They know how to manipulate the cap, we do not or refuse to. It's why they've been in two SBs in 6 years and we haven't sniffed one in 27.
What Howie does is basically load cap hits into future years and essentially banks on the cap going up and up to eat up some of that pushed money. Sure, there is a risk there but unlike our two dopes, Roseman tries to be all in every year.
This, in a nutshell is what the Eagles do. They are working the system, taking interest-free loans, betting on the cash cow NFL to keep raising the cap. For example, those 4-5 year contracts with massive void years means that the years the players are playing are with artificially low cap hits. The big hit comes five or six years later. If the cap increases an average of 10-20% annually then when that big hit is paid, the actual salary cap will be over 2x or more what it is was year one, so it’s not as impactful. They also seem to plan for it really well, carrying over cap space annually.
These long term, back-loaded contracts only work if the players stay healthy and are good throughout the contract. Unfortunately, it seems like most of their core players play well into their mid-30s, retaining both trade value and comp pick value when released. Another risk is if they have to accelerate a contract because the player is no longer with them, a potentially crippling situation. But Roseman seems to be a master of dumping bad contracts onto idiot GM's around the league, so they rarely eat a bad contract.