How Would You Guys "Tweak" Our Uniforms To Improve Them ?

bbgun;1414813 said:
10-4. Green has never been--and should never be--a Cowboy color.

am i the only one who absolutely loves the current home pants???
love em, i tell ya...
xpistofer;1415016 said:
am i the only one who absolutely loves the current home pants???
love em, i tell ya...

You need to be committed.

* Aqua teal pants - Since when are we the Dolphins?
* Royal Blue on numbers/pants/sleeves - Why is the logo on the helmet a different color than the one on the sleeves?
* Paint on the helmets - Under certain lighting it can look flat, and the blue can look purpleish



* Make the pants silver - It just makes sense
* Make the numbers/pants/sleeves a rich Navy Blue - It creates an actual color scheme, amazing, huh?
* Brighten up the paint on the helmets - Subtle, no change in actual color. Just make the silver brighter and the blue more blue.

It's not so much creating a new set of uniforms as it is correcting the current ones. I can't believe that enough people thought it was a good idea to incorporate teal and two shades of blue.
^^ too much contrast in the "new" ones. plus navy blue just kills the look of the traditional 'boys uniforms
TheEnigma;1414999 said:
I think we should use something similar to our practice jerseys as I personally like the navy better than the royal blue.


Yeah i've been thinking the same thing since we first started using those practice jerseys.
LatinMind;1415227 said:
i'd love to see all blue during home games.

You need contrast...and dark on dark is just a wee bit too much.
ThreeSportStar80;1414776 said:
I really don't see anything that needs to be changed pertaining to the most popular jersey in the NFL....

I agree, I love the uniforms, especially the home whites.
Messing with the uniforms is like messing with the formula for Coca Cola....remember?
Artie Lange;1415344 said:
Messing with the uniforms is like messing with the formula for Coca Cola....remember?

Nice post, screwing with our uni's is disaster waitin' to happen. Besides we gotta have something that still links us to the SB years, because the play on the field sure hasn't lately.
WoodysGirl;1415290 said:

You need contrast...and dark on dark is just a wee bit too much.

I agree....leave the one color uni's to college and arena football
bbgun;1414812 said:
Metallic blue pants; striped socks; navy blue numbers and helmets; real sleeves; serif font. In other words, perfection.

That does look great.
philo beddoe;1415645 said:
Why? They'd set us apart & they're unique. Back to the future!

That style of numbers just wouldn't look right on our current uni's. I love the old uni's from the 70's and would love to see us go retro but it would have to be a full the Jets did.
Artie Lange;1415344 said:
Messing with the uniforms is like messing with the formula for Coca Cola....remember?
We wouldn't be "messing" with them. "Tweaking", remember? I'm talking about FIXING the little things that are wrong: All royal blue, no navy, stripes on the socks, bring back the classic numerals, throwbacks as our road unis. My solution is perfect.:)
The Chargers are "tweaking" their uniforms for the better. Not the perfect powder blues, but a major improvement.:)

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