How long u been a cowboys fan?

About two weeks. I got on the Pat McQuistan bandwagon.
The first Cowboy player I loved was the original number 22....the Bullet...the fastest man in the world.
Since October 22, 1998

I was born on July 7,1989, thus making me 16 years old.

This means i have been a cowboys fan for half of my lifetime(8 years)
I have been a fan since 3rd grade, i am now in 11th grade!!!!
No offense, but I love these comments about "I've been a Cowboys fan since I was born"

You don't know any better when it comes to crapping your pants, but you can make the decision to be a Cowboys fan.

I've been a Cowboy fan for at least 30 years. I remember crying when Dallas lost to Pittsburgh the first time. I was 9 years old.
1966. I was 12 years old growing up in Aransas Pass. That was a fortunate year to begin watching Cowboys football because it was that year the Cowboys began the longest run of winning football seasons in NFL history (20 years). Even to a 'callow youth' it was clear the Cowboys with Tom Landry as coach were something special.
I've been a Cowboy fan since about 1976 (6 years old). Growing up in a DC suburb, you would think I would be a Commander fan. However, my fate was miraculously altered one Sunday afternoon when I heard my father prophetically say "I hate the Commanders!" He said this in disgust after a game, but to an impressionable 6 year old this was enough to search elsewhere for a favorite team.

Long story short, I remember seeing an old Cowboys vs Commander poster in Hardee's and was hooked on the star ever since. All I can say is THANK YOU DAD! :thumbup: :bounce:

I thank God Almighty for predestinating me to be a Cowboys fan! lol Ive been a fan since 1976. I seen them beat Denver in SBXII, cried when Jackie Onassis ...err, i mean Jackie(or is it Jaclyn?) Smith dropped a touchdown against the Stealers in SBXIII. And in the 80s i suffered when Danny White took us to the edge of the promise land 3 times( 3 NFC Championship games in a row) Only to see the Phillysteaked Eagles, L.A Lambs and S.F 69ers enter in! the Rest of the 80s sucked for us die hards til the Playmaker arrived and brought a glimmer of light to our Star, only to be darkened by the casting out of God's Coach by some oil tycoon named Jerry who hired a Jimmy. But God forgave Jerry Jimmy ( or Jimmy Jerry?) for thier sins and blessed the rest of America with 3 more SB victories!... Lets just pray God imparts sound wisdom on the Tuna and pray that the Tuna obeys so that we may drink from the Holy grail once again!

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