However emphatic you may be, RS, the fact is neither of us know how the season will turn out.
Yes I do. The Super Bowl will be played weeks after the Cowboys season has ended. Like a month after.
That's what makes the NFL fun.
The NFL was a lot more fun when the Cowboys were a contender.
And LOL at your assertion that fans of either stripe are 'allowing' anything. We're fans. We root for our team because it's fun to watch the games and because we really want to see them win. Or because we have a masochistic need to watch and then complain about what we just saw. I'm not here to say either objective is better than the other.
Certainly fans are allowing it. Jerry can't do what he does without butts in the seats and merchandise flying off the shelf. If everybody was like me there'd be an immediate change. But unfortunately there's enough of you in the fan base, people willing to accept mediocrity as some test of team loyalty, that allows Jerry to micromanage this team without it ever hurting his bottom line financially.
He's got no reason to change thanks to your Go Cowboys! tattoo.
The reality is, though, that this team is still in contention. And anything might happen in 7 weeks in an NFL season. All of us who've watched the league as much as every member of CZ has know that to be fundamentally true.
And playoff berths aren't ever meaningless.
They're in contention. For the competition of worst ever NFC East champion. They're not in contention for anything after that. Spare me the any given Sunday nonsense. There is a 0% chance this team wins anything noteworthy this year. They're mismanaged and they lack talent.
So when you scoff at the fan "giving up" while tied for the division lead you seem to not understand what he's saying and why he's right. He's not giving up on the division. He doesn't care. Because he knows it's meaningless. Congrats, you're the chubby chick surrounded by fatties. Who cares?