There is nothing cool about the Cardinals uniform.It stands for Loser.
The Dallas Cowboys uniform of Tex Schramm design is synonymous with the concept of America's Team, Dallas Doomsday Defense, Hole in the Roof, Bob Lilly, Tony Dorsett, Randy White, Roger Staubach,Tom Landry and the team that was "Next Years Champion" but became a dominant and popular historic franchise in the NFL.
The "Throwback" uniforms were akwardly designed Cotton Bowl era uniforms that can only rermind people old enough to remember that the Cowboys were once unlovable losers.
Don't be a 21st Century loser by suggesting that there is something historic about the softball uniforms Jerry has dredged up to sell at Christmas time.
I beseech the under 30 crowd (or is it the under 16 crowd?) here to relate a little to why the Cowboy's became America's Team and quit with Clown Stars, Black Jerseys and Red Trim there is only one America's Team and only one America's Team image.