Hutchinson looks terrible

50cent said:
So basically what your saying is that we as Cowboys fans are only permitted to talk about the current Cowboys. Well if this is the case, I never want to see another thread about Emmitt, Troy, Wright, White, or any of our famed Boys. If all we are able to debate about are the famous Cowboys and other teams current players, then that is BS my friend. Although I doubt very serious that this forum is only about current Cowboys. I think these are your rules and you don't want to discuss QC or Hutch. So leave and don't reply. If it is moved then it is moved. However, I will and others will discuss whatever we please and not just what BZ wants us to discuss. So on with the Hutch is horrible discussion as well as the Merriman is a problem thread or TO is a jerk thread and any other thread that has nothing to do with the current Cowboys.

Talk about spinning.

This thread serves no purpose but to stir up crap, PERIOD. The fact that the pro-Carter side lost their hero means they need Hutchinson to fail to pump them back up.

The stupid QB war carries over to this day with the Henson bashing that goes on by the same posters that rooted for Carter and bashed Hutchinson.

You don't see those on the other side of this issue starting threads about how Quincy is still without a team, know do you?

The same people who flamed the war all along, are still there with the lighter fluid and zippo in hand, and it shows their true colors.

And they are not silver and blue.;)
Bottomline... Q-Bong and Hutch both suck! Carter = without a team. :rolleyes: Hutch = worse than Carter when it comes to physical skills and barely hanging on if that.

Overall, just two bad QB's who do not deserve this much publicity in a Cowboys' forum. :cool:
Everyone take a good look at Hutch, because he just might be giving us a glimpse of the future.
Take your pick, you can look at Brady and dream or keep dreaming or we can get a more realistic picture watching Hutch.
I'm just like some here that prefer to dream of a better than Brady type, so I'm in the wait and see mode. But I keep getting the feeling that Hutch is giving us the real picture, and if that is the case, I will be highly upset because we will have wasted money, time and a roster spot for however many years Henson is on the roster.

I hoping for the Brady or better clone.

Now, as for Carter he had/has a load of talent and he was not mediocre, and he was light years better than Hutch. ("light years" a phrase some here like to use)

There is no shame discussing either guy, and anyone can discuss them if they feel the urge.

I still say Carter would have had a year like Brees had last year. Last season was the make or break year for Carter, When Parcels got here, Carter finally got some consistency and come excellent coaching, plus stability.

He'll be back in the league, soon.

Kyle Orton will be the Bears QB before this season is done, and he will also beat out Grossman too next season.
blindzebra said:
Talk about spinning.

This thread serves no purpose but to stir up crap, PERIOD. The fact that the pro-Carter side lost their hero means they need Hutchinson to fail to pump them back up.

The stupid QB war carries over to this day with the Henson bashing that goes on by the same posters that rooted for Carter and bashed Hutchinson.

You don't see those on the other side of this issue starting threads about how Quincy is still without a team, know do you?

The same people who flamed the war all along, are still there with the lighter fluid and zippo in hand, and it shows their true colors.

And they are not silver and blue.;)

Not Silver and Blue HUH? Tread lightly.
blindzebra said:
Talk about spinning.

This thread serves no purpose but to stir up crap, PERIOD. The fact that the pro-Carter side lost their hero means they need Hutchinson to fail to pump them back up.

The stupid QB war carries over to this day with the Henson bashing that goes on by the same posters that rooted for Carter and bashed Hutchinson.

You don't see those on the other side of this issue starting threads about how Quincy is still without a team, know do you?

The same people who flamed the war all along, are still there with the lighter fluid and zippo in hand, and it shows their true colors.

