How to change the culture of this team


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It starts at the top.

But, culture isn't the reason the Cowboys lost to GB.
The belief that we have enough to be successful by taking the easiest route is clearly a belief that needs to rid of this team. We have a superbowl team, but lack to focus on the key components of what can take you over the edge


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Jerry will be gone sooner or later, but as long as the last name "Jones" is the owner, I don't see anything changing.

Worlds most profitable NFL team baby, and don't you forget it!
with jerry gone, stephen won't care so much about the marketing aspect


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the only thing changing is that people are finally waking up and seeing there will never be any changes. Never, so quit dreaming of the draft, FA, and making threads on how to fix this crap, it's not happening. sheesh, slow learners. I'm glad this crap bothers me none. I enjoy the sorrow of Jerry and his fans.


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One of the super fans told me that everyone on the team wants to play in a super bowl. Their lack of effort against GB because they were 'too tired' says otherwise. The players on this team only care about their pay checks.

Where has Dak been since the game ended? He just disappeared. And this isn't necessarily a bad thing, I've had enough of his "I need to get better" comments over and over. But at some point he's going to have to come back out from under his rock and face the music.
oh he's going through a lot, he's on the "watch"


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I wish I could give this 100 likes. The absolute truth.
The fact that some of us knowing this, speaks to our commitment to the Star because we truly know that nothing will change while the cancer remains here.

It permeates to every facet from coach and player selection down to even the strength and conditioning guys.....little to no accountability.

As long as one is loyal, one remains employed.


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The Jones family has owned this team for 28-29 years and are the only constants over this period of mediocrity…living off of Super Bowl victories of which they played no active role.
Over the past several years we all have heard the FO’s rhetoric about how close this team is to winning a championship; but the lack of quality FA acquisitions, questionable drafting, inability to develop players says otherwise. And when combined with this culture of entitlement for just being a Cowboy along with a complete lack of organizational accountability…well…are we surprised that things haven’t changed?
I’m not holding my breath for change…that has to come from the top-down and we all know that will never come so long as the Jones family remain the owners.
post of the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Any questions?
loooooooooooooooooooooooooool love this!! Question is, can we bring back that Jerry, the one we have now is scared, the one back then wasn't scared to make a big move


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the only thing changing is that people are finally waking up and seeing there will never be any changes. Never, so quit dreaming of the draft, FA, and making threads on how to fix this crap, it's not happening. sheesh, slow learners. I'm glad this crap bothers me none. I enjoy the sorrow of Jerry and his fans.
yeah I did during the season, and you took a joy of bashing me, now you're seeing the light!! I like you more this way!!


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Like I've said before, this is a business suited for fantasyland. It's worth is based solely on perception and Fandom.

Any business with failure at the REAL goal of succeeding would have a board of directors that would have changed management 20 years ago.....but for here success is measured in net worth rather than championships.....fantasyland
I've never done this before, POST OF THE MORNING part 2!!!!!!!!!!


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Jerry has owned the team 35 years. When he started, he hired a great HC who had in it his contract to control player personnel and have complete control of the team. After Jimmy left in early 1994, Jerry seized full control and has never allowed a head coach since to have that level of control.

In his first 5 years as owner, Jerry was so busy getting the business end of things done, Jimmy was the one putting together the personnel moves that led this team to winning 3 SBs in 4 years. (Jimmy was here for only two of those SB wins but it was his players and his roster development that led to those SBs)

Put it another way. in the Jerry era, this team won 11 playoff games in 6 years. In the following 28 years, we have won 4 playoff games. It’s pretty obvious Jerry Jones does not know how to build a championship level roster without major help. And he doesn’t like getting help or admitting mistakes. Thus we have the last 28 seasons and counting.
Jerry says he'd give anything to win another one, would he really??? Would he really give full control to a GM not named Jones??


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I know some of us must sound like broken records when it comes to the FO but this is a unique owner/GM situation......maybe our children will one day see a Cowboys team free of owner ego, nepotism and stupidity
Because we're tired of being lied to and hyped up as if things will be great this year. IN our heart of hearts we want this team to win those superbowls that jerry keeps referencing. For that to happen, something inside of jerry is just going to have to let go!!!


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Jerry has owned the team 35 years. When he started, he hired a great HC who had in it his contract to control player personnel and have complete control of the team. After Jimmy left in early 1994, Jerry seized full control and has never allowed a head coach since to have that level of control.

In his first 5 years as owner, Jerry was so busy getting the business end of things done, Jimmy was the one putting together the personnel moves that led this team to winning 3 SBs in 4 years. (Jimmy was here for only two of those SB wins but it was his players and his roster development that led to those SBs)

Put it another way. in the Jerry era, this team won 11 playoff games in 6 years. In the following 28 years, we have won 4 playoff games. It’s pretty obvious Jerry Jones does not know how to build a championship level roster without major help. And he doesn’t like getting help or admitting mistakes. Thus we have the last 28 seasons and counting.
Yes , all true. Spot on .

It’s our owners undermining and meddling with coaching and the fact players ultimately answer to him not the HC is the basis to our dysfunctional culture to maintain his celebrity status and face of our franchise.

And then there’s the conflict of interest with our owner wearing both hats. Under the owners hat he’s all about promoting and hyping his brand. The other GM hat is in building and running football operations . Which distort or knocks our priorities out of whack.

Our owner has basically lowered the bar for Cowboys Football which many fans haven’t accepted. And he handles the Damage Control and re-spins the hype in a vicious cycle. But yet we continue expecting or hoping for different results .


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Because we're tired of being lied to and hyped up as if things will be great this year. IN our heart of hearts we want this team to win those superbowls that jerry keeps referencing. For that to happen, something inside of jerry is just going to have to let go!!!
Unfortunately it’s the fans who must let go in order to bring about the change.

Fans are providing the wrong message with record revenue.


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Jerry says he'd give anything to win another one, would he really??? Would he really give full control to a GM not named Jones??
If he was really willing to “do anything to win a championship“, he would have already done it. No, as long as he’s breathing, he will do things “his way”.

Since Bengals owner Mike Brown hired a GM, Jerry is the final remaining owner who does not hire a GM to run the football side of operations. The winning owners of the last 28 SBs all hired someone else to serve as GM. That is no coincidence.

As much as I wish the Cowboys front office would join the modern era, it won’t happen until either Jerry has a reversal and gets tired of losing playoff games or he’s pushing up daisies.


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I don't remember bashing you, but if I did, I'm sorry.
It's all good wasn't looking for that, i'm just thankful people are actually able to open their eyes and look at things from another angle, not always just we need time, and don't talk about the cowboys that way!!! It's ok to be critical of the team you cheer for!


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Unfortunately it’s the fans who must let go in order to bring about the change.

Fans are providing the wrong message with record revenue.
lol i'm laughing but it's not funny at all, we're spending all this money myself included (going to games) for a losing product with a few highlights every year


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If he was really willing to “do anything to win a championship“, he would have already done it. No, as long as he’s breathing, he will do things “his way”.

Since Bengals owner Mike Brown hired a GM, Jerry is the final remaining owner who does not hire a GM to run the football side of operations. The winning owners of the last 28 SBs all hired someone else to serve as GM. That is no coincidence.

As much as I wish the Cowboys front office would join the modern era, it won’t happen until either Jerry has a reversal and gets tired of losing playoff games or he’s pushing up daisies.
I don't even know what to say to that Bob, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!