Well said, I wasn't trying to thump my chest, just stating the facts. Nobody seems to give Qc the credit to this day that he at least took us to the post-season and the fact that he did develop into a decent QB. Even if it was a back up QB caliber development. I still don't agree with that though. Hutch to this day still has not developed into a decent QB and I'm really not trying to funny when saying that. QC went from a guy that couldn't even throw a spriral, not being able to read a defense, being labeled a run first QB into a decent down the field thrower and a playoff QB. Hutch, even after 3 years in the league is still plagued with his same faults. He fumbles on contact as he did last week and still makes bad decisions in the passing game. I'm not trying to start a flame thread, but that is really how I see it.