike the Cowboys of 1989.

Aside from that, I love that nobody follows or cares about the Jaguars, and therefore it's completely devoid of the hyperbole that plagues everything that surrounds the Cowboys. Anyone who has watched Jaguar games and their offensive line could only laugh at the hand-wringing and exaggeration that goes on about the Cowboys offensive line, but among Jaguar fans it's just generally agreed that Guy Whimper is simply an awful offensive tackle that needs to be upgraded. Hes not "OMGZ teh wurst offensive tacklez in teh in historieez of teh NFL and hez singul-handedly sinking teh entire franchize and teh Blaine Gabbert iz teh lucky to be alivez!!!!" evaluations that we get with the Cowboys .