How Would You Guys "Tweak" Our Uniforms To Improve Them ?

philo beddoe;1416814 said:
What better model than the Colts uniform, a true "classic"? The last thing I want is some futuristic trendy new look. Anything resembling Arena league or XFL is out. If you want a BAD uni, look at the Seahawks! LOL.

There are far worse than Seattle's. The Bills and Bengals come to mind.
Yeagermeister;1416916 said:
There are far worse than Seattle's. The Bills and Bengals come to mind.
The Bills' throwbacks are classic. They should go back to those full time---white helemet with the stationary red buffalo. Great. Beats the heck out of their current regular uniform.
IMO, the seventies unis were perfect, in all respects, i.e. color, number styles, pants. I can still see the unforgettable photo of Bob Lilly wearing that style, sacking Griese in the '72 Bowl. The current uniforms seem a tad bland in comparison. The "Coke Classic" post earlier hit it on the nosey. Jerry needs to donate the recent retro unis to Goodwill and forget em.
SuperCows5Xs;1416892 said:
I'd have to say that's a no no, I don't want us copying the steelers.:)

you know, your right. I didn't even think of the Steelers,, no way do I want to even look like we are following their suit. Good call.
The only thing I would do for our uniforms is make it illegal for anyone to change it. Leave it alone. It's classic. It works. Even the throwbacks.
Hostile;1417056 said:
The only thing I would do for our uniforms is make it illegal for anyone to change it. Leave it alone. It's classic. It works. Even the throwbacks.


Couldn't have said it better.

I concur.

I agree.

That works for me.

Just leave the dadgum uniform alone......
-- I wouldn't do anything, except I do like the black shoes. I was kind of hoping Parcells would put that in as a tiny uniform tweak that looked a little tougher. And the older teams had them, so it's not like it's something the great old teams didn't have.

-- I do like what Catch-22 did with the silver pants, though. I could live with that.

-- I hate the throwbacks we have now and would love to see the *real* throwbacks like bbgun posted.

-- I'm in the minority in loving the more royal-blue jerseys. My ex-gf got me a Dan Reeves throwback off ebay for Christmas, and it's really sweet. I think our current throwbacks are too dark.

-- I love our current blue unis, though. Great looking uniform.

-- Some of the kids posting these radical ideas like... Well, I won't mention them... Are sickening. :(
MS17;1417009 said:
IMO, the seventies unis were perfect, in all respects, i.e. color, number styles, pants. I can still see the unforgettable photo of Bob Lilly wearing that style, sacking Griese in the '72 Bowl. The current uniforms seem a tad bland in comparison. The "Coke Classic" post earlier hit it on the nosey. Jerry needs to donate the recent retro unis to Goodwill and forget em.

The 70's uniforms were simply outstanding. We should have never changed them. Sadly, many of the young pups around here probably don't even know what they looked like.
Hostile;1417056 said:
The only thing I would do for our uniforms is make it illegal for anyone to change it. Leave it alone. It's classic. It works. Even the throwbacks.

Absolute masterful post, now email it to Jerry to get that into law. But not the throwbacks, if I never saw those again, it'd be too soon.
Hostile;1417056 said:
The only thing I would do for our uniforms is make it illegal for anyone to change it. Leave it alone. It's classic. It works. Even the throwbacks.
The numerals need to go back to the old style. Today's are generic/bland. What's so great about the big, bold, BORING numerals we're usung?
philo beddoe;1417097 said:
The numerals need to go back to the old style. Today's are generic/bland. What's so great about the big, bold, BORING numerals we're usung?

I love our number font, more and more teams that do uniform changes are moving toward different fonts, so sooner or later ours will be a rarity, if we keep the same style. Besides we won 3 superbowls in the '90s wearing that style, I think we should never change that or anything about the uni's because of that, and I think they should bring back the striped socks.

If the Dallas Cowboys had never won anything I'd be more open to a uni change, but I still think we have the best uniforms in all of sports past, present and future. But there's too much great tradition and the Cowboys should NEVER, EVER change thier uni's from what they currently are, not even to the smallest detail, not even changing the fasemask color, but like I said bring back the striped socks.:)
Hostile;1417056 said:
The only thing I would do for our uniforms is make it illegal for anyone to change it. Leave it alone. It's classic. It works. Even the throwbacks.

But today's unis were changed. We just want to change them back.
bbgun;1417135 said:
But today's unis were changed. We just want to change them back.
It was my way of saying there was too much estrogen in the topic.
Hostile;1417151 said:


Now that the estrogen levels have decreased significantly due to Hos's departure (shouldn't that gif have a dress on? ;) ) we can get back to discussing manly things - Like what color the drapes for the new stadium will be.

NorthDalal;1414850 said:
There is nothing cool about the Cardinals uniform.It stands for Loser.

The Dallas Cowboys uniform of Tex Schramm design is synonymous with the concept of America's Team, Dallas Doomsday Defense, Hole in the Roof, Bob Lilly, Tony Dorsett, Randy White, Roger Staubach,Tom Landry and the team that was "Next Years Champion" but became a dominant and popular historic franchise in the NFL.

The "Throwback" uniforms were akwardly designed Cotton Bowl era uniforms that can only rermind people old enough to remember that the Cowboys were once unlovable losers.

Don't be a 21st Century loser by suggesting that there is something historic about the softball uniforms Jerry has dredged up to sell at Christmas time.

I beseech the under 30 crowd (or is it the under 16 crowd?) here to relate a little to why the Cowboy's became America's Team and quit with Clown Stars, Black Jerseys and Red Trim there is only one America's Team and only one America's Team image.


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