I believe it is time to journey towards future success


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Remember Diehard Blues constantly throwing out the 'who do we replace him with' rhetoric when arguing against getting rid of Garrett? The same thing applies now. You know you have something that isn't getting the job done, so why the hell would you stick with it?

The last sentence of the rant - 'A playoff choker and Stat-padder is what a lot of you are desperate to re-sign to a contract, tells me that a lot of you fans are actually insufferable.' - I don't think this is why Dak's fans want him resigned. They want Dak resigned merely because they're Dak fans first. They don't give a spit if Dak gets signed to a 500 mil a season deal that cripples the franchise for the next 50 years, they want him on the roster no matter what. I don't think desperation is the right word to use, insanity fits much better.
For the record, many of the so called Dak fans you speak of, have posted that they don't want Dak at, or near to a record deal. They also don't wish him lose....which means the Cowboys lose.

PA Cowboy Fan

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And this reminds me of the big issue I have - I can't name anyone on the roster who I believe actually cares to win anything of importance. The 'bag' is all they care about, that's a much higher priority to them and always will be.
We really don't have any leaders on this team.


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Not sure why so many threads and posts start off projecting so much hostility at fellow fans. This fan likes this player. That fan likes that player. Disagreement turns into the Hatfields and McCoys, with both parties having zero say on the player. The coach. The draft. Etc.

In my opinion, the resentment has been misplaced for a long time. Don't like a player? Well. Maybe lob that inner dissatisfaction at the guy signing his check.

Never a good reason to have hostility toward anyone here but I think we are just seeing frustration at the owner, coaches and players that have predictably come up short.

We don't interact with the team but we do interact with each other so we naturally take it out on each other because we disagree on the cause of failure and who is to blame.

We can and SHOULD disagree on things but just need to be more civil when at all possible.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Never a good reason to have hostility toward anyone here but I think we are just seeing frustration at the owner, coaches and players that have predictably come up short.

We don't interact with the team but we do interact with each other so we naturally take it out on each other because we disagree on the cause of failure and who is to blame.

We can and SHOULD disagree on things but just need to be more civil when at all possible.
You are correct but when exactly should the frustration be properly re-focused? This internal fan conflict has been building for almost 30 years. Practically three decades. Is the right answer 'never'?

Seriously. Fans have been lobbing so many arrows at each other that everyone has been left standing looking like Swiss cheese. Logically, shooting a stationary target from three yards away with a BAZOOKA should finally begin feeling both old and completely unproductive.


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Minus the incessant Dak blather, I agree. At some point you have to reset, and I also believe it's time. However, a rebuild takes a competent GM, and we have the worst.

I'm curious, why in the world did you make this thread and fill the first part full of Dak spew? You know that ruins your whole thread, right? The spatter will be in soon to take over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well if the cowboys are going to rebuild and have a different approach to football, then they need to have a different approach towards the QB position as that is a center peice to building a football team.

Dak and Romo are prime examples of why the FO should stop with experimental QBs that hang around the team for 8 years or more with nothing to show for. I'd like to see what higher round QBs can do within that kind of time instead of bargin bends.


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Well if the cowboys are going to rebuild and have a different approach to football, then they need to have a different approach towards the QB position as that is a center peice to building a football team.

Dak and Romo are prime examples of why the FO should stop with experimental QBs that hang around the team for 8 years or more with nothing to show for. I'd like to see what higher round QBs can do within that kind of time instead of bargin bends.
The first overall pick in the draft is experimental lol. You can’t escape an experimental quarterback.


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Respectfully you seem to be out of touch with how the NFL works.

You don’t have to like Dak but to judge those that do is just as silly as those judging those that don’t. You aren’t any better than what you are trying to claim to be.
if you believe Dak is part of the problem then you say it. He did. You don't like it or agree with it fine. But you were clearly dodging the question about moving forward


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Purdy hasn’t exactly lit it up in the playoffs himself.
Decided to do a quick lookup of Daks and Purdys stats as they've played 7 and 6 playoff games respectively so it's a comparable sample size.

For the good news, the passer ratings are pretty close as Purdy has an average of 96.2 while Dak has a 91.8

Purdy has the edge in average yards per completion, however Dak has a much larger yards per game average. Dak also has a slight edge at completion percentage at 64% vs 62% so again pretty comparable.

The biggest difference is TDs vs Ints. ..... (Purdy is 6 Tds -1 Int) (Dak is 14 Tds-7 Ints)

Its just food for thought......other factors such as the talent around each qb AND the strength of playoff teams they faced should be considered.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
You are correct but when exactly should the frustration be properly re-focused? This internal fan conflict has been building for almost 30 years. Practically three decades. Is the right answer 'never'?

Seriously. Fans have been lobbing so many arrows at each other that everyone has been left standing looking like Swiss cheese. Logically, shooting a stationary target from three yards away with a BAZOOKA should finally begin feeling both old and completely unproductive.
Any time I or anyone posts something positive about a player, coach etc. the bottom dwellers immediately take the thread down the gutter. Comparing the two sides as equals is a joke and only done by mods because they have to. Just don’t pretend both sides are equally to blame.


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Decided to do a quick lookup of Daks and Purdys stats as they've played 7 and 6 playoff games respectively so it's a comparable sample size.

For the good news, the passer ratings are pretty close as Purdy has an average of 96.2 while Dak has a 91.8

Purdy has the edge in average yards per completion, however Dak has a much larger yards per game average. Dak also has a slight edge at completion percentage at 64% vs 62% so again pretty comparable.

The biggest difference is TDs vs Ints. ..... (Purdy is 6 Tds -1 Int) (Dak is 14 Tds-7 Ints)

Just food for thought......other factors such as the talent around each qb AND the strength of playoff teams they faced should be considered.
I like Purdy too but to assume we’d beat the 9ers if we had Purdy is silly. 9ers are winning with or without him.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Decided to do a quick lookup of Daks and Purdys stats as they've played 7 and 6 playoff games respectively so it's a comparable sample size.

For the good news, the passer ratings are pretty close as Purdy has an average of 96.2 while Dak has a 91.8

Purdy has the edge in average yards per completion, however Dak has a much larger yards per game average. Dak also has a slight edge at completion percentage at 64% vs 62% so again pretty comparable.

The biggest difference is TDs vs Ints. ..... (Purdy is 6 Tds -1 Int) (Dak is 14 Tds-7 Ints)

It’s just food for thought......other factors such as the talent around each qb AND the strength of playoff teams they faced should be considered.
Ya think? Are you finally admitting that? There’s hope!


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Any time I or anyone posts something positive about a player, coach etc. the bottom dwellers immediately take the thread down the gutter. Comparing the two sides as equals is a joke and only done by mods because they have to. Just don’t pretend both sides are equally to blame.
You are suggesting I implied there is equally involved. I did not. I consider it irrelevant.


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I like Purdy too but to assume we’d beat the 9ers if we had Purdy is silly. 9ers are winning with or without him.
I still can't believe our defense held them to 19 points in that playoff game and we only generated 1 TD......what a missed opportunity for us.

Oh, well...water under the bridge


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Ya think? Are you finally admitting that? There’s hope!
For the 2024 season? No way

I was just showing how Purdys playoff numbers were pretty close to Daks in some of the measurables......nothing more, nothing less.

My realistic hope starts after the 2024 season is over