I am still in awe

Now THIS is attention grabbing. I know I could care less who you put on ignore. At least GTB is intending to entertain. Yours was just a post of hate.

yeah unadultirated hate and that is bad. why cant we all just drink from the furry cup of friendship? It would salve a lot of things.
This schtick is old and tired. It is with great pleasure that I will now be using the Ignore button for only the second time, don't know what took me so long.

well at least you wont be hurting meine feelings now. when you grow up you can unignore me and we can be fiends.
You are a good mans. I try hard to write the truth and stuff. If you like it then meine struggle is not for not.

I love your style of writing, Gimme. You are very clever and entertaining. I have always thought you were writing in a German accent. lol. We have a little something in common in that way, I love to speak, read, and even think in British and Spanish accents. lol. I half tghied da Guhman akksent, but am no guht aht eet. lol.

It is easy to see that you are a very intelligent man. Don't pay attention to those on this board with obvious less intelligence, creativity, and class than you have. They are mean, and if this was my website they would be banned. I don't think CyberBullying should be allowed, and that is blatantly what they are doing. One comment questioning you is one thing, but multiple pages by the same bullies of cutting you at the knees and calling you names is completely uncalled for and I don't get why they don't have "benched" under their names. They are wrong. I hope they have family to buy them Christmas gifts, because Santa will not be bringing them anything.;)

You keep doing what you are doing, because despite a handful of boneheads on this site, there are a lot of us who look forward to your posts. And you have a great night, Mr. Gimme.:)
I'm trying to figure it out myself? I want to say something or ask a question or three, but don't want to get kicked off the site. Someone explain please..:

A clever racist is all I have taken so far. ;) Read it for what it is (no depth unfortunately = he's doing his Buckwheat impression...). He's a punk. Will gladly school him anytime he's ready:D
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I love your style of writing, Gimme. You are very clever and entertaining. I have always thought you were writing in a German accent. lol. We have a little something in common in that way, I love to speak, read, and even think in British and Spanish accents. lol. I half tghied da Guhman akksent, but am no guht aht eet. lol.

It is easy to see that you are a very intelligent man. Don't pay attention to those on this board with obvious less intelligence, creativity, and class than you have. They are mean, and if this was my website they would be banned. I don't think CyberBullying should be allowed, and that is blatantly what they are doing. One comment questioning you is one thing, but multiple pages by the same bullies of cutting you at the knees and calling you names is completely uncalled for and I don't get why they don't have "benched" under their names. They are wrong. I hope they have family to buy them Christmas gifts, because Santa will not be bringing them anything.;)

You keep doing what you are doing, because despite a handful of boneheads on this site, there are a lot of us who look forward to your posts. And you have a great night, Mr. Gimme.:)

yes. Go on . . .
A clever racist is all I have taken so far. ;) Read it for what it is (no depth unfortunately = he's doing his Buckwheat impression...). He's a punk. Will gladly school him anytime he's ready:D

Hatah. Shame, shame every body know your name! Ok mr. Big show me yo depth? Yo depth is like a one story elivator. Ok that is not clever but you half me flustered. I am goink to ax advise from some smart mans and then you will be sorry with my manly retort. You half been warned.:mad:
OK, what half we learned here? I will tell yo what we half learned. That it is havetime for the Cowboys and they can make there move if they keep doing the good things they half. OK also that what is importent here is that we start halfing some convidence in the Boys.
Also that hatahs unfortunly tried to derail football talk.
All I ax is Romo to keep it simple and the D to bent but not break.
Thanks for the support from good men of good cheer hear but no thanks to the hatahs who just want to spoilt the whole thing for us.
Turn the hate into introvspection and get a hold of your venimus thoughts and maybe you can join desent people hear to trade views. OK?
don't agree with that at all. ostracization is a perfectly valid method of dealing with off-putting behavior.

Those are the big birds from where Crokodil Dundee come from? I would shun them birds because they can be eratic and mean like you.
Hatah. Shame, shame every body know your name! Ok mr. Big show me yo depth? Yo depth is like a one story elivator. Ok that is not clever but you half me flustered. I am goink to ax advise from some smart mans and then you will be sorry with my manly retort. You half been warned.:mad:

Oh no depth over here. But I used to read your stuff thinking there was something more to it. You clarified that for me when I IMD you.o_O
I love your style of writing, Gimme. You are very clever and entertaining. I have always thought you were writing in a German accent. lol. We have a little something in common in that way, I love to speak, read, and even think in British and Spanish accents. lol. I half tghied da Guhman akksent, but am no guht aht eet. lol.

It is easy to see that you are a very intelligent man. Don't pay attention to those on this board with obvious less intelligence, creativity, and class than you have. They are mean, and if this was my website they would be banned. I don't think CyberBullying should be allowed, and that is blatantly what they are doing. One comment questioning you is one thing, but multiple pages by the same bullies of cutting you at the knees and calling you names is completely uncalled for and I don't get why they don't have "benched" under their names. They are wrong. I hope they have family to buy them Christmas gifts, because Santa will not be bringing them anything.;)

You keep doing what you are doing, because despite a handful of boneheads on this site, there are a lot of us who look forward to your posts. And you have a great night, Mr. Gimme.:)

the handful of boneheads are the ones defending the shtick. those that find this look at me attention grabbing to be annoying vastly outnumber the boneheads
Oh no depth over here. But I used to read your stuff thinking there was something more to it. You clarified that for me when I IMD you.o_O

clarifying is good for friendships and for proper drinking water.:)
the handful of boneheads are the ones defending the shtick. those that find this look at me attention grabbing to be annoying vastly outnumber the boneheads

Looks to me like you have done a lot more look at me attention grabbing in this thread than any shtick has. Maybe it's time to just let it go. You have said what you have to say, and said it again and again and again. Why are you such an angry person? And just because people find it annoying, does that give you the right to attack and bully? Say what you have to say and move on, like most others have done. Or why say anything at all? If you know what the threads are going to consist of, why do you click on them in the first place? So you can dive in and attack again? That is bullying and stalking. If you are proud of yourself, then fine. Be like an Eagles fan.
Looks to me like you have done a lot more look at me attention grabbing in this thread than any shtick has. Maybe it's time to just let it go. You have said what you have to say, and said it again and again and again. Why are you such an angry person? And just because people find it annoying, does that give you the right to attack and bully? Say what you have to say and move on, like most others have done. Or why say anything at all? If you know what the threads are going to consist of, why do you click on them in the first place? So you can dive in and attack again? That is bullying and stalking. If you are proud of yourself, then fine. Be like an Eagles fan.

looks to me like you are one of very few people that doesn't hate the shtick.

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