How many of you played football?

I made a ton of unconventional money doing an unconventional career.
Now I decided to change course because writing for the entertainment industry sucks (and isn't paying for a guy like me).

I could retire. Wife's not ready though.
And here I sit: Bored.

So now I'm taking coding bootcamp classes.
Because I wanna. I'm not young, but I'm not old either.
@Reality has been a tremendous help and a voice of reason along this new journey and honestly? I feel reinvigorated.

I might hit you up on some advice along my way into this new chapter of my life.

The computer biz is fun and it has been very good to me. People ask me about retiring all the time.. I'm 62 and I still love my job and the guys I work with.. That and my wife really loves spending money! Coding bootcamps are worth their weight in gold if you get into the right one. You learn a ton in a focused area but if it's the area that a company needs you can make a lot of money. But you have to love it. I was never that fond of coding. I have dabbled in it.. but my passion is in troubleshooting/problem solving.. I love digging through OS and application logs and messages and figuring out what's wrong with a system.. and then figuring out how to fix it. I just dig the detective work aspect of it.
OMG!!! I hope you didn't play offense when you faced Troy. I played against Nate and Tim Newton twice in high school. Their d-line had four absolute studs on it.. Nate went to FAMU, Tim went to Florida. The other two guys also went D1.. one went to Kansas but I forget where the 4th guy went but it was a D1 school. I was glad to have played receiver in those games..

Yeah, I was a receiver. I played special teams that day though. They came to our house in the 2000 season opener and beat us.
This reminds me that I should be a billionaire today .....


I'm glad you asked..

During the summer after senior year I took a computer systems class in order to try and land a better job.. It was a great course where I learned assembly language programming and machine language and other computer architecture. The course concluded with a programming project. For mine I chose to create drumroll please.. ..

a computer football game..

Now this was 1982 and fancy graphics had yet to proliferate so I could only use graphics that moved X's and O's around. But I wrote a program that would let one player enter what defense he wanted to be in and then the other player enter what offensive play he wanted to run. It would then execute that play on the screen. When I demonstrated it to my GA ( grad assistant) his eyes lit up in a way I had never seen in a teacher.. He gave me a B on the project..

A couple of years later a company came out with an arcade game that looked a LOT like my program. Even the play names and defense names were almost identical to what I had called mine. I did a little digging and found that the GA worked for that company. That company eventually became one of the big computer game developers. I can't recall which one, but it was one of the big ones. I suspect my code got pirated into damn near every computer football game in the world in the 80's. I say that because the guys developing these game didn't play no damn football! So they aint know enough about the game to develop a computer version.. So I think they stole mine!!! Bastids!!! LOL!

I would have got a lawyer right after I found out. I kept punch cards and printouts of all my code back in those days, friggin punch cards lol. I worked a job and ran an HP mainframe back in those days and there was a football game similar to what you described on the system, but no graphics. Me in Texas would choose a defense and an HP guy in California would choose an offense and vice versa. Passed the time on long nights.
I am curious and mods feel free to move it or delete it. I think we have varying levels of fans here how many of you actually football and to what level . I’ll start
I played freshman year ( bench warmer) I was small in high school it wasn’t for me I was more into bball and I grew a lot from 11 grade to my military years.

i officiated every level from pee wee to Friday night lights. Next if you wish
Me..pee wee, middle school,Jr high,high school, college and not to Bragg,I made my school's HOF..miss those days immensely...btw my number was 79 because of Harvey Martin.
This reminds me that I should be a billionaire today .....


I'm glad you asked..

During the summer after senior year I took a computer systems class in order to try and land a better job.. It was a great course where I learned assembly language programming and machine language and other computer architecture. The course concluded with a programming project. For mine I chose to create drumroll please.. ..

a computer football game..

Now this was 1982 and fancy graphics had yet to proliferate so I could only use graphics that moved X's and O's around. But I wrote a program that would let one player enter what defense he wanted to be in and then the other player enter what offensive play he wanted to run. It would then execute that play on the screen. When I demonstrated it to my GA ( grad assistant) his eyes lit up in a way I had never seen in a teacher.. He gave me a B on the project..

A couple of years later a company came out with an arcade game that looked a LOT like my program. Even the play names and defense names were almost identical to what I had called mine. I did a little digging and found that the GA worked for that company. That company eventually became one of the big computer game developers. I can't recall which one, but it was one of the big ones. I suspect my code got pirated into damn near every computer football game in the world in the 80's. I say that because the guys developing these game didn't play no damn football! So they aint know enough about the game to develop a computer version.. So I think they stole mine!!! Bastids!!! LOL!
Whatever it became I'm sure I played it! I feel like I've played every football game known to man :laugh:
I would have got a lawyer right after I found out. I kept punch cards and printouts of all my code back in those days, friggin punch cards lol. I worked a job and ran an HP mainframe back in those days and there was a football game similar to what you described on the system, but no graphics. Me in Texas would choose a defense and an HP guy in California would choose an offense and vice versa. Passed the time on long nights.

LOL I have never been lawsuit guy.. and back then at age 24 it (suing) wasn't even in my vocabulary. It never occurred to me. Even today I have no regrets.. I have had a wonderful life.. wonderful kids.. wonderful wife.. If I had sued and won some royalties or some big settlement I might not have my kids or have had the great experiences I've had in my life. Or worse, being a millionaire bachelor in the 80's I might have gotten AIDS and be dead - if you catch my drift.
Me..pee wee, middle school,Jr high,high school, college and not to Bragg,I made my school's HOF..miss those days immensely...btw my number was 79 because of Harvey Martin.

