Starting out, the plan was to start Mincey on the outside weakside, and work Lawrence into a support role. He has some education coming his way as to intensity in the real show. I'm not put off with having him sit out some, and study the goings on until about October. That would keep him on schedule for a potential starter in his first season, with a 2nd/1st round pedigree.
I'm alright with watching this group work from being a no-name group, and measure by how much heart they show.
Funny how things stick when growing up as a youth. I was taught that one can be a lowly trashman, as long as he was both clean and the best at the simple task that he could be. That applies to a defensive line that answers the call to battle but after making it onto a roster at the NFL levels. First, that is a degree of accomplishment and not a fine line of all time greatness. Teams are made up of many 'Joes' that play great as a team.
The rotation part will be kept alive by a strong group that keep the front line fresh...Crawford, Spencer, Coleman and Bishop.
It appears that the starters going in, are Selvie, Melton, McClain, and Mincey.
Starting out, that should prove at least workable. Before mid season, if that is reinforced with Lawrence and Spencer, the make up of the defensive side could grow with the season as well.
I see Okoye and Bass as wildcards at present...but this group is worth watching grow.