And they are not silver and blue.;)
People like u blow this whole thing up. Not one post on this thread has been a flame. Everyone has had a respectful rebuttal. It is only your opinion that this thread serves no purpose, the same as the Merriman threads or the Eagles suck thread or whatever anyone post outside of the Boys. If they want to discuss it then it is of importance even if you don't feel so. Who the hell died and made you board god? Move on dude and stop replying. There are others in here that would like and have discussed this topic without flaming I might add. As for your Cater guys bashing Henson, what the hell does this have to do with me? I'm a full fledged Qc supporter when he was on the team and not once have I flamed Henson. Your way off base with your responses toward me and you need to move on to another thread. Go to one of your Boys only threads. Because as we speak here are the current threads on page on that have nothing to do with current Boys.
Portis looks good
Giants / Jets
New Skins Site
Matt Jones
Horse Collar not called
Go do your job and stop those threads and leave this one alone. You have much work to do lord!
Carter desrves more Respect than some are not trying to give him.
BHendri5 said:
Everyone take a good look at Hutch, because he just might be giving us a glimpse of the future.
Take your pick, you can look at Brady and dream or keep dreaming or we can get a more realistic picture watching Hutch.
I'm just like some here that prefer to dream of a better than Brady type, so I'm in the wait and see mode. But I keep getting the feeling that Hutch is giving us the real picture, and if that is the case, I will be highly upset because we will have wasted money, time and a roster spot for however many years Henson is on the roster.

I hoping for the Brady or better clone.

Now, as for Carter he had/has a load of talent and he was not mediocre, and he was light years better than Hutch. ("light years" a phrase some here like to use)

There is no shame discussing either guy, and anyone can discuss them if they feel the urge.

I still say Carter would have had a year like Brees had last year. Last season was the make or break year for Carter, When Parcels got here, Carter finally got some consistency and come excellent coaching, plus stability.

He'll be back in the league, soon.

Kyle Orton will be the Bears QB before this season is done, and he will also beat out Grossman too next season.
Man, nice take! Who the hell is this dude telling people to not discuss this subject because he doesn't like it? Orton by far is ahead of Hutch and that mere fact is ridiculous, because he's a rookie. It really is sad that Hutch hasn't figured it out yet. I saw the same player tonight that I saw 2 years ago. He hasn't gotten better and I'm not trying to be funny. I feel for the dude, because there is no telling what he might do when failing in 2 sports. He already gets too hard on himself.
blindzebra said:
The stupid QB war carries over to this day with the Henson bashing that goes on by the same posters that rooted for Carter and bashed Hutchinson.

Ummm. Where does this put me? I was a Q basher and now a Henson basher. Although I don't considered myself a Henson basher. I just don't understand the love affair a lot of people have with him.

For the record though I was very big Q basher.
Little Jr said:
Ummm. Where does this put me? I was a Q basher and now a Henson basher. Although I don't considered myself a Henson basher. I just don't understand the love affair a lot of people have with him.

For the record though I was very big Q basher.
We know Little Jr, we know! I was a QC supporter and now I'm a Henson non-basher. Where does this leave me?
People. You are all missing out on one important statistic.

Hutch was sacked 3 times and he didn't fumble once. Any game Hutch has without a fumble is a huge step forward! Give the man his due!
50cent said:
People like u blow this whole thing up. Not one post on this thread has been a flame. Everyone has had a respectful rebuttal. It is only your opinion that this thread serves no purpose, the same as the Merriman threads or the Eagles suck thread or whatever anyone post outside of the Boys. If they want to discuss it then it is of importance even if you don't feel so. Who the hell died and made you board god? Move on dude and stop replying. There are others in here that would like and have discussed this topic without flaming I might add. As for your Cater guys bashing Henson, what the hell does this have to do with me? I'm a full fledged Qc supporter when he was on the team and not once have I flamed Henson. Your way off base with your responses toward me and you need to move on to another thread. Go to one of your Boys only threads. Because as we speak here are the current threads on page on that have nothing to do with current Boys.
Portis looks good
Giants / Jets
New Skins Site
Matt Jones
Horse Collar not called
Go do your job and stop those threads and leave this one alone. You have much work to do lord!

You are proving my point beyond any doubt.

You started a thread to bash a player who is a footnote in Cowboys history to prop up another player who is also just a footnote.

You have yet to give a tangible reason for this thread. The old group traveled like moths to a flame, to join in on the bashing.

The fact that you view my comments as troubling means I hit close to home with the intent, and it's easier to attack me than to deal with the truth.

I repeat real fans do not put a player above the team, especially when that player is not even on the team.

