How to use Micah to avoid him tiring out?


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When we are up or down big, get him outta the game.

We don't seem to understand how to protect key players.


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Any discussion like this has to start and stop with what is best for Parsons. Anyone out there still thinking in terms of what is best for the team is living in a world that no longer exists. Figure out a plan that will accumulate the maximum amount of regular season stats. That is what matters.


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He's our top pass rusher, best defender if you want to say that. We've seen in the last few years how he's been burned out, with that said, how can avoid burnout to make him the best he's ever been. I saw him say in a quote, he's hasn't even reached his prime yet. We shall see when that happens. Please give your thoughts on this
How many times did Randy white have to be taken off the field for rest,playing dt at that?how about Harvey Martin or too tall... this whole thing about trying to find ways to keep him fresh is a joke, maybe just maybe he just needs to get in better shape, maybe focus more on football than playing x games with cd on the web.


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How many times did Randy white have to be taken off the field for rest,playing dt at that?how about Harvey Martin or too tall... this whole thing about trying to find ways to keep him fresh is a joke, maybe just maybe he just needs to get in better shape, maybe focus more on football than playing x games with cd on the web.
Listen I totally agree!!! I was the first one to tease the fact that a SECOND year player (Micah) was saying he was tired, like damn who says that this early!???


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He's the best pass rusher but not the best defender. To earn best defender you have to do more than just rush. Micah needs to be moved off the line so he does more than just rush and be washed out of the play.


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He's the best pass rusher but not the best defender. To earn best defender you have to do more than just rush. Micah needs to be moved off the line so he does more than just rush and be washed out of the play.
Washed out of the play lol lol man that's funny someone else sees what I see!!


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When we are up or down big, get him outta the game.

We don't seem to understand how to protect key players.
No that's him trying to pad stats!! He did all that and STILL didn't get sacks in the games where she should have been taken out when the game was favoring us really well


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Trade this contract hungry player before he gets paid big money and gets hurt.
He's in his prime at the top of his game get a boatload of draft picks for this guy who routinely stays in games that are blowouts to enhance his stats and disappears in the playoffs.
Bench him for poor attitiude lol.
I would only play him in the SF, home phil, texans games, then in the playoffs.


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For one thing, when they constantly use him as always pass rushing it's too easy for teams to game plan for him. He should be used for other purposes as well. Then it becomes easier to mask what you're doing. With his speed he should be good for more than just pass rush.

This is brilliant!! Plus, using him for other purposes will to have a break from trying to push past 300 lb offensive lineman. Plus, by putting him in certain spots, it could disguise him on certain blitz packages to where he's only got a WR and maybe a RB to beat. So, that makes things a lot easier for him.


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If we have him mostly rushing the passer every game he’s going to wear down no matter what. He’s having to take on a lot of double teams and he’s also being held a lot. I really don’t see what can be done if we continue having him rush the QB to keep him from flaming out by December and January. The better teams seem to have him figured out because he didn’t show up in any of our big games last season. Other players around him need to step up so the better opponents can’t neutralize him.

McCarthy should be in the refs' ear more about this. The amount of times that Micah gets blatantly held without a call is ridiculous.


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Tbh, I think the best thing for him is for us to shift to more of a 3-4 base. Kinda like DWare, giving him the OLB spot would be the best thing we can do for him. He can be much more versatile out of that.