Cool.. Harvey was one of my favorites.. Damn shame that main aint in the Hall.. I was number 24.. shocking right.. because of Joe Washington who was my favorite player when he was at Oklahoma. That year when the Sooners had Pruitt and Washington in that wishbone offense was friggin magical. I had ever intention of paying my way to Norman and walking on at Oklahoma after graduation just so I could play in the wishbone!
Started in YMCA 6 man to 11 man in Midland Tx.
Then played elementary through varsity.

WR through elementary then TE all through HS.

Fun times. Did anyone one else wear Legs pantyhose in the winter to keep warm? Lol
Played all my young life through HS and into my early twenties in pick up leagues, many of those years in the FIL (Yup, you know the first word, followed by idiot and league). It ended when I suffered a compound fracture on Thanksgiving Day to my collar bone and had to miss a month of work from a job I started in June.

My HS coach in our senior year outlawed our FIL. We would play on Sundays (after the Saturday HS game) and guys were getting dinged up, some missing time. They were glorious times.


Glad to know we weren't the only ones to have an FIL
I played more football without pads than I did with pads.
Played in a rough touch league up into my 40s till I broke my elbow.
Still played tackle football with no pads on Thanksgiving with the kids up until last year.
Peewee through high school. 2 years semi pro. Receiver/Cb.
Played football nearly everyday, or as much as we could up 25 years old.
Met some great people, and many friends….miss those days.
Played football from age 8-22.
Tore ACL in 7th grade.
Senior year 1st team All-District WR/CB...played vs Jeremiah Trotter (tackled him lol) and Derrick Blaylock. Starting Point Guard.
Started 3 years at College at CB, Slot CB, SS, FS and ILB (vs Spread). Only gave up 3 TDs. Jordan Babineaux was my pup (true freshman I told coach to start).
Ran a 4.37 for Calagary scouts...hence Mr. 4.37.
Every Generation my family has an NFL player here recently. Avatar was my young cousin.
Glad to know we weren't the only ones to have an FIL
I played more football without pads than I did with pads.
Played in a rough touch league up into my 40s till I broke my elbow.
Still played tackle football with no pads on Thanksgiving with the kids up until last year.

We had a Thanksgiving day game every year as well. Good times.
Played MLB in my senior year in high school (only year I played football). Wasn’t that good. Played baseball in high school, college and 2 1/2 years in the minors (getting paid peanuts) before getting a real job.
My first organized football was Pop Warner at age 12. From that point on I played every year.. right up to two years in college.. Well one and a half years at college because I quit my sophomore year because I didn't think I was getting enough playing time. Worst decision I ever made.. I really missed the comradery of the guys and of course game days. Fortunately for me Harvard had full padded intramural football where your dorm team played against other dorm teams. That let me scratch my football itch last two years of college. Then every Friday before the Harvard/Yale game the top 4 teams from each school square off at the home field of the home team that year. The intramural season was 6 games followed by playoffs followed by the Yale games. The only drawback was we didn't practice much, maybe once a week, and nobody was in shape.. Fortunately we were in our early 20s so we were kinda in shape whether we knew it or not! LOL! It was still fun as hell .. But I knew I wasn't in shape because I got tired. I had never actually felt tired in a game before. Had damn near passed out in the Florida heat in practice many times.. but never felt fatigue in a game. There were even a few fans in the stands during the Yale games..

After college it was just sandlot football until I started pulling muscles and getting rolled up on .. I switched to flag football at about age 30 and played that until I started breaking bones doing that.. That also coincided with my son starting to play so I had to give up my weekend glory to coach him. I helped coach him and his teams from age 9 to his junior year in high school.. Then after he graduated I coached a couple more years until my wife put her foot down and demanded that I spend evenings and weekends with her and not coaching some stranger's kids! LOL! Some women don't understand football at all I tellya!
My first organized football was Pop Warner at age 12. From that point on I played every year.. right up to two years in college.. Well one and a half years at college because I quit my sophomore year because I didn't think I was getting enough playing time. Worst decision I ever made.. I really missed the comradery of the guys and of course game days. Fortunately for me Harvard had full padded intramural football where your dorm team played against other dorm teams. That let me scratch my football itch last two years of college. Then every Friday before the Harvard/Yale game the top 4 teams from each school square off at the home field of the home team that year. The intramural season was 6 games followed by playoffs followed by the Yale games. The only drawback was we didn't practice much, maybe once a week, and nobody was in shape.. Fortunately we were in our early 20s so we were kinda in shape whether we knew it or not! LOL! It was still fun as hell .. But I knew I wasn't in shape because I got tired. I had never actually felt tired in a game before. Had damn near passed out in the Florida heat in practice many times.. but never felt fatigue in a game. There were even a few fans in the stands during the Yale games..

After college it was just sandlot football until I started pulling muscles and getting rolled up on .. I switched to flag football at about age 30 and played that until I started breaking bones doing that.. That also coincided with my son starting to play so I had to give up my weekend glory to coach him. I helped coach him and his teams from age 9 to his junior year in high school.. Then after he graduated I coached a couple more years until my wife put her foot down and demanded that I spend evenings and weekends with her and not coaching some stranger's kids! LOL! Some women don't understand football at all I tellya!

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