Carry on with your little meeting.:rolleyes:
50cent said:
Man, nice take! Who the hell is this dude telling people to not discuss this subject because he doesn't like it? Orton by far is ahead of Hutch and that mere fact is ridiculous, because he's a rookie. It really is sad that Hutch hasn't figured it out yet. I saw the same player tonight that I saw 2 years ago. He hasn't gotten better and I'm not trying to be funny. I feel for the dude, because there is no telling what he might do when failing in 2 sports. He already gets too hard on himself.

He's a guy who hated Carter and was let down by Hutch, and he is still bitter I guess.
The proper thing to do would be to just ignore the thread, but he cannot get over his hatred for one and bitter disappointment in the other, it overwhelmed him and he cannot contain himself.
He jumps on here trying to start a flame with someone because he cannot get over the past.

Do not take the bait, just post what you feel.

I do not know why Jones got on this signing ex football players/failed baseball players trying to come back to football at the highest level, to try and play the hardest position on the field. Hutch and Drew where not 4yrs behind they were 6 or 7yrs behind.
And in Hutch's case he had only 2yrs of playing football in high school, one year he played LB, and his senior year he Played QB, and he had enough talent to get to Standford where he played 2 more years before going back to his first love Baseball.

He should have took the Baseball money coming out of High School, it was offered to him then also.

Those two guys put themselves behind a serious curve.
abersonc said:
People. You are all missing out on one important statistic.

Hutch was sacked 3 times and he didn't fumble once. Any game Hutch has without a fumble is a huge step forward! Give the man his due!
But did he step up in the pocket and get sacked or did he do his normal Statue of Liberty pose? J/K :)
blindzebra said:
You are proving my point beyond any doubt.

You started a thread to bash a player who is a footnote in Cowboys history to prop up another player who is also just a footnote.

You have yet to give a tangible reason for this thread. The old group traveled like moths to a flame, to join in on the bashing.

The fact that you view my comments as troubling means I hit close to home with the intent, and it's easier to attack me than to deal with the truth.

I repeat real fans do not put a player above the team, especially when that player is not even on the team.

Carry on with your little meeting.:rolleyes:

50 didnt start this thread.
50cent said:
We know Little Jr, we know! I was a QC supporter and now I'm a Henson non-basher. Where does this leave me?

Sorry Guys, but it has to be said........
A-Train = Eddie George
Another drive like the last and ...............
Henson = Hutchinson
Everything Henson does reminds me of Hutchinson even down to that corny squat drop back!

Sounds like non-bashing to me.:rolleyes:
Did he break out the "real fan" phrase? No, I do not believe he would do that to anyone that posts in here.
BHendri5 said:
Did he break out the "real fan" phrase? No, I do not believe he would do that to anyone that posts in here.

If the shoe fits.:D
blindzebra said:
You are proving my point beyond any doubt.

You started a thread to bash a player who is a footnote in Cowboys history to prop up another player who is also just a footnote.

You have yet to give a tangible reason for this thread. The old group traveled like moths to a flame, to join in on the bashing.

The fact that you view my comments as troubling means I hit close to home with the intent, and it's easier to attack me than to deal with the truth.

I repeat real fans do not put a player above the team, especially when that player is not even on the team.

Carry on with your little meeting.:rolleyes:
Your a talented mind-reader too lord. Move on! Respectfull people are discussing on this thread without flaming! Your no longer need here.

Footnote to anyone viewing this thread- My posts on this thread are to point out that Hutch has yet to develop into a reliable NFL QB or develop any presence on the field. He has also yet to improve as a NFL player. These are the reason I post on this thread. I also question anyone that does or did see any potential in Chad, becuase I never saw it in him. These footnotes are here for the approval of Board God, BZ. So that we as Boys fans can discuss such topics not related to the current Boys with Board God's thumbs up.
The thing that i did not understand about Carter's critiques is that even though he showed improvement each year with the cowboys, people never accepted him as a young qb prospect. Maybe it was his speech problem or precieved lack of smarts but it seems he was always viewed as a dumb mobile quarterback who could not read the field and needed the offense to be facilitated to his mental ablility . I see other players like Harrington or Ramsey continually revcieve the benefit of the doubt without showing the improvement carter showed. I dont know it was a racial thing, but it just seems even before the drug issues he was never accepted or rooted for like most other young qbs around the league.

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