How long, is long enough?

How else can you evaluate? If you're starting premise is "well, first he should have X,Y, Z player" there is really no need to evaluate. With respect, your grounds for evaluation are completely unrealistic and leaves no room for further discussion. 3.5 years yet and the last year and half is thrown out? Yet, the winning record with the talent deficient squad (you argue) he took over counts.

Constraints and injuries? Since he has been here, and especially since he was promoted to coach, he has been given every single thing with the exception of complete autonomy to do what he wants (not in Dallas-not him anyway, or almost anyone else). You can't argue he is/has remade the team into an RKG deal and then on the other hand talk about constraints. Injuries, etc., are part of the game. I watched today's game and at one point in the 4th quarter, didn't know who 3 of the 4 starters were. Yet, they produced. They played and no one is saying "poor Monte" or "poor Marinelli." Two years form now Romo is gone and then it will be we have no QB. It's cool. I say he's head coach, its about wins and losses and the product on the field. I have not seen improvement in these areas and I hold him entirely responsible. In that vein, and in my mind, he has failed. Today's game only reinforced for me the man is truly not HC material. Point blank, period. IMO opinion, everything else, is, just that, excuses.

You don't excuse the losses. You have to go out there and do the best you can with what you have. But you can't possibly expect to really evaluate a HC who is forced to put scrubs from off the street out there. I'm bored with the conversation. I don't think you understand what I'm saying or you don't appear to care. Have a good evening.
In case you guys haven't noticed, that stadium was packed from wall to wall. Jerry can do no wrong folks. If it takes losing for 4 more years, so be it. As long as the fans keep showing up, and as long as Garrett smooches Jerry in the back room.
You don't excuse the losses. You have to go out there and do the best you can with what you have. But you can't possibly expect to really evaluate a HC who is forced to put scrubs from off the street out there. I'm bored with the conversation. I don't think you understand what I'm saying or you don't appear to care. Have a good evening.

I understand you and I care, else I wouldn't have taken the time to respond. I disagree, expressed why, and seems your responses are moving targets while my premise is pretty basic and in line with the OP comment/question. Thanks and you have a good evening also.
really? 31 million over the cap in 2014 for a team that can barely pull off a .500 record? That is drastically better?

Not to mention the core players on this team, Romo, Ware, Witten are all on the downside of their careers and are not playing worth their contracts.

whats drastically wrong
All of you people defending Garrett. Please give us you BOTTOM line expectations. Because if winning is the BOTTOM line, he is not getting it done. Plenty of teams with injuries. Plenty of coaches that took over losing situations. I mean Seattle has generally been a losing culture would we agree. Chip Kelly is taking over for a legend in Philly. New offense. New defense. QBs in and out of the linuep. And they sit 1 game back of Dallas. Who have had the same core for years. And Garrets offense has been in place for over 5 years. My point is the excuses being given for Garrett can go on and on for years if winning is not the BOTTOM line measuring stick!
All of you people defending Garrett. Please give us you BOTTOM line expectations. Because if winning is the BOTTOM line, he is not getting it done. Plenty of teams with injuries. Plenty of coaches that took over losing situations. I mean Seattle has generally been a losing culture would we agree. Chip Kelly is taking over for a legend in Philly. New offense. New defense. QBs in and out of the linuep. And they sit 1 game back of Dallas. Who have had the same core for years. And Garrets offense has been in place for over 5 years. My point is the excuses being given for Garrett can go on and on for years if winning is not the BOTTOM line measuring stick!

Those reasons[excuses] are pertinent due to injuries injuries. However in the next couple of years the train most arrive at the station.
I wanted to get the boards opinions on how long and how many games coached does it take to determine
if you have the right headcoach for your team.
At the end of this season Garrett will have been HC for 3.5 seasons.

In your opinion is that enough time for Jerry to make a quality decision about Garrett ?

One School of thought is that we are improving and that it is a process, and it will take time for Garrett to get his type of players in.

The other School says that Garrett's a terrible clock manager and his offense is outdated.

Just curious how my fellow Cowboy fans feel ?

I have said from the get go, I think a HC should at the least get 3 full years and after that time based on the direction and success or failure they have, you either move forward with that HC or you change HC. As for KC they were a division winner in 2010 the last 2 years major injuries hurt them quite a bit. I don't take anything away from the job Reid is doing but there was already good talent on that team.

I think how Garrett and this team finish this season will determine his fate and while some here seem to have already written this season off I haven't
Nice idea but they've been rebuilding in Detroit and Cleveland etc. for how many years?

Better than going 8-8 every year. Detroit very likely could win the North and be good the next 5 years. Where do you see us in 5 years? Still going 8-8?
Oh I...thought this question was about something else. Nevermind then, carry on, pip pip cheerio........
I do think this a major point. I think some fans take wins and losses much differently than others. Some of us dont want to hear about anything after a Cowboys loss. Others can grab their kids and go to the park. Some dont take it as serious as others, its a matter of each individual.

Yup, that is very true. I am a huge Cowboys fan, for a very long time, Since Staubach days, and I do get upset whenever Cowboys lose, however, I know it's just a game and no impact in my everyday life, after a loss, I can still talk to my wife and kids fine and is more than happy to take them to places. However, I really hate coming to this site and see nothing but negativity, mostly by same people whining about same thing every Sunday after the game, even if we win, same whiners spewing same garbage.

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