How long u been a cowboys fan?

BadKarma said:
35 years...grew up watching Bob Lilly, Bob Bruenig, Billy Joe Dupree, Preston Pearson, Drew Pearson, Duane Thomas, Thomas Henderson, Roger Staubach, Tony Dorsett, Randy White, Ed Jones, and Harvey Martin.

What a great era to be a Cowboys fan.

Great times allright and its been great (for the most part) watching over the decades. :cool:
About 34 years. I really don't recall much about the first superbowl victory in '72, but I'm told that I was cheering along with the rest of the family. I had just turned 7 yrs. old.

I've enjoyed some really great moments over the years with this team.

Being a Cowboy's fan is a beautiful well as an honor.
It's a father to son inheritance passed down the family tree gig...right around Dallas /Denver Bowl.


Kelly Slater
34 years and Counting! Since 1972! I was 6 years old and everyone in my household was a Houston Oilers fan but me!
And I still have an independent mind!:lmao:
I was born in a Cowboys loving family so it's been with me since birth.

I'll die one too.

12 years, since i was first real memory of a cowboys game was the 94' ncf championship.
Since I was five years old in 1970. My dad was a Boys fan and once I started watching Roger Staubach was my hero and the blue star hypnotized me! LOL!

Growing up in Steeler country it hasn't been easy. Especially now!
I got an autographed picture of Roger Staubach when I was 9 years old and thought I was on top of the world!.. been a fan ever since!.... I'm 37 now.. do the math!
I liked them when I was in Grade 9 (1975) but I really became a fan in Grade 6in 1977 the year they won SB XII.
Been a fan since late 70's. Started watching with Dad when I was four or five years old and never stopped!

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