I believe we need a twelth man flag


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The noise in Seattle is more a product of the way the stadium is designed than the loudness of their fans.

In other words, they're frauds.

This is true, and JJ took that design from that stadium, and well as designs from other venues around the world.
The one thing about Cowboys Stadium, it was designed this way to flow the noise down to the field, but yet to allow the fans still think to themselves and hear each other talk. The stadium is so vast also, that it allows for that to be accomplished, as if an outside stadium.

For those who have not been to a game have no right to complain, as what you think you may hear how the crowd noise is from different games on the TV is not indicative of how it really is. I been to many game [season tickets] and it has been very loud at a lot of games. True some games aren't as loud. But most other teams are the same way.

Most people only watch, or only the big huge games, rivalry games and such is what most are able to view, so it's perceived every one of those teams games are that way.
A Packers / Bears game will be shown, fans are louder. You won't see the Bears / Buccaneers game, where it may not be as loud.
Also one persons opinion on here that has been to a game, can be completely different than another persons opinion, including mine. It also depends on the game and where they sat that particular game. So most will think what the want to think, form their opinion, mostly from their own preconceived ideas.

If one wants to whine about it, then they will, if they don't want to whine, then they won't.
But go to a game yourself before you do or don't.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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The noise in Seattle is more a product of the way the stadium is designed than the loudness of their fans.

In other words, they're frauds.

And that matters?

Jerry Jones had every chance to design his stadium to create a competitive advantage for it to be used for FOOTBALL.

And he chose not to do so.

I admire the fact Paul Allen decided that a stadium is used for football, not as a personal money-making device.


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And that matters?

Jerry Jones had every chance to design his stadium to create a competitive advantage for it to be used for FOOTBALL.

And he chose not to do so.

I admire the fact Paul Allen decided that a stadium is used for football, not as a personal money-making device.

Oh please. Every stadium should have monstrous modern art hanging from the rafters & cage dancers! :p


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Oh please. Every stadium should have monstrous modern art hanging from the rafters & cage dancers! :p

The cage dancers are the most damning evidence that Jerry Jones built that monstrosity for reasons other than winning football games.

Risen Star

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And that matters?

Jerry Jones had every chance to design his stadium to create a competitive advantage for it to be used for FOOTBALL.

And he chose not to do so.

I admire the fact Paul Allen decided that a stadium is used for football, not as a personal money-making device.

That's what it is right there. That stadium really illustrates what is wrong with this team. All show, no substance. Ego, ego, ego.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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That's what it is right there. That stadium really illustrates what is wrong with this team. All show, no substance. Ego, ego, ego.

Well, when your team is eliminated from the chance to go to the playoffs and all you can comment on how proud you are of your stadium, that provides all the answers anyone with a functional brain needs to understand how important winning is the man.

Everything he did when Parcells was coach was to get that stadium. And the poor man really sacrificed.


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Ha, we have some of the worst fans in the league if you're looking for a good football atmosphere.


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Why would we want to replicate another teams shtick? Now, I wouldn't mind doing exactly what they do on the field, but that's an entirely different thread. But really, taking what another teams fans have done, and saying we are going to do it also. That's embarrassing.


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It is no disgrace to be a copy cat in this league. The fans at the games get emotionally pumped up when they see the flag that represents them and give it their all to live up to the billing of the twelfth man. Having Rogers number up on a flag would make me fall in love. Again. :p

Wouldn't that require the fans to be the 12th man and actually seam t the right time?


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And that matters?

Jerry Jones had every chance to design his stadium to create a competitive advantage for it to be used for FOOTBALL.

And he chose not to do so.

I admire the fact Paul Allen decided that a stadium is used for football, not as a personal money-making device.

That is not necessarily true. Making money does help the team. Money may be spent in areas of scouting and coaching and many benefits to players including hotels and team facilities in Valley Ranch and Oxnard and that add reasons to become part of this team that is the cherry on top during these CAP years.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It is no disgrace to be a copy cat in this league. The fans at the games get emotionally pumped up when they see the flag that represents them and give it their all to live up to the billing of the twelfth man. Having Rogers number up on a flag would make me fall in love. Again. :p

Jerry should just amplify the crowd with electronics. Speakers, microphones and amplifiers.


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I've been to Seattle lots of time & IMO that's an ugly stadium. So yea I have an idea.

You can have your opinion about it being ugly or not, that's your opinion. But as far as the way it's built being responsible for how loud it is, that's nonsense.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
It isn't ugly at all......

This is an example of an ugly